Be King Arthur From Today

Chapter 2: Goddess Statue (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~!)

Skaha's words, Lin Sizhai and others are quite convinced.

After all, Skaha's eyesight is still very strong.

Being able to teach a lot of Celtic heroes, as the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, Skaha's strength and vision is absolutely beyond doubt.

Therefore, after Skaha finished speaking, Lin Sizhai also restrained the magic power in his body to make himself look ordinary.

According to his previous plan, he is now a King Arthur with a group of knights without fusion of knight factors.

The only ones who know his details are the three groups of Swordsman, Techseer, and Moser.

But these three groups are all Lin Sizhai's younger brothers, so they see it and won't say anything.

They're not stupid after all.

Although, Lin Sizhai has not found them yet.

Therefore, Lin Si Zhai now needs to express himself as ordinary.

After all, when the King Arthurs did not integrate the knight factor, their body strength was not strong.

And now Lin Sizhai is accompanied by five people: Sasaki Kojiro, Medea, Loli, Skaha, and Okita Soji. It's already quite conspicuous.

So it's better to pretend now.

This is exactly what Lin Sizhai is good at, so now he is like a King Arthur without the fusion of knight factors, looking around is a cautious and more vigilant coward.

This scene was seen by many King Arthurs around Lin Sizhai.

They are basically alone, or with a knight.

In this case, Lin Sizhai, a King Arthur with five knights, was alien and stupid in their eyes.

After all, according to their ideas, at this time, if the knight does not improve his survivability, do you still expect the knight to save him in a critical moment?

This is clearly unrealistic.

However, the beautiful girls around Lin Si Zhai attracted the attention of these King Arthurs.

Whether it is a pure and charming loli.

He is still the headmaster of Okita, who is full of young girls.

Or the coexistence of nobility and charm, with a perfect proportion of golden body, full of color.

These beauties, big and small, all attracted the surrounding male King Arthurs in an instant.

For a time, all kinds of feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred flooded into my heart.

Many King Arthurs have a little understanding of Lin Sizhai's stupid behavior of entering the dungeon without incorporating the knight factor.

After all, with so many beautiful girls around, I really don’t want to integrate into it to enhance my strength, or stay by my side to be more eye-catching.

As for Sasaki Kojiro?

This guy was ignored by others, and because of his existence as a big man, Lin Sizhai was considered stupid by others.

It's fine to keep beautiful women eye-catching, but men still haven't integrated to enhance their strength?

This is not a silly beep what is it?

Therefore, in the eyes of the surrounding King Arthurs, Lin Si Zhai instantly took the title of Silly Beep.

Although Lin Si Zhai didn't know what they were thinking, he roughly guessed it from the eyes of the Arthurian Kings when they looked at the fool and the fool.

Lin Sizhai doesn't care what other people think, after all, he won't lose a piece of meat, right?

After being despised by others, it is easier for him to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

And this tiger can easily kill these pigs...

Lin Si Zhai's thoughts, Skaha and Okita Chief Secretary are all clear.

Because this was said before entering the dungeon.

So everyone will ignore the behavior of King Arthur who is about to write stupid beeps and idiots on his face when he sees Lin Sizhai.

Just like other King Arthur, in the eyes of Okita Souji, Loli, Medea, and Skaha.

Their arrogant and arrogant attitude is not a kind of stupid and stupid behavior...

In this way, when two waves of people think that the other's King Arthur is a fool and a fool, when many King Arthur and SAO players are in a tense confrontation.

Finally, a huge ghost appeared in the sky.

And this phantom looks like a mage with a cloak.

The appearance of this image attracted everyone's attention.

In the scene, the reaction was intense for a while.

SAO players are very familiar with this cloak phantom, because it is very similar to Kayaba Akihiko who trapped them here.

It's just that the phantom played by Kayaba Akihiko was a faceless man in a red robe.

This time it was an old man in a gray robe.

Seeing the appearance of this old man, SAO players were a little excited, they thought they might be able to go out.

However, Kirito, Asuna and others felt that it might not be so simple, and could not help but be a little wary.

ALO players also reacted violently. They thought that this person was a GM or a representative of operations, and they all shouted at this phantom.

The discourse is more complicated. Basically, it is to let the phantom, the GM, quickly open the event, and they have to fight BOSS, dungeon, PK and so on.

Compared with these two groups of people, the most calm and quiet ones are the many Arthurs on Lin Sizhai's side.

They are also very familiar with this phantom.

Because everyone here got their sword of kings from the old man.

Seeing this guy, Lin Sizhai also thought of the scene where he was almost stabbed to death by his own sword of king, and couldn't help but put three vertical lines on his face.

In the lively scene with different expressions, the gray phantom old man spoke.


With one click of the void, whether it is a SAO player, an ALO player or other people, they all find themselves unable to speak.

In their jargon, they are silenced.

They were not surprised by this, after all, when GM wants to speak, he always needs to make people quiet and listen, right?

However, a few thoughtful SAO players, namely Kirito and Asuna, were surprised to find out. The King Arthurs not far away have not been experienced and can still speak.

It's just that their voices are too low, more like talking to themselves, so I can't hear what they're saying.

With doubts and vigilance, Kirito and Asuna looked up at the old man and listened to the old man's words.

"Welcome to the new world, and welcome everyone to participate in this little activity I prepared."

"This little event called Patronus Athena..."

Speaking, Merlin pointed in the void, and a huge white jade statue appeared out of nowhere, slowly sitting on the ground to the north of the three waves of people, which was the top of the scene.

This sudden appearance of the goddess full of holiness and solemnity attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at this beautiful goddess, Lin Sizhai didn't have time to complain about the name of the event, and felt that the goddess seemed familiar.


'Why is the memory so vague? Where have I seen this goddess statue...'

Lin Si Zhai frowned slightly, causing the four girls, Chief Okita, Medea, Skaha, and Loli, who were watching him, to be a little puzzled.

But they also seem to understand that Lin Si Zhai may also know about the woman on the statue.

Otherwise, Lin Si Zhai would not show such a thoughtful appearance.

At the same time, on the other side, among the many kings of Arthur, a very beautiful girl with long flowing golden hair, with a noble temperament and majesty, also has a strange face at the moment Looking at the goddess statue, she muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

“Why does this Athena statue look like Aunt Sasha?” (Note 1) Hongmeng Pavilion 29831⑥35④


Note 1·PS: The picture is in color, but the statue is white jade, so the statue is not so recognizable.


PS: I'm going to my friend's wedding tomorrow, if it hasn't been updated at 22 o'clock tomorrow night, then don't wait, I guess I won't be back. Tell everyone first. above!

PS2: That, may I you have...that...ticket? The blade can also be Oh ~!

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