Be a Superstar With the System

Chapter 1010: "Murder in the Mirror"

Chapter 1010 "Murder in the Mirror"

At the beginning of the script, the police discovered a murder scene.

The victim was a family of three. The son had just graduated from university and was still looking for a job, but now he has been dismissed and separated.

The wife is forty-four years old and a housewife. Because her husband has been in jail, she has worked so hard to pull her son up.

But now she was chopped into a pool of rotten meat, she couldn't see the shape at all, and there were many mirror fragments on her body.

The last person is the male owner of this house. He was arrested for murdering people more than 20 years ago and spent 20 years in prison. It has not been half a year since he was released.

Twenty years have allowed this passionate young man to recognize the reality and become safe and self-conscious.

After he was released from prison, he took a job as a security guard, but now he is taped to a stool. His eyes are prominent and his expression is hideous. Obviously he has witnessed the whole process of the prisoner torturing and killing his family!

The most horrifying thing is his method of death. On the cover of his heavenly spirit, a rusty long nail was nailed!

All the mirrors in the house were broken and shattered to the ground.

This vicious homicide has attracted the attention of the police. A task force was set up to investigate the matter, but the criminal was very cunning, and there was no useful evidence at the scene.

Just as the police were at a loss, the second murder happened!

And this time it was shown in front of the public. In an instant, the major media knew about this vicious homicide, and the police could not hide it if they wanted to hide it!

This time the victim died even worse. His stomach was thrown away, and his internal organs hadn't been known for a long time, and the internal organs were supposed to be placed, and two people's heads were dropped!

One belongs to his ex-wife, and the other belongs to his daughter!

His body was frozen in a huge block of ice, and there were some broken mirror fragments in the ice. They were placed so quietly in a park, like an ice sculpture, and were finally found by the old man in the morning exercise.

The old man was also admitted to the hospital because of excessive fright, and he passed away soon!

The huge pressure of public opinion began to pressure the upper-level leaders to put pressure on the police.

In the face of the people’s panic, the police also gave their promises. They claimed that they now have clues and they will definitely solve the case within a month!

And this case fell on the old criminal police captain, Liu Weixing played by Hu Mingzhi!

He is a legend in the police force, and the crime detection rate is a myth in the industry, but because of his bad temper, he offended a certain leader, resulting in only a captain until now.

He first investigated whether the two murders had anything in common, and finally found out something.

They were all just released from a prison, and they were also in prison for the same thing.

Just over twenty years ago, Liu Weixing was a small policeman, and the master who took him at that time was an old detective in the team.

And the cases of these people have something to do with his master.

When Master investigated a murder case, he was finally retaliated against, and he was tortured and killed at home along with his wife.

And all this was clearly seen by the son hiding under the bed!

The kid was named Qi Lin. After the police found him, they sent him to his grandparents' house for protection until the case was solved and the four were arrested and put in jail.

However, the four criminals were rich and wealthy. They were originally sentenced to death, but they were changed to imprisonment for thirty years!

Later, because of a series of commutations, it became twenty years!

Qi Lin's grandparents died within two years because they couldn't bear the pain of losing their children. Qi Lin was also sent to the orphanage.

Because of his withdrawn personality and always talking to the mirror with a silly person, no one has adopted him.

In this way, he stayed in the orphanage until he was fourteen years old. After being discharged from the hospital, there was no news, as if the world had evaporated!

Subconsciously, Liu Weixing felt that there must be some connection between these two things, so he started an investigation!

However, there was no news of Qi Lin in the archives, which made him even more suspicious that he had something to do with this case!

The police began to protect the remaining two and their families to prevent them from being killed!

More than twenty days passed in this way, and the above thought that Liu Weixing's investigation was in the wrong direction and wasted a lot of police force! So they evacuated the police protecting them.

But in fact, all of this was deliberately acted as a trap for Qi Lin!

Surprisingly, Qi Lin still did not show up! In a blink of an eye, one month passed, and the one month promised by the police failed to solve the case!

Everyone from top to bottom was punished to varying degrees, especially Liu Weixing, who was even more scolded!

The police leader said that if he hadn't wasted more than 20 days on protecting those two people, he might have solved the case now, and he wouldn't need to be a joke of the police force at all!

But when he was reprimanding Liu Weixing, a small police officer rushed in in a panic and said that he had found the body again, this time a family of four! It was the one that Liu Weixing arranged to protect at the beginning!

Now the leaders can't care about teaching Liu Weixing, and immediately let him investigate this matter!

Liu Weixing took people to the scene, only to find that the forensic doctors who went to the scene were vomiting in the trash can.

After Liu Weixing went in and took a look at the unknown, he also came out holding a trash can and vomited!

This is really disgusting the situation inside! The heads of a family of four in the house are all placed in a big fish tank!

I don't know what kind of fish is raised there, and it has gnawed the heads of their family of four completely unrecognizable.

The corpse was made into meat and packed into the belly of two big golden retrievers! Like the previous two homicides, all the mirrors on the scene were also broken.

This is the first time Liu Weixing has been an old criminal policeman for more than 20 years! He was vomiting while holding the trash can, while consulting the forensic doctor.

"How long did these people die? Were any murder weapons found at the scene?"

The forensic doctor waved his hands again and again: "We have just arrived. The preliminary judgment is that the time of death is within 48 hours, and their meat is still very bad."

After the forensic doctors finished speaking, they began to vomit again and again. Liu Weixing frowned tightly. He felt that the time period chosen by the other party was too coincidental. They started committing crimes shortly after they retreated. This is very likely to prove that the other party was a wire insider in the police station!

He reported the matter to the leader, and decided to protect the last family himself!

Because this case is most likely the case committed by Qi Lin, the son of the old detective!

And this murderer is the last of the four, kill him, then it is possible that he will never be caught again!

Liu Weixing personally took people to guard the criminal's home. The criminal had no offspring, and his wife had divorced him a long time ago. He was the only one left in the family.

But as long as he was a human being, he was afraid of death. After the police showed him the fate of his three companions, he was very cooperative!

At this time, there was a message from the police department saying that it had discovered news about Qi Lin...

(End of this chapter)

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