Be a Superstar With the System

Chapter 961: Photo debut?

Gong Nanbei hadn't looked at his mobile phone before, and it rang for more than a minute when he turned on the phone.

After understanding the cause and effect, Gong Nanbei directly commented below: "You put my son down!"

This comment was quickly topped, and the number of likes exceeded 100,000 in less than an hour.

The following netizens are excited about what they are, and the discussion is called a lively discussion!

"This is Gong Ge's son? Why don't you tell me about giving birth to such a big son?"

"Oh, this little look is so cute, the same as when I was a kid"

"This is the child I gave birth to Nan Bei? Why am I not impressed?"

"Upstairs, I suggest you look at your head, what is wrong with you specified!"

Baihao was born to be crazy by himself. Seeing that his Weibo became popular, he immediately posted another one.

This time he picked up another little boy, who looked a little timid, but liked to laugh.

No one else, it is our Miss Gong!

Bai Hao also added a message below, smiling very happily.

"My brother-in-law won't let me hold my niece, then it doesn't matter if I hold my niece!"

This completely pushed the atmosphere to a climax. Fans were surprised to know that Gong Nan Bei had children. As a result, they did not expect that Gong Nan Bei had more than one child. They were twins, and they were twins!

"I'm going! Brother Gong! You keep saying that you love me, but you actually have two children, scumbag!"

"Upstairs, first, please pay attention to your gender. Second, are you in the same mental hospital as the person just now?"

"Come on, I caught an honest man!"

"What a really honest person, did your ancestor's grave?"

"Everyone, try to be as civilized as possible in your speech, otherwise the guys should say that we have no quality."

The popularity has skyrocketed, and Bai Hao is actually on the hot search with these two photos!

The fact that Gong Nan Bei had a child directly occupied the top three in the hot search list, and even suppressed the news of the Golden Cat Award!

Compared with the shortlist for the Golden Cat Awards, they want to see what the children of Gong Nan Bei look like.

Bai Hao also exposed the names of his nephew and niece, safe and auspicious.

Right now, this name has been praised by a lot of people!

This is also a major feature of Gongnanbei fans. It's okay. They like the black one and the black palace, but they are super friendly to everyone around Gongnanbei!

There are even sociology professors on the Internet who have studied the fans of Gong Nan Bei and finally came to a mess, at least these netizens can’t understand it.

Gong Nan Bei thought that this was the case, but he didn't expect a lot of stars to jump out.

First of all, the artists from the North and South Media expressed their congratulations to the North and South of Aite Palace, and then from Fengtian, Tianyu, and finally from a small company. Everyone who knew him or not had a meal with Aite, which made Gong Nanbei look at him.

My heart said my son is three years old. Congratulations? Congratulations, my son is about to go to kindergarten?

Wang Wangjiao walked over with his mobile phone with a smile, and showed Gong Nanbei the discussion on Weibo, "Ping An Auspicious, is this a photo debut?"

Gong Nanbei looked speechless: "What a fart, what they are willing to do when they grow up, I don't want to lead them into the circle now, you don't know how messy here is."

Wang Wangjiao said amused: "I'm afraid of a fart, I'm here with his uncle Wang, do you know what Dinghai Shenzhen is?"

Gong Nanbei curled his lips and said, "When my son enters the industry, you will soon be in the soil."

"Fuck! You're just about to get into the ground. I'm not at forty yet. I'll only be over fifty in ten years' time. A man at fifty should be beaten, don't you know?"

Gong Nanbei shrugged, and Wang Wangjiao smiled and said, "Now that the heat is so high, you may want to keep them low-key in the future.

Gong Nanbei spread his hands and said: "I can't help it, let it be, I didn't intend to hide it in the first place."

Just as he was talking, Bai Hao released a third photo.

There is no copy this time, and the two babies are in his arms.

The difference from the previous one is that the two little guys both wear a necklace, and at first glance it is a couple's style, divided into men and women.

After Gong Nanbei took a look, he was speechless. Needless to say, he knew that Bai Jingjing must have brought them to them.

This woman is going crazy in business, and the child is so young as a model for him? They are all adult models, they can have a fart effect! As a result, he was a little confused when he saw the comments.

"Look for a link!"

"Yeah! It looks so good! What brand is this?"

"I know, I know, it's called SN, short for south, north"

"Sorry, I am a small student in Little Angel Kindergarten, and I haven't graduated yet. What do these two words mean?"

"The north and the south can also be interpreted as north and south"

"Thank God"

"Thank you for that, you might as well go to a certain encyclopedia by yourself!"

Gong Nanbei scratched his head, turned his head to look at Wang Wangjiao and said, "What kind of aesthetics are people nowadays? Someone buys adult things on children?"

Wang Wangjiao laughed and said: "This is called celebrity effect! You can also understand it as Aiwu and Wu, or why do those companies look for celebrities to endorse?"

Gong Nanbei Xindao, that my son has to charge endorsement fees, looked at the son's appearance in the photo, Xindao, the spokesperson is so foolish, it can be done with two lollipops!

This incident has set off a small craze in the entertainment industry. At the beginning, there were a few mentally retarded people who said that they had children in hidden marriage.

Then someone said how many years have they both announced their relationship? Didn’t everyone know the news when they got married? This is called hidden marriage to give birth to a child? Ask him if he wants to be famous and crazy.

The current network environment is chaotic, and some people are crazy if they want to be famous.

Those who sell themselves to bury their fathers, retreat to the mountains and forests, or dig the earth with bare hands, give people a feeling of abnormal brains at first glance.

But some people like this kind of grandstanding, and they like to see others acting stupid.

For this reason, Gong Nan Bei also deliberately studied it, thinking that he has to follow the trend, whether he should let the company shoot two online dramas of this type to try the waters.

But in the end he decided to give up, nothing else, simply can't pull down this old face!

At this time, Gong Nan Bei realized that those people were not easy! Gong Nanbei thought that he was shameless enough to make money, but now he is still too simple.


Gongnanbei began to edit "Cat and Mouse Game" intensively! At the same time, the publicity of the movie is also being overwhelmingly promoted, and the release date has also been set, just on October 1st!

In fact, Gong Nan Bei was planning to release it before New Year's Day, but the Golden Cat Award was presented in November. In order to hit the award, Gong Nan Bei had to advance his plan.

At the same time, Wang Mong Kok brought good news to Gong Nan Bei...

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