Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 55: Crystal Palace = Longtan Tiger Cave where female servants are forbidden to enter?

Roman stared at Lin Sisi as a matter of course.

"Isn't this a matter of course? You are his sister, go to his house to play, isn't it the same as going back to your own?"


Lin Sisi frowned and struggled for a long time, but she really couldn't find a reason to refute.

Because, everything is the same as Roman said. She, Lin Sisi, is Lin Sizhai's younger sister. Going to Lin Sizhai's Crystal Palace is like visiting her brother's house.

In addition, she is a woman, without the many scruples of Ramses II and Gilgamesh, she can pass at will.

The advantage of this dual identity is too great, so she can't find anything to refute.

Seeing Lin Sisi deflated, Roman eyes flashed with pleasure.

It's different from the guy Lin Sizhai who can talk and say that you are full of fire but can't refute it at all. Although Lin Sisi had a similar experience to Lin Sizhai, in terms of eloquence, he was a thousand miles behind.

The place where he couldn't find it in Lin Sizhai, he finally found it in Lin Sizhai's sister, Lin Sisi.

I ate so much dog food before, my stomach hurt for so long, and I almost took the vines Tachibana and Mash, the only Master of Chaldea and the subservient. Now it's finally out of breath.

In Roman's heart, that's a relief.

"Okay, that's the way it is. Because of the sensitive factors of the internal environment of the Crystal Palace on Lin Sizhai's side. In addition, considering the existence of the Servant in the seventh singularity, the level of combat power that exists Question. Only you and a few other servants can go to support this time. You will be teleported to Lin Si Zhai's Crystal Palace with them in a while.

Now, is there anything else you want to ask? "

I heard that others followed me, not alone. Lin Sisi was also slightly relieved.

Although she didn't know why she was nervous, her instinct told her. It would be very, very bad to go to Lin Si Zhai's Crystal Palace alone.

The reason is not clear, it is just the intuition.

In response, Lin Sisi was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Can I ask, who is following me?"

Matthew heard the words and took the initiative to answer: "Well, it has been confirmed that the Servants who will go to the Crystal Palace with Senior Sisi to transfer support include Miss Skaha and Mei who was just summoned a few days ago. Miss Dialily."

"Hmm... eh? Only the two of them?" Lin Sisi was surprised.

"That's right, other people are either considering the level of combat power is not enough, their identity is sensitive and inappropriate, or they simply don't want to go.

After all, Sisi, look, there is Sizhai's harem back garden. Male Servants have to pass all of them, right?

The male Servant has passed, leaving only the female Servant.

There are only a handful of female servants in the Chaldeans who can fight at the level of the **** of creation or the gods.

But because everyone is reluctant to go there for one reason or another, in the end, there are only Skaha and Medea lily. "

Vine Tachibana's explanation did not make Lin Sisi feel relieved, but made her ask further questions.

"Can I ask, apart from these two people, why are other people unwilling to come? Also, why are the other people not willing or unwilling, but they are willing?"

Mash took out a report form, looked at it, and replied.

"Well, currently in Chaldea, the female Servants who have passed the battle strength or above the passing line are:

Captain Drake, who can create miracles, but Captain Drake said he was not interested in being someone else's ban, so he didn't go.

Miss Arturia, who owns the holy sword, refused to go on the grounds that what she could do, Si Zhai-senpai could do better.

Ms. Alteria, who has the ability to flip the holy sword, for the same reason.

Miss Minamoto, who is good at killing demons and ghosts, originally wanted to go, but considering her personality, senior thought it would be better not to send her there.

Miss Artemis (Orion), the moon goddess, who has knowledge of the goddess, said that she only loves Mr. Orion and is unwilling to go, lest Mr. Orion be jealous.

Brunhild, the Valkyrie with the power of the Valkyrie, said that Senior Si Zhai was not the one he loved and refused to go.

Miss Shuten Douji, who has the power of ghosts and gods, bluntly said that she has no feelings for Senior Si Zhai, and Senior Si Zhai does not seem to like drinking, so she also refuses to go.

Miss Ibaraki Doji, who possesses the power of ghosts and gods, said that she felt repulsion in the seventh singularity. There may be another her in it, so she also refuses to go, she doesn't want to see another herself.

The above is a list of Chaldean female Servants who have sufficient combat qualifications but are unwilling to go, and the reasons for refusing to go.

Although other female Servants have expressed their willingness to go, but due to lack of strength and other inconvenient reasons. Neither of us was willing to push them into the fire pit. Hence no consent. "

Lin Sisi frowned: " pit? That guy's Crystal Palace?"

Vine Tachibana didn't seem to want to explain this topic very much, so she turned to talk.

"Everyone is unable to go to support for one reason or another. Master Skaha had contact with Si Zhai before, and there is another master Skaha there, and It is also one of the harems of Si Zhai. Based on the reason that the two are essentially the same. In addition, Master Skaha himself thought about it, so we did not stop it.

As for Miss Medea lily, the reason is similar. After all, there is another Miss Medea over there. Although the age levels are different, they are essentially the same person. In addition, Mr. Jason, who is infatuated with Miss Medea lily, is like that again... In short, Miss Medea lily expressed her desire to go to the seventh characteristic of the God of Creation. For the sake of meeting a Miss Medea. We didn't stop either. ,

After all, Miss Medea Lily is the proud disciple of the God of Magic. The knowledge and magic she has mastered must be of great help in the confrontation with the God of Creation.

So, we agreed to their request to go to Crystal Palace. "

Listening to Tachibana's explanation, Lin Sisi fully realized it for the first time. How opposed to Lin Sizhai's Crystal Palace by these female servants in Chaldea.

Wherever she goes, she will directly become a woman of Lin Sizhai. It's like a dragon pond and a tiger's den where women are forbidden to enter, and the atmosphere is quite bad.

And such a place is where she will go. This can be...

"No, Tachibana, didn't you and Matthew go there before? Since both of you have been there and come back intact, what else is there to resist?"

Faced with Lin Sisi's questioning, Vine Tachibana and Matthew turned their faces slightly red, not daring to look directly at Lin Sisi.

Roman was clutching his aching stomach, secretly muttering to himself: 'Tachibana and Matthew came back intact? The two of them were already in it, okay?"

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