Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 4 Chapter 120: A wave of analysis

In everyone's own thoughts, everyone returned to Lin Sizhai's manor.

Gathered together and sat in the living room, Medea briefly explained to Lin Sizhai what everyone planned just now, and Lin Sizhai nodded to show his understanding.

"So, are you planning to travel around the world? This is a good choice."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Then, when do you plan to leave, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa?"

"Um... Now that the Holy Grail War is over, I plan to leave in a while. It's better to go around the world. You said before that I was too arrogant. Then I will follow you I mean, go and see the human beings all over the world."

This decision did not exceed Lin Sizhai's expectations.

"Whatever, what about you, Semiramis. Are you going back to Valhalla now, or are you traveling with Shiro Tokisada Amakusa?"

According to the original trajectory, Semiramis and Amakusa Shiro Tokisada will be a pair. It's just that in the original trajectory, Shiro Amakusa was stabbed to death by Zig, and Semiramis was also cut to death by Mordred. The two didn't end well in the end. It's just that both of them are Heroic Spirits, so death is not terrible for them. Just some regrets.

Now, the Holy Grail War is over. Semiramis and Amakusa Shiro Tokisada survived together. What decision would Semiramis make in this situation. This point, Lin Si Zhai is still quite curious. Therefore, Lin Si Zhai has this question.

It's just that Semiramis' answer was quite beyond Lin Sizhai's expectations, making Lin Sizhai look confused.

"No, I have no interest in traveling the world. I will return to Valhalla by myself. But not immediately, if I can, I want to stay here for a while. Lord King Arthur, I believe you will take me in Is this weak woman's?"

As soon as Semiramis said this, everyone looked at her, and everyone looked incredible. It seems that no one expected her to make such a decision.

Don't travel with Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, but stay by your side instead? What is this scenario? Which script is this? Didn't Semiramis like Shiro Tokisada Amakusa? Why would you make such a puzzling decision.

At this moment, Lin Si Zhai was stunned.

Maintain the required magic power for you. When you want to leave, you can cancel the contract yourself. You can do this, right?"


Seeing that Shirou Shirou Amakusa and Semiramis reached a consensus, Lin Si Zhai was even more confused.


Semiramis doesn't like Shiro Tokisada Amakusa? Amakusa Shiro Tokisada didn't react at all to Semiramis staying by his side?

What kind of influence does my little butterfly make in this world? You don't seem to be doing anything to interfere with the relationship between the two, right?

Recalling what he did when he came to his own world, Lin Sizhai nodded secretly, convinced that he did not do that kind of thing.

On the contrary, there are many things that interfere with the Yog Domirenia family.

The only incident that may affect the emotional bond between the two is probably the thing that made Shiro Tokisada Amakusa lose his fighting spirit.

Could it be that, because of my talk, Shirou Shirou Amakusa lost his fighting spirit in front of Semiramis, and the empress of Semiramis was disappointed with him, so it became a mess the current situation?

After sorting it out a little, Lin Sizhai felt that this seemed to be the only explanation...

"Then, Lord Arthur, may I stay?"

Semiramis' question again made Lin Sizhai temporarily get out of the tangled vortex.

"Huh? Oh, of course. You can stay here temporarily during our stay here."

"So, thank you~! His Excellency King Arthur is indeed a gracious king."


Seeing Semiramis and Lin Sizhai negotiating, Shiro Amakusa seems to think the atmosphere is good and relaxed. He took the opportunity to ask Lin Sizhai.

"King Arthur, can I take the liberty to ask your Excellency some questions?"

"Huh? Yes, you can ask whatever you want. It just depends on my mood."

With a polite smile, Shiro Amakusa asked her own question.

"Then, can I ask, how long do you plan to stay here? Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask about the approximate time. Since I will continue to stay at this time, I need to talk to the church. While maintaining a certain friendly relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to report to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts."

Hearing this, the Lion Jiejie Li on the side also answered: "I also want to ask about this. You must know that I am also employed by the clock tower. Now that the Holy Grail War is over, I also need to report."

Lin Sizhai did not hide the question of the two of them, and answered it generously.

"Oh, of course there's no problem with that. We'll stay here for a week. Take it as a break. After a week, we'll leave and return to our original base."

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada and Lion Jiejieli nodded to show their understanding, and Amakusa Shiro Tokisada also took the opportunity to ask again.

"Then, the next question. I am very curious about the other world mentioned by Your Excellency and others. I wonder if His Excellency King Arthur can answer it for me. What is going on? I don't think it's a parallel world, is it?"

For this question, Lin Si Zhai thought for a while and then answered.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, anyway, with your strength, it is estimated that you can't do anything. Rather, if you can do something, I may be a little easier."

Hearing this, Shirou Tokisada Amakusa was refreshed and made a gesture of listening.

"Actually, the reason why I came here this time is for a purpose, and this purpose is the Holy Grail. It's just that this purpose is not my own, but the task that Merlin gave me."

Frowning, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada looked puzzled: "You mean, Merlin? The legendary magician Merlin?"

"No, not the Merlin you know. It's the Merlin of another world..."

Simply told Shiro Shiro Amakusa about his current situation, and Lin Sizhai told Shiro Shiro Amakusa all the information that Mordred and others knew. After all, there is no need to hide such a thing. Anyway, he was about to leave. And Shiro Tokisada Amakusa will return to the Hall of Valor after that. Same goes for Semiramis. Both of them are Heroic Spirits, so there is a certain possibility that they will be summoned by themselves. Although Lin Si Zhai does not know how many possibilities this is. But it's always possible. As a potential ally, and now as a comrade who has fought together, Lin Sizhai will not be stingy in this regard. Disclosing some reasonable information will help the two improve their impression of themselves.

After listening to Lin Sizhai's remarks, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada was amazed: "I can't believe it. Merlin from another world can do so much. 100W King Arthur candidates from various other worlds, together Compete to compete and decide the ultimate King Arthur. This kind of courage is really unimaginable."

Wouldn't it be better for my father to be King Arthur?"

"No, it's not that he has no eyes, but he has other plans. Mordred, haven't you thought about it, Merlin, why in the end are you calling 100W of outsiders to compete for election. Is it?"

"Huh? Assassin, what do you mean?"

Semiramis' words made Mordred directly annoyed. However, Lin Si Zhai, Skaha, Xiao Hei, Medea and others who knew their own internal affairs all cast their surprised glances at Semiramis.

This kind of gaze made Semiramis calmly advocate as if he was certain of something.

"Literally, you're stupid."


"Little Mo, be quiet first. Semiramis, go ahead. I'd love to hear your opinion."

Stopping Mordred who wanted to explode, Lin Si Zhai looked at Semiramis with interest. Although I knew from the time when I was an otaku, the Assyrian queen in front of me was very smart. But that's just an impression. Now, Lin Si Zhai really wants to know if the famous empress in front of her can really sort out any interesting content from the one-sided information.

Semiramis did not live up to Lin Sizhai's expectations, and said it generously.

"First of all, we can see from the fact that Merlin summoned 100W people from different worlds and made him a candidate for King Arthur. This Merlin is very strong, strong enough to cross the world at will. This can be seen from the fact that the system he made can send many King Arthur candidates to different worlds, and its strength is very terrifying."

"Under this premise, Merlin should have no need to choose any king, and there is no need to engage in a king-selection ceremony for 100W King Arthur. You know, when his strength reaches his level, he wants to directly Choosing a suitable king should be quite simple. Whether it is the king's bearing or anything else, he can choose slowly by himself. After all, he can rely on his own system to help the selected King Arthur improve. Therefore, strength or something is not a problem at all."

"However, Merlin, who has such strength, did not do this, instead he worked hard to do such troublesome things. There are only two results. Either there is some purpose, let him It has to be done. Or, he is not interested in it. King Arthur's selection or something is simply a cover for him."

Semiramis' remarks made Lin Sizhai full of light, and also made Shiro Amakusa frown upon hearing this.

"Then, Semiramis, as you mean, this Merlin..."

"Not a good guy. King Arthur or something, maybe not important to him. What matters is other things we don't know. Therefore, I personally prefer the second answer. Merlin typed Under the pretense of selecting King Arthur, he is going to call 100W people from another world, and he is plotting something that others don't know about."

Answering Shiro Amakusa's question, Semiramis looked at Lin Sizhai with a smile.

"How about it, Lord King Arthur, is my guess close to the truth?"

"What do you mean?" Mordred looked at Semiramis in confusion.

Lin Sizhai patted Mordred on the shoulder and explained.

"It's just like what she said, Xiao Mo. Merlin, in the world I live in now, is really not interested in choosing King Arthur. Instead, he is conspiring for other things. That's why I didn't tell you about it. I don't want you to worry, I intend to make you feel at ease in the Holy Grail War. My original plan was to tell you after I summoned you. Otherwise, if I told you in advance and didn't summon you, it would just make you worry in vain. That's it."

"Your Majesty..."

Lin Sizhai was so considerate of himself that Mordred was moved to tears. If it weren't for the inappropriateness now, I'm afraid Mordred would have thrown himself into his father's arms.

Compared with Artoria, Lin Si Zhai is too considerate.

Touching the moved tears in the corners of his eyes, Mordred's eyes were full of determination.

"Relax, Father. It's not about Merlin's conspiracy. As long as I am with Mordred, I will never let him be happy. Father, where the sword is directed, is what I am. The direction of struggle~!"

Mordred's speech as if taking an oath made Lin Si Zhai quite relieved on the surface, but full of shame on the inside.

In fact, he forgot to tell Mordred at all. Not at all what I just said. But now that Semiramis said so, he had no choice but to take the opportunity to find the steps to go down. It's just that Lin Si Zhai didn't expect that Mordred would be so moved. This made Lin Sizhai both ashamed and ashamed. It seems a bit too much to deceive her by myself...

Find a chance in the future to make up for Xiao Mo.

Secretly decided to treat Mordred well in the future, Lin Si Zhai patted Mordred's head, and performed head slaying to calm him down. Then he looked at Semiramis.

"Pretty good analysis. Semiramis, you are really smart."

"Where, you are wrong. This kind of thing, I believe the wise King Arthur, you must have guessed it long ago. I am a bit embarrassed."

Semiramis' compliments made Lin Si Zhai even more ashamed.

'No, I really think you're smart. Because, if it wasn't for the abnormality discovered by the previous director, I would not have discovered it at all...'

Of course, on the surface, Lin Sizhai nodded happily...

This is a force, you have to pretend if you don't...

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