Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 2 Chapter 77: statement

Seeing everyone's completely frightened expressions, Lin Si Zhai also smiled, clapped his palms and said to everyone.

"Alright, alright, that's all for the card. All these matters are now handed over to Medea, and Medea can do whatever she says."

"Now, now that you have spoken, Beatrice, let's talk about other things."

Drawing everyone's attention from Medea, Lin Si Zhai turned his gaze to the stunned Beatrice and the terrified Angelica.

"First of all, let me ask, Angelica and Beatrix, the older brother who sent Miyu away, is Julian's former classmate and close friend Emiya Shirou, Is he still alive now?"

When Lin Si Zhai suddenly asked this question that had nothing to do with Julian, Angelica was obviously taken aback.

It's just that Angelica Miyu noticed that Miyu and Emiya Jiro, who were sitting not far away from her, were both stunned when they heard this question.

At the beginning, Lin Si Zhai made it very clear that when Emiya Shirou was sending Miyu away, he stopped Angelica who was using the power of the King of Heroes card.

And at the end, I took the EX-rank Noble Phantasm, Deviance Sword (EA).

Being hit by that Noble Phantasm on the front, if it wasn't a Heroic Spirit, how could it be dead?

Although Miyu himself and Emiya Jiro are not very willing to accept this reality, and even deliberately avoid thinking about this problem in their hearts.

But when this issue was brought to the fore by Lin Sizhai, both of them trembled.

Angelica did not notice Emiya Jiro and Miyu's expressions. On her side, after being asked by Lin Si Zhai, she motioned Beatrix to shut up with her eyes and asked her to answer.

Angelica's little movements did not escape Lin Sizhai's eyes, but Lin Sizhai didn't care about it at all.

After Angelica thought for a while, she nodded and replied.

"The Emiya Shirou who obstructed Julian's plan did not die. He miraculously survived the battle to send Miyu away to stop me."

Hearing the news of Emiya Shirou's survival, all the girls who heard Lin Sizhai's story again all exclaimed in surprise.

"Great..." Meiyou patted her chest with tears in her eyes, and she breathed a sigh of relief with joy on her face.

"Well, that's great, Meiyou." Illya was happy for Meiyou.

"Wow... It's really like the protagonist of some novels, the face of the EX-class Noble Phantasm has not died, is that guy really the protagonist in a certain story? "Xiao Hei looked at Lin Sizhai, as if seeking an answer.

"Tohsaka, do you really want Shirou from the parallel world to die?" It seems to be a little dissatisfied with Tohsaka Rin's speech, or to cover up his surprise, but he doesn't want to show He Yuan Like Saka Rin, Luvia took the opportunity to sneer at Tohsaka Rin.

Being attacked by Luvia, Tohsaka Rin naturally couldn't give in, and immediately retorted: "No, shut up Luvia for me."

Sakura Matou and Bazette were not very emotional about this matter, they were just a little surprised and didn't say anything.

Medea and Skaha have heard the spoiler of Lin Si Zhai, so they already knew that the Giant Empress did not die.

As for Emiya Jiro himself? He was slightly relieved to hear that he was still alive after hearing the "hero" deeds made by himself in the parallel world. (Note 1)

Everyone performed differently, although Angelica, who was an outsider, felt a little inexplicable. But Lin Si Zhai just smiled and clapped his palms, signaling everyone to be quiet.

After everyone was completely quiet, Lin Si Zhai looked at Angelica with a confident smile.

"Since Emiya Shirou is not dead, then he should be imprisoned by you?"

"Although I don't think that Julian's current state will take care of the few friendships he once had with Emiya Shirou and let him die."

"But as long as Emiya Shirou's existence is revealed to Miyu, Miyu can obediently fall into the trap. Julian doesn't kill him, it should be the abacus, right?"

Faced with Lin Si Zhai's questioning, who seemed to have already understood everything, Angelica's eyes flashed with surprise, she pondered for a while, and nodded without concealment.

"Indeed, Julian saved his life because he really felt that he was still worth using. After all, he was taking care of Meiyou's brother for many years, as long as he kept him Meiyou no matter what Wherever he goes, he will eventually go back to save him."

