Be Humble King

Chapter 144 Temptation

"That's right, if your Wu family becomes the internal response of the Qin Palace, after defeating the Qin Palace, your Wu family will be the first-class hero, and our three great families will definitely not treat you badly!" Zhou Yanglin Xu Chongli said; "Wu Patriarch Would you like to!"

Patriarch Wu listened to Elder Zhou's words tremblingly, sweating profusely.

If he really did this, he would offend King Qin to death!

Once something unexpected happens, the Wu family will cease to exist!

When Patriarch Wu looked at the cold eyes of the three elders above, he knew that although he was asking if he wanted to, would he dare?

Don't dare to try!

Patriarch Wu's face turned pale, and he smiled bitterly in his heart: Anyway, he has already offended the King of Qin, so he went all the way to the dark side. I don't believe that the three great families plus his own internal influence can't defeat the King of Qin.

Patriarch Wu gritted his teeth and looked at the three elders above, and said firmly: "This subordinate is willing to be an internal response and contribute to the three great families!"

"Okay!" Satisfied, Zhu Wuyan stood up and walked over to Patriarch Wu's shoulder and said, "Our three great families will not treat the Wu family badly, since Patriarch Wu has agreed, we will now reward you with a Heavenly Spirit Fruit!

From now on, you will be our number one hero, and you will be rewarded even more! "

When Patriarch Wu heard Zhu Wuyan's words, he stood up excitedly.

This is the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, and my own family is only two master-level powerhouses now.

If one gets a Heavenly Spirit Fruit, the Wu family will have another Grandmaster!

Don't look at the fact that Li Zheng's subordinates have Nirvana combat power so quickly, it's because Li Zheng has outstanding Chinese talents.

For other small and medium-sized forces, having a master-level powerhouse is one of the rare trump cards.

Patriarch Wu said excitedly in an instant: "This subordinate is willing to do his best to spy on the information of Prince Qin's Mansion!"

"En!" The three elders looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction.

The Sky Spirit Fruit is quite precious among the three great families, and it is usually used to reward those who have made great contributions.

But if it is used to reward the Wu family, it is still worthwhile for the Wu family to do internal affairs with all their heart.

The reason why the big forces have so many guru realms is that they have profound foundations, powerful techniques, and systematic training of the strong.

Therefore, the big forces are getting stronger and stronger, there are more and more strong people, and the background is getting thicker and thicker, in a continuous cycle.

This is also because of the forces within the Daxuan Dynasty, the Daxuan Dynasty is the most powerful dynasty in the Chu Tianyu, occupying the most fertile land, the richest resources, outstanding people, and countless strong.

For example, in some small dynasties with sparsely populated border areas, the master level is already a general!

One day later, in Yongyu County's prefecture, Chen Gong had already received the reply letters from the Yan family and the Wu family.

Both the Yan family and the Wu family expressed their willingness to take refuge in Prince Qin's mansion and to be loyal to King Qin.

At this time, everyone in Li Zheng was sitting in the hall, analyzing the Yan family and the Wu family.

毊灪 毊灪。 Li Zheng looked at the letters from the Yan family and the Wu family, and asked Chen Gong: "Gongtai, which of these two families do you think is the most reliable, and which one can lure people from the three great families out!"

Chen Gong, who was originally a little happy, frowned for a moment and analyzed: "Your Highness, I originally thought that it would be great if one of the four powers could turn around and join our Prince Qin's Mansion, but now if two of them join our Prince Qin's Mansion..."

Chen Gong pondered for a while and continued:

"The subordinates think that the Yan family is the most credible. Before that, only the Yan family had the deepest intention to join us. As for the Wu family, the subordinates have always been in contact with them, and they were a little surprised that they joined us so soon. I didn't expect them to be so determined to take refuge in Prince Qin's residence!"

Li Ru on the opposite side heard Chen Gong's words, his eyes flashed. It seemed that Chen Gong took a look and didn't know what to think!

