Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 180: final copy (twenty-eight)

Accompanied by the fake Jing Ruyu, Xia Zhiyi checked the fake home.

The sight inside the house is clear, and the tables, chairs and benches are all in place without any abnormality.

Xia Zhiyi deliberately slowed down her pace, a step slower than "Jing Ruyu", and kept walking behind her.

She raised her eyes to observe the person in front of her, maybe it wasn't a person either.

Obviously, the biggest anomaly in this family now is this enigmatic counterfeit product.

At this moment, Xia Zhiyi only felt that the new world was extremely dangerous.

Let her escape from the dead, and gave her a beautiful fantasy, making her mistakenly think that she has reunited with her beloved, and she no longer has to fight alone.

If she didn't see through, New World might plan to use this trick to delay the time until it pushes her to the abyss of death.

Being "killed" by someone you trust and love, is there anything more hopeless in this world than this?

It's a pity that this cold and cruel place underestimated their love, underestimated their mutual support, sharing joys and sorrows, and their tacit understanding along the way.

They have long been irreplaceable in each other's lives.

At this time, the person in front of him suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Jing Ruyu" looked at her and said, "Look, nothing happened, I just said it's safe here, can you rest assured now?"

And this fake Jing Ruyu doesn't know anything yet.

She is still working hard to dispel her worries, trying to make her believe her, rely on her, and listen to her like a fool.

It's just full of flaws, but the acting is quite hard.

Xia Zhiyi looked at this perfect replica of his girlfriend's face, and suddenly smiled.

If that's the case, then she'll act along with her.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move, it may not be good for her to tear her face now, so let's maintain this superficial harmony until she solves the puzzle.

However, it is impossible to act in a sweet scene, she, Xia, has another script.

How dare she pretend to be her girlfriend, how dare she lie to her, and don't give the other party some trouble, how can she be worthy of her wicked original intention!

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiyi's smile deepened, even a little cloudy.

"Are you blaming me for thinking too much now?"

False Jing Ruyu couldn't help being taken aback when she heard her tone: "?"

Xia Zhiyi said in an unhappy tone: "In this kind of place, you have to be cautious and careful, am I wrong to be careful? Why do you sound like you are accusing me of being too busy, and you sound impatient?

"What's the matter, Jing Ruyu, you're tired of me just because you didn't see me?"

The fake scene is like jade: "...?"

Xia Zhiyi covered her face, and immediately began to fake cry: "My surname is Jing, after getting back together, you clearly said that you would treat him well, but before you paid the money, you became impatient with me, you... woo... "

Fake Jing Ruyu was taken aback by her acting, she never expected that she would take on this role.

She wanted to say something was wrong, but when she looked at the person in front of her, the existing information told her: Xia Zhiyi would do this, she was the kind of person.

She likes Jing Ruyu and cares about Jing Ruyu, Jing Ruyu's distant attitude will make her feel sad and even shed tears.

Fake Jing Ruyu had nothing to say, and quickly hugged him into his arms to comfort him: "No, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong!"

"Then what do you mean?!" Xia Zhiyi said while pounding her chest with his fist, "Say it!"

The fake scene of being hammered wildly is like jade: "..."

Is this love?

so much love...

After venting his anger on his girlfriend, Xia Zhiyi broke free from "Jing Ruyu"'s embrace, turned around and walked away angrily, looking like he couldn't be coaxed well.

As she walked, she recalled Jing Ruyu's expression.

She hit her with all her strength just now, but as a result, Jing Ruyu didn't even frown, as if she couldn't feel the pain—it really wasn't a person!

Seeing her leaving angrily, "Jing Ruyu" could only chase after her, coaxing people for the sake of character design, so as not to be exposed.

Bubu was holding the glass with both hands, and handed the glass to "Xia Zhiyi" with a cheerful expression.

"Mom drink water."

"Xia Zhiyi" sat on the sofa and took the water glass, and patted her little head with a smile: "Good boy."

In order to show her love for the children and not be seen through by them, she resolutely drank the water in the cup, and then said to Bubu: "Mom is done drinking, there is no more."

Bubu showed a bright smile when he heard the words.

"Xia Zhiyi" smiled agreeably, and then heard the sound of pouring water from the side.

She turned her head to look, and saw Jing Ruyu standing behind the sofa holding a kettle, with a calm expression, pouring water into her cup meticulously.


"You usually like to drink water the most. Now it's rare to have time to rest. Drink more. Don't worry, the water pipe is enough."

Jing Ruyu showed her the kettle in her hand calmly.

"I prepared a pot, all of which are yours."

Bubu said happily from the side: "Mom, drink all the water!"

Fake Xia Zhiyi looked confused.

drink it all? !

is it necessary? ?

She asked very puzzled, "Do I usually like to drink water?"

It seems that there is no such information? ? ?

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Jing Ruyu looking down at her, and a questioning question came out of her nose: "Huh?