Seeing Angelica's frank admission, the smile on Lin Si Zhai's face grew even stronger.

'It is completely in line with the original, without much deviation. In this way, I feel more at ease. The gap between reality and the original plot, after being intruded by me, I am really afraid that it will have too much influence. Fortunately, the wings fanned by my butterfly did not seem to affect the development of the other world. ’

The weird smile on Lin Si Zhai's face made Angelica completely unaware of what he was thinking.

Angelica didn't know how much Lin Sizhai knew, but every time Lin Sizhai said the fact that he seemed to have known it for a long time, Angelica's mood became heavier and heavier .

Lin Sizhai smiled and glanced at Meiyou because Angelica spoke frankly and revealed the purpose of staying in the palace giant's life.

Standing up, Lin Si Zhai came behind Meiyou, patted Meiyou's little head to signal her peace of mind, and then asked Angelica again.

"Then, Angelica, I'll ask you one more question, and I hope you answer truthfully."

"What is Julian's purpose for getting the beauty tour, do you know?"

Seeing Lin Si Zhai ask this question, Angelica seems to have been prepared to return immediately.

"Julian wants to travel beautifully, because she wants to use her speciality to save the world."

Getting the expected answer, Lin Si Zhai smiled faintly.

Because everyone has already made similar conjectures, they all seem relatively calm, but their faces are a little ugly.

Later, Lin Si Zhai asked again.

"Then what if Julian's wish comes true?"

Without any hesitation, Angelica replied with a stern voice with no expression on her face.

"She will die."

Hearing such a ruthless answer, even if they had prepared in advance, the mentality of the big and small girls in Lin Sizhai's family at the moment, all collapsed.

"Sure enough, do you want to use my life to save the world..." She had a similar mental preparation in her heart, and Meiyou was clutching her clothes tightly at the moment, lowering her head. head.

"Sacrificing Meiyou to save the world with Meiyou's life is just ridiculous, I don't admit it!" At this moment, I finally understand why the giant of the palace is carrying the enemy of the world Pressure, Illya who also wants to send Miyu away. Unable to accept this answer at this moment, he stood up angrily and told Angelica his dissatisfaction.

"The expected answer, sending Meiyou to other worlds, it really means that there is no place for Meiyou in the original world. Hey, it's really annoying." Kuro squinted at Angelica with disgust and contempt, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with the answer.

"Miyu-sama, please don't think too much. Don't believe the other side's words. Miyu-sama now has Illya-sama, Kuro-sama and Sakura-sama around, please cheer up. Please wait for Master Si Zhai to decide, please don't think too much..." Sapphire seemed to feel the master's unease, and flew into the hands of Mei Yu, flapping with small wings. This Miyu's little hand was comforting.

"Sapphire is right, Miyu-san, please don't let others say anything, just believe whatever. The other party will kill Miyu-san, and this kind of behavior of believing in others will be It's like being lured by a **** with a lollipop, but it's very dangerous." Ruby stood firm on her sister Sapphire's side, comforting Miyu.

"Sapphire and Ruby are right, Miyu, don't believe each other's words easily. Who knows what the truth is, maybe the other party is lying to you." Tohsaka Rin told Ruby The speech with Sapphire gave a high degree of approval.

"That's right, don't believe the other party's words without enough evidence. And even if the other party's words are true, you have the right to choose to live. As long as you choose to live, We will all stand by your side, Miyu~!" As the current Miyu's enchantment, Luvia also unswervingly chose to agree.

"Well, Miyu, we will be on your side." Matou Sakura answered lightly.

"If this is my choice from another world, then if possible, I will also choose to help you." Emiya Jiro, who has a relatively thin sense of existence, spoke again.

Listening to everyone's caring words, Miyu nodded somewhat moved, raised her head again, and gave Angelica her own answer with firm eyes.

"Whether what you say is true or not, I have to choose to live. This is the opportunity that Shironi-chan worked hard to win for me. I will not give up easily ."

"So, if you want to keep killing me, I will fight!"

Meiyou's firm answer and resolute expression made Lin Sizhai, who was still a little worried, show a gratified smile.

Patting Meiyou's little head, Lin Sizhai agreed aloud.

"You're right, your future is up to you. No one else mentions your right to decide your future. I'm glad you can understand this, Meiyou."

Feeling the big hand gently caressing the top of her head, Meiyou showed a faint smile: "Si Zhai Nissan..."

Facing everyone's answers, Angelica showed no expression. Since she met Lin Sizhai, things have been developing in an uncontrollable direction.

So, Angelica never thought that Miyu would follow her obediently after hearing this answer.

To Angelica's disappointment, Lin Sizhai and the others heard their answer. He didn't have any depressed mood. Instead, he stood beside Meiyou with the same hatred and expressed his desire to fight for Meiyou, and his morale rose instead of falling.

This very visual behavior makes Angelica, who has bad memories, in a very bad mood.

"Since this is your choice, I naturally have no right to intervene. It's just that our Einsworth family will not stop the pursuit of Meiyou in order to "relieve the world". As long as Meiyou is still alive, there will be a steady stream of chasing troops. You better prepare yourself mentally. We, Einsworth, will not let you go so easily. "

Facing Angelica's behavior as if she was deliberately provoking everyone, everyone showed some angry expressions.

"Come here, I'm afraid of you!? You come and I'll play one, come two and I'll play a pair. Meiyou is our child and our most important friend, right? Elijah?"

"Well, Xiao Hei is right. We will never give you Meiyou! If you have any skills, just let them go!"

Listening to Ilya finally firming up her position, without any hesitation in answering, Ruby seemed to float on Ilya's head very pleased, and patted Ilya's head with her small wings little brain.

"Ilyasan finally understands, Ruby I am very pleased."

Speaking of which, Ruby seemed to be in a panic when she saw Illya, and immediately responded as if she changed the subject.

"That's right, no matter what your Einsworth family is capable of, just let the horses come. With my ruby, Illyassan will definitely be like a qualified magical girl. Full of Gorgeously defeat all of you villains who want Miyu-san's life~!"

"Although my sister-sama's speech is a little serious. But this time I agree. No matter what you have, just let it go. I, Sapphire, will continue to fight with Miyu-sama!"

Holding the sapphire in the form of rough stone in her hand, Meiyou showed a somewhat moved look: "Sapphire..."

Mato Sakura nodded expressionlessly: "That's right. We won't be afraid, we will fight. Come on."

Emiya Jiro also nodded with determination: "Yes, let the horse come over."

Looking at the determined little guys, Luvia seemed to be happy with how many good friends Miyu was able to make and showed a gratified smile.

"Since you have so many friends, then you won't be afraid, Meiyou."

Listening to Luvia's words, Miyu raised her head and nodded firmly to Luvia: "Yeah!"

Seeing that everyone else made a statement, Tohsaka Rin also smiled and nodded, and stared at Lin Si Zhai with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, shameless narcissist, everyone has expressed their opinions. What is your position as a brother of Meiyou? Hurry up~!"

Looking at Tohsaka Rin who was forcing him to speak, Lin Sizhai also smiled and shook his head: "Since everyone's position is so firm, then I won't talk nonsense anymore."

With a somewhat serious expression, Lin Si Zhai looked at Angelica and asked solemnly.

"Angelica, do you have a way to go back?"

Seems to be a little uneasy about Lin Si Zhai's question, Angelica asked cautiously in her eyes.

"What are you asking this for?"

In response, Lin Si Zhai smiled and spread his hands, and replied very casually.

"It's nothing, it's just more passive than passive defense. I'm a person who prefers to be proactive."

"Waiting for your Einsworth attack here is too much trouble."

"So, I want to go straight to Huanglong once and for all and destroy all your Einsworth family. Let Meiyou never have to worry about being hunted down."

With a confident, even arrogant, arrogant expression, Lin Si Zhai said to Angelica without anger and self-righteousness.

"Sarah, Angelica, tell me how you can return to the original world. The evening bell of the destruction of your Ainsworth family has already sounded at this moment~!"


& nbsp;


PS: The doctor is gone, and Fufu is also stupid. The only good thing is that the school girl is still there, alas...

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