Listening to Chen Gong's words, Li Zheng pondered: "In this case, we need to test whether they are really reliable. If they are reliable,

It was up to the Yan family to complete this seduction plan. "

Chen Gong nodded solemnly: "This subordinate will try and test them with Luo Wang again in the past few days!"

In the next few days, Chen Gong continued to test the Yan family and the Wu family, inquiring about their movements.

Because the Yan family had already decided to take refuge with King Qin, they all carefully and secretly completed Chen Gong's temptation.

The Wu family directly told the members of the three great families that the elders of the three great families wanted to gain the trust of the King of Qin for the Wu family, and they were reluctant to let their children be entangled with wolves, and they also lost some benefits one after another to complete Chen Gong's temptation.

Ten days later, in the county mansion, Chen Gong directly reported the information of the Yan family and the Wu family, saying that the lure plan could be carried out.

Li Zheng looked at the probing information of the Yan family and the Wu family this time, and said seriously: "Now we have been in Yongyu County for almost half a month. If the plan is not implemented, people from the three major families will notice that we are not in Yan If Yang Fu speaks, they should be suspicious!"

All the outstanding people below nodded.

Li Zheng said directly to Li Ru: "Wenyou, tell me about your plan!"

Li Ru nodded solemnly to Li Zheng, and then said sternly: "I have discussed with Gongtai before, we plan to let the Yan family lure people from the three great families out!" Li Ru looked at Chen Gong while talking, and Chen Gong also nodded.

Li Ru then continued: "This time we plan to let the Yan family lure the members of the three great families out of Yanyu City and go to the city of soil, where we will set up an ambush!

Therefore, we must secretly go to the city of soil to join the Yan family! "

Chen Gong continued: "The most critical point is how to lure those three Nirvana peak powerhouses to come out!"

Everyone looked at Chen Gong, wondering how to lure them out.

Chen Gong smiled and said: "Three days later, the Patriarch of the Yan family will celebrate his birthday, and he will specially invite people from the three major families to go. At that time, we will lay an ambush on the road from Yanyu City to Land City!"

At this time, Li Ru showed a mysterious smile!


In Yan Yucheng County Mansion, Zhu Wuyan and others received an invitation letter from the Yan family.

Zhu Wuyan looked at the people from the Yan family, and asked, "The head of your Yan family will have his birthday in three days, so he wants to invite the three of us to go!"

He didn't know anything about the people from the Yan family, he only knew that the head of the family sent him to invite the three elders to the Yan family to participate in the big birthday. It was the first time for the people of the Yan family to see three such powerful people. His imposing manner made him tremble a little: "Yes, our Patriarch said that the most noble people in Yanyu Mansion are the three adults, so we specially invited the three adults to go!"

嬯寷 bX*wX* 寷. He Biyi nodded, and calmly said: "Okay, go back and tell Patriarch Yan that we will come to the Yan family at that time!"

"Yes, my lord!" The Yan family shouted respectfully as if they had completed their task. Then he left in a hurry!

And Zhou Yanglin stared at the figures of Yan's family walking away with a pensive look on his face.

He Biyi smiled and said to the two: "I'm tired of staying in Yanyu City for a while, and I can just go to Yan's house to relax!"

Zhu Wuyan nodded with a smile.

At this moment, Zhou Yanglin suddenly said, "Don't you guys think this is a bit strange!"


Zhu Wuyan and the two looked at Zhou Yanglin.

"Why is there something strange!" He Biyi questioned.

Zhou Yanglin frowned: "I don't know where the strange thing is!"

Zhu Wuyan looked at Zhou Yanglin's expression, smiled and said, "Aren't you suspicious! If there is anything strange, will the Wu family not know?"

"The Wu family!" Zhou Yanglin's eyes lit up, he suddenly looked at Zhu Wu and the other two, and spit out word by word:

巗攮攮. "Since Prince Qin's Mansion can contact the Wu family, it is very likely that they have also contacted other forces!"

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