Be Humble King

Chapter 98 The Seventh Hero

A few days later, Lu Bu led the army back to the Qin Palace.

Li Zheng and others personally welcomed the return of Lu Bu and others in front of the Qin Palace!

Lu Bu and others watched Li Zheng greet him personally at the door, and hurriedly dismounted to meet Li Zheng:

"Your Highness, fortunately the last general (Weichen) took down the three counties!"

"Haha, good, everyone has worked hard!

This time all the soldiers will be rewarded! "

Li Zheng helped Lu Bu up and signaled Ye Lingyun and others to get up!

And Chen Gong, Zhang He and others are guarding in the three counties!

When the mighty and majestic Lu Bu saw Yuwen Chengdu behind Li Zheng, his eyes were fixed, and he felt the same kind of breath!

And Yuwen Chengdu was also staring at Lu Bu. Li Zheng looked at the fiery eyes of the two, and couldn't help but patted their arms with both hands and said:

"Fengxian, this is Naixin's colleague Yuwen Chengdu!"

"Chengdu, this is Lu Bu Lu Fengxian!"

Yu Wencheng looked at Lu Bu in admiration, he really deserved to be Lu Bu, the number one military general of the Three Kingdoms!

Yuwen Chengdu knew about Lu Bu's deeds, and Lu Bu didn't know who Yuwen Chengdu was, but Lu Bu could feel the dignified pressure on Yuwen Chengdu!

I saw Lu Bu solemnly said to Yu Wencheng: "I'm going to Lu Bu!"

"Yuwen Chengdu!" Yuwen Chengdu also showed a solemn expression!

This is the military commander's recognition of each other, and for a while, the two actually felt a little bit of sympathy for each other!

And Ye Lingyun, Xiao Zhan and others looked at the equally majestic Yuwen Chengdu in surprise, because they had never seen Lu Bu treat a person like this, even Lei Lao, Lu Bu had never treated him so solemnly!

Li Zheng looked at the crowd and said loudly: "You officers and men have worked hard. This king has asked Qin Wang's mansion to prepare a banquet. Tonight, a large banquet will be held to reward all officers and men!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" The soldiers shouted excitedly, and the sound rang through Yanyang City!

At night, the palace of King Qin is brightly lit, singing and dancing, and laughing and laughing!

At the wine table, Hua Xiong blatantly talked about how Yuwen Chengdu displayed his supernatural power and killed two Nirvana-level powerhouses in a row, which aroused everyone's amazement!

Immediately at night, Lu Bu and Yu Wencheng talked about the wine, and directly expressed their discussion.

The two felt itchy when they met an opponent of the same level.

Immediately, the two sealed their cultivation bases, and went to the training ground to compete under the watchful eyes of all the soldiers.

I saw Lu Bu holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, and Yu Wencheng holding phoenix wings and gold-plated boring!

Although the two were wearing simple clothes, they stood in the middle of the training ground in the eyes of everyone.

It's like Chiyan against Jinmang!

The two figures moved and collided with each other at an unimaginable speed.

block! block! block!

In an instant, the two had already handed in a few tricks!

Both of them use long weapons, and both of them have reached their peak in strength and skill. It can be said that they are equal to each other.

Under everyone's admiring eyes, the two fought together again.

Surrounded by the shadows of halberds, the two of them, relying on the strength of their physical bodies alone, have already made the ground crack open in the martial arts field that even people in the innate realm could not crack!

Ye Lingyun, Xiao Zhan, Chen Ting and other generals watched the two fight with excitement. Don't think that watching their moves is so easy to be blocked by another person, it's because they are both using their own weapons at the same strength Already superb, seeing all directions with eyes, listening to all directions, before waiting for the move to come, already know the next few moves!

Otherwise, let Hua Xiong go in and give it a try!

Lu Bu looked at Yuwen Chengdu excitedly, the two hadn't fought so hard for a long time!

block! block! block!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, rocks flew across the martial arts field, and the ground where the two of them fought passed was cracked.

As the two fight longer, the action gets faster!

Now what Ye Lingyun and the others see are afterimages!

Only the sound of weapons being exchanged made them understand that the two were fighting fiercely!

Hua Xiong stared at the two of them with wide eyes and piercing eyes. Now only Li Zheng, Murong Lianxue, Hua Xiong and other masters could barely keep up with them!

Grandma Rong watched the two monsters fighting with a wry smile.

If the two of them fight freely, the Prince Qin's Mansion will be reduced to dust in less than a stick of incense!

The two fought until late at night, and at Li Zheng's strong request, they finally stopped and went to rest!

After the end, Lu Bu punched Yu Wencheng fiercely!

The two laughed heartily.

The next morning, Lu Bu and Yu Wencheng went directly to a duel in the mountains thirty miles away from Yanyang City!

They came back at noon, and the two let go of their strength to fight. Originally, there were hills, but now they were flattened in the aftermath of the battle between the two.

People in Yanyang City could feel the terrifying aura of the battlefield between the two from a distance!


At this time in Yujing City, Emperor Chen in the palace was leaning on the dragon chair with a pale face, listening to the officials talking about the events of the Daxuan Dynasty during this period.

Although the Emperor Chen felt a little weak, the aura of being the only one who respected me was still shrouded in all the ministers.

When one of the ministers mentioned that Qin King Li Zheng took down the three counties of Yanyu Mansion, and King Yongyu was killed by unknown forces,

Chen Huang's eyes brightened, as if he had regained a little anger.

Afterwards, Emperor Chen closed his eyes and thought about it, and then ordered all the ministers to do the next move of the court!

However, Emperor Chen couldn't hold on for long, so Manager Li helped him back to the imperial study.

The sun was about to set, and the setting sun shone in the imperial study room. Manager Li held a bowl of medicinal food and handed it to Emperor Chen.

Emperor Chen put down the information in his hands about the various forces of the Daxuan Dynasty!

Picking up the medicinal food, he took a sip and ate it in big gulps. His originally pale face gradually turned red.

Chen Huang closed his eyes and leaned on the dragon chair, then Chen Huang seemed to remember something, and said to Mr. Li:

"Decree to order Qin King Li Zheng to rush back to Yujing City immediately!"


At this time, Li Zheng still didn't know what happened in Yujing Palace.

Li Zheng was alone in the study with his eyes slightly closed, and his consciousness had already transferred to the system deep in his mind.

The side mission of the previous system was to take charge of the Yanyang Mansion, and then you could draw a second-rate hero's lottery!

When Li Zheng looked at the task on the system panel,

Host: Li Zheng

Kung Fu: Emperor Sutra

Cultivation: mid-stage master

Identity: King Qin of Daxuan Dynasty

Has six heroes:

Top talents: Lu Bu, Zhang Juzheng, Yuwen Chengdu

First-class outstanding person: Chen Gong

Second-rate heroes: Hua Xiong, Zhang He

Fief: Yanyang Mansion, Yanyu Mansion Three Counties

Main task: Become the master of the imperial power! Prize draw for top talents! (undone)

Side mission 1: Take complete control of Yanyang Mansion, and reward second-rate talents in a lucky draw! (completed)

Sub-quest 2: Take control of Yanzhou and reward top-notch talents in a lucky draw! (undone)

Sure enough, Li Zheng saw that the branch task of completely controlling Yanyang Mansion had been completed!

Li Zheng was a little excited in his heart, and he could have another hero, and every hero would be of great help to Li Zheng's power.



As Li Zheng shouted, all the roulette in his mind turned blue and then started spinning.

Three seconds later!


Congratulations to the host for winning the Huaxia Renjie:

Zhao Gao!

Keep a low profile and be an emperor

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