"It's just a small gap, how come you forget your idea of ​​eight glasses of water a day?

"Or do you think I remember wrongly?"

"Xia Zhiyi" grabbed her words and said without thinking, "It's because you remembered wrongly!"

She took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Jing Ruyu, you actually misremembered my affairs, forgot what I like, and still want to pour so much water on me?!"

Jing Ruyu didn't know her identity. Jing Ruyu liked Xia Zhiyi, but she was also afraid that Xia Zhiyi would be unhappy.

Jing Ruyu will definitely flatter her in turn when she shows her face.

In this way, is it not easy for Jing Ruyu to obey?

Little did he know that this did not deter Jing Ruyu.

Jing Ruyu put the kettle aside, bent down to approach her, and even reached out to caress her face.

That look was clearly full of tenderness, but it still made her feel inexplicably creepy.

"Zhiyi, I haven't forgotten anything about you," Jing Ruyu said, "but you forgot one thing about me."


"I have a good memory."


"So I won't remember anything wrong."

Fake Xia Zhiyi was stunned.

— There is indeed this message!

She panicked and didn't dare to speak easily for a while.

What's going on, could it be that she found me?

She won't really find out that I'm a fake!

But she found out that I was a fake, shouldn't she be very angry? How could she have such a gentle attitude? ?

Then she saw Jing Ruyu and said softly: "It seems that you are too tired.

"Staying here alone and not being able to do anything is also a torment.

"Thank you for your hard work. With me here, you just sit here and have a good rest, huh?"

Survival from a desperate situation!

"Xia Zhiyi" smiled and nodded: "Yeah! I'm not afraid when you're here!"

"Well, drink more water."




"Xia Zhiyi" reluctantly picked up the water and continued to drink.

What's so good about drinking water? If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered, she really didn't want to drink it...

Jing Ruyu stood behind and watched her lower her head to drink water.

Although she looked like Xia Zhiyi, she would not show any mercy.

Her family's Zhiyi is not someone who can pretend to be casually. If she dares to pretend to be her Zhiyi, how can she not give "her" a little bit of trouble?

Just drink a few more glasses of water, she is very kind.

Jing Ruyu didn't forget the main task - customs clearance.

Hurry up to clear the customs and hurry up to meet your girlfriend.

She walked around the sofa, put the kettle on the coffee table, then sat down on the sofa and asked, "Have you thought of any hints about this level?"

"Xia Zhiyi" looked at her with a water glass in his hand, and asked, "Did you think of anything?"

Jing Ruyu shook her head: "Not yet."

"Xia Zhiyi" held the glass of water and turned around, "I didn't either, I was so frightened that I couldn't move my mind."

Jing Ruyu raised her eyebrows slightly.

He actually knew how to use her words to deal with her. It could be seen that he wanted to delay her time.

She looked down and saw the shadow of "Xia Zhiyi" falling on the ground.


If you think about it carefully, the shadow does meet the conditions of being like a shadow.

Could it be that the answer to the second level is really a shadow?

Xia Zhiyi has already been coaxed by "Jing Ruyu".

She is stepping on her shadow.

Follow them like a shadow, follow them like a shadow, doesn't the shadow just follow them like a shadow?

For the sake of rigor, she even stepped on an undercover agent sent by New World.

"Jing Ruyu" knew she was solving a riddle, so he didn't move, and just let her step on his shadow.

Nothing happened.

Xia Zhiyi glanced at "Jing Ruyu" and asked her to step on her own shadow.

The more natural she behaves, the less suspicious "Jing Ruyu" will be.

And now that the initiative between the two of them is in her hands, "Jing Ruyu" doesn't want to expose her to suspicion, so she will naturally follow her will.

However, after "Jing Ruyu" stepped on her shadow, nothing happened.

Xia Zhiyi rested her chin in thought.

After a while, she looked up at "Jing Ruyu".

"Ruyu, you have a smart mind, did the twelve-character prompt remind you of anything?"

It sounds like a sentence entrusting all trust.

"Jing Ruyu" also thought about it in order not to make her suspicious.

Then, she led her to the French windows in the living room.

Standing in front of the window, she raised her finger to the incomparably brilliant sun in the sky, and said, "I think it might be this."

Xia Zhiyi followed and looked at the sun.

"Jing Ruyu" said solemnly: "The sun shines all over the earth, everything grows vigorously under its support, and there is nowhere to hide, and wherever the sun shines, shadows follow us like shadows.

"Twelve-character reminders, the conditions of the sun are all in line, I think this is it."

Xia Zhiyi looked at the sky, nodded solemnly, and did not speak.

Very reasonable, very logical, as if this is the correct answer, but because it was said by an undercover agent sent by New World...

Xia Zhiyi crossed the answer "sun" in his heart.

Great, ruled out one wrong answer, thanks for the indirect help from New World!

The author has something to say:

Boss Fake King: Are you taking my trial and error here?

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