Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 146: King's aura MAX

Several little girls rushed out and found Lin Sizhai, but they were not outside the city, but a group of people greeted them.

Of course, after hearing the narration of several little guys, Lin Si Zhai also knew the priorities. After arranging for Fujimaru Tachibana and others to take a break near the refugee camp for a while, Lin Si Zhai began to sort out the information.

"In other words, Sapphire received a distress signal from Ruby. But I don't know where it is. Medea speculates that the place of distress is not at this singularity. Right?"

With the nod of approval from Meiyou and others, Lin Si Zhai thought for a while and guessed where Elijah was.

According to the development of time, the location of this Illya can be determined.

But that was the original trajectory of fate, and now with Lin Sizhai's intervention, the crisis in the world where Meiyou is located has been resolved. Lin Si Zhai was completely unsure of what would have happened, whether it would happen. After all, this is not the so-called butterfly effect, a light flap of wings can cause a storm or something. Lin Si Zhai has changed even the original ending of Illya's world.

It is self-evident that the impact is so great.

Also, there is another possibility that Lin Sizhai has to consider.

Is the world in which Illya is really close to the world line of "Fate Crown Designation" (FGO).

The Moon World is a vast world with countless world lines and parallel worlds.

Even if she did receive a distress signal from Illya and Ruby this time, Lin Sizhai could not be sure whether this Illya with ruby ​​was the magical girl Illya she had met. . After all, a parallel world or something, in case it wasn't the world that Lin Si Zhai had been to. Maybe, Lin Sizhai will be able to meet another Ilya and Miyou who have never seen him at all. Well, plus a little black.

After all, in the original world trajectory, there will indeed be a Illya and a black in Chaldea.

Even though Meiyou and Xiaohei are both in Lin Sizhai's Crystal Palace, no one knows if this is the proof of Lin Sizhai's success in cutting off Hu. If not, it would be interesting...

After thinking a lot, Lin Sizhai finally told Meiyou and others the information they were eager to know.

"If I guess correctly, Illya and Ruby should be in a very special singularity now. And a singularity that only allows magical girls to enter. That singularity, by virtue of The technology on our side cannot be observed and entered for the time being.”

Speaking of this, Meiyou's expression is a loss.

But Xiao Hei didn't want Meiyou's mood to fluctuate so violently, she immediately heard what Lin Sizhai meant.

"Our technology is not suitable, and there is no entry point. But there is no problem in Chaldea, right? There are experts in countermeasures for singularity. If you ask them for help, will there be no problem? Is it? Ernie sauce?"

Xiao Hei's question made Meiyou excited, and Lin Si Zhai smiled and nodded.

"Yes, that's it. We can't do it here, but Chaldea can. And it's not a pan-human historical singularity, and there's no special exclusion. As long as you use the equipment over there, Meiyou, you can go in directly."

Meiyou, who had already bid farewell to Illya, was excited when she heard that she could help Ilia.

"Then, Sizani-chan, let's get in touch with Chaldea."

Lin Sizhai nodded with a smile and replied, "Okay, let's go to Tachibana and Matthew. It would be better for them to contact Chaldea. They just came back and reported to Chaldea. Let's take a look at the progress of the mission, so that Chaldea can rest assured."

Not much nonsense, Lin Sizