Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 2 Chapter 83: Angelica's request

"Eh??? God made a weapon???"*2

"God made a weapon? Levatin? Is Levatin this kind of existence?"

"What's wrong, but it's the sword of the end? This is really..." Luvia couldn't let go of her brows for a long time, and seemed to be lost in thought.

At this moment, no one noticed that in the corner of the living room, Angelica looked at Lin Si Zhai with radiance in her eyes. Although she was also surprised by the nature of Tanaka. But these are not important to Angelica now. She seemed to be sure of something now, and her eyes were full of determination.

Compared to the thoughtful Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, the brother and sister Miyu and Emiya Juxia seem more confused at the moment.

"God made a weapon? Levatin? What is that?"

"I don't know, but it's supposed to be something very powerful, right? Is it a mythical weapon?"

Speaking, accompanied by the embarrassed Miyou of the Empress, she quietly pulled Ilia's clothes, and asked softly: "Ilya, do you know Si Zhani? What does the sauce mean?"

In response, Illya's face froze, and she replied a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, Miyou. I don't know. I just feel that the divine weapon should be something very powerful.. …”

Looking at the deep speechlessness in Meiyou's eyes, Illya also explained in a panic: "But, Meiyou, what do you think, God made the armor, obviously God made it The weapon of the fighter is very powerful at first glance, right? This kind of thing......"

I looked at Ilya who hurriedly explained, but the more she explained, the more speechless Miyu became. Looking at Illya like this, Xiao Hei shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"Yeah, Illya, this idiot messed up again."

what's good."

The aggressive method is too outdated, it is estimated that only idiots will be tricked. Hey~! Isn't it right, Ou~ni~chan~!?"

Looking at Ilya, who was so **** off by Xiao Hei's speech, and the helpless Meiyou.

Lin Si Zhai smiled and said to the giant Wei Gong next to Meiyou: "Look, Meiyou has made a lot of friends."

The Giant Empress of the Palace also recovered from the stun, with a soft expression on her face, stroking Miyu's little head and nodding in response.

"Well, Meiyou really made a lot of good friends. In this way, I can feel relieved..."

Listening to the Emiya giant's somewhat relieved words, Miyou raised her head a little uneasy and looked at the Emiya giant.

"Euni sauce?"

Faced with Meiyou's inquiring call, Wei Gong Juxia didn't say anything, just shook his head lightly.

For this reason, Meiyou is even more puzzled.

It's Lin Si Zhai who knows the inside story of the Wei Gong giant and knows that his body has been shattered. It would be a miracle to be able to continue to live. In this way, he can continue to fight for Miyu's life in the original work. Such people are indeed admirable.

Therefore, Lin Sizhai, who admires the giants of the palace, did not reveal the truth of the giants of the palace. but remained silent.

This kind of thing, only the giant of the palace wants to say it, let him speak it out to the United States.


With this thought in mind, Lin Si Zhai shook his head, looked at Tanaka with a confused face, and smiled faintly.

"Luvia, do you remember how Levatin came from? Is that really a weapon made by God?"

Luvia shook her head and replied: "No, according to the myths in our world, it was not created. It was originally there, and then by the gods in the mythology After processing, it can be called the existence of weapons. In other words, the title of God-made weapons is actually inaccurate..."


Luvia shook the picture, but did not reply.

The conversation between the two made the angry Ilya seem to have found a person for help, so she asked Tohsaka Rin for help: "Rin-sang, tell us what is a divine weapon? Is Leviathan okay?"

As soon as Illya finished speaking, Tohsaka Rin stopped thinking and nodded slightly.

But before she spoke, Luvia, who saw Meiyou's eyes full of anticipation, took the lead.

"Levatin is the existence known as the sword of victory and the sword of destruction in Norse mythology. It is a magic sword or a divine sword."

"It is said that it is the sword of victory because of the meaning of victory in it. Those who hold it are invincible. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call it the sword of victory."

"It's called the magic sword because it was the sword that burned the world after Ragnarok. So it's not an exaggeration to call it the magic sword of flames."

"But also because of the legend that it burned the world after Ragnarok, it also has the name of the sword of the end, the sword of the end."

Luvia's interpreter surprised Illya, Miyu, and the Empress, nodded slightly, and seemed to finally understand the meaning.

But in the end, Tohsaka Rin did not take the opportunity to slap Luvia, but added.

"Just like what Luvia said, Levatin is such a sword. Similarly, because in its myths and legends, there is no legend of defeat and the ultimate burning of the world."

"This sword also represents victory and end. The appearance of this sword heralds the victory of battle and the end of the world."

"So, do you understand? Everything Tanaka represents."

At this moment, Illya, Miyu, and Empress Dowager didn't look very good.

Since Tanaka has clearly stated that he wants to destroy Einsworth, then according to the legend and symbol of his body, it should be a sign that the battle with the Einsworth family will end in victory.

Just the same, another meaning contained in Tanaka's body should mean that after victory, the world will come to an end.

This kind of omen is not a good omen for people living in this world.

Seeing the faces of Ilia, Meiyou, and Wei Gong giants are not so good-looking, Lin Si Zhai also took the opportunity to clapp his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Well, these are just legends. You don't need to pay too much attention."

"After all, if we don't work hard, whether victory will come to us in the end, it is still unknown."

"And the future, not already fixed."

Lin Sizhai's words made Xiao Hei in his arms nodded happily and said, "Mmmm, Ouni sauce is right, it's all human, we can definitely change the future and make it what we want. The future. Because, there is Oni-chan here~!"

Xiaohei's compliment made Lin Sizhai, who has a certain degree of shame and kindness, also smiled and shook his head.

Under the propaganda of Xiao Hei, Ilya, Miyu, and Emiya Shirou, who had a bad atmosphere in the original, also saw a lot.

But everyone hasn't spoken yet, and Angelica, who is sitting in the corner, speaks at this time.

"As expected of a man with the ability of "Clairvoyance EX", is this the future you see? "

Angelica's words made everyone stunned. Luvia and Tohsaka Rin looked at each other and whispered, "Clairvoyance EX?"*2

Skaha narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Angelica, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, who were still in doubt, asked Lin Sizhai. Medea next to Lin Si Zhai reprimanded Angelica with a frosty face.

"Pay attention to your identity, doll. It's not yet time for you to speak. Let you stay here and listen, it is already the grace of Master Si Zhai. You are so presumptuous, is it Do you want to be torn apart?"

Medea's reprimand did not make Angelica have any reaction. This made Medea a little annoyed.

However, in order to maintain Lin Sizhai's majesty, Medea, who wanted to do something, stood up. Lin Si Zhai directly grabbed Medea who was sitting behind him, shook his head to Angelica and replied.

"Angelica, unfortunately, you guessed wrong."

"Although I really want to have the skill "Clairvoyance EX" that can see the future. But unfortunately, that's not what I can have. "

"After all, that's a special skill that only the champion Caster and his alternates can possess."

"This kind of skill is a bit too extravagant for someone like me who is obviously not compatible with Caster, isn't it?"

Lin Si Zhai's answer, everyone heard it in a fog.

Because most of the people present did not know what a "crown" is, but the caster class, everyone knows the Holy Grail War, so they still understand a little.

But everyone at the scene understood one thing, that is, listening to Lin Sizhai's tone, the crown Caster seems to be a very powerful existence.

After all, its candidates can have the skill "Clairvoyance EX" to see the future. This skill alone is enough to make everyone feel awe of its existence.

Everyone looked in awe and seemed to understand, but it did not affect Angelica sitting in the corner.

Angelica just shook her head and replied lightly.

"Although I don't know how your so-called crown Caster and its alternates are different from ordinary Caster. But according to your previous title on the Patriarch's newspaper, as a "savior" It's not surprising that you have the skill "Clairvoyance EX". "

"And everything you have shown before is almost the same as the "Clairvoyance EX" that sees through the future. Basically a prophet. Even if you don't have the skill "Clairvoyance EX", it's definitely the same, and it doesn't matter. "

Angelica's explanation made Lin Sizhai's mouth twitch, feeling that his heart was full of grass and mud horses running past.

Because of Angelica's explanation, he didn't know what to say.

Although he doesn't have "Clairvoyance EX", the plot learned from reading comics and animations is not much different from Clairvoyance EX. And maybe even more precise.

While this made Lin Si Zhai attract everyone's attention, he was also a little helpless.

'Gan, no one else noticed this, why did Angelica, the supporting role, notice it? Is this really the origin that determines the vision? ’

Although he was a little helpless, on the surface Lin Sizhai was very calm.

waved his hand slightly, Lin Sizhai replied calmly: "What do you think is your business, I can only say that things are far from what you think. The specific situation, I only Can answer: No comment."

Lin Si Zhai's calm answer made everyone who had believed in Angelica's guess once again puzzled.

Sitting next to Lin Sizhai, Skaha knew the truth of Lin Sizhai. Although Lin Si Zhai is not a "Clairvoyance EX", it is not far from it.

It's just that this matter is one of Lin Sizhai's secrets. Tell yourself that it's okay. But telling other outsiders, it would be a little inappropriate.

Although everyone here can be trusted, there is always some risk of accidental disclosure.

So Skaha didn't want everyone to be too entangled on this issue, so he changed the subject.

"Angelica, just say what your purpose is. Saying it is useless doesn't work at all. Say your purpose and we might think about it. Otherwise, you It's just a waste of time."

Hearing Skaha's words, Angelica fell silent for a while, and finally bowed to Lin Sizhai and pleaded.

"Lin Si Zhai, please save my brother, Julian Einsworth. I beg you..."

Angelica's request far exceeded everyone's expectations, causing everyone to scream.


"Save that Julian? Angelica, what the **** are you talking about?" Tohsaka Rin looked at Angelica who was bowing down with a look of surprise.

"Julian? Is that the man in the school uniform who appeared before? According to the information that Si Zhai-sang said, he seems to be your younger brother. It's just that he has something to do, and he needs to let Si Zaisang to help?" Luvia was also puzzled at the moment.

The two adults, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, are so puzzled, not to mention a bunch of little loli.

It is the giant of the palace who has some friendship with Julian. At this moment, it seems that she understands something and asks to bow down to Angelica.

"Sure enough, Julian's condition is not good. Julian, is there any danger, Angelica?"

Angelica did not answer the question of the Empress, but repeated silently, "I beg you..."

Angelica's request made everyone look at Lin Sizhai, waiting for Lin Sizhai's answer.

In this regard, Lin Si Zhai's answer is...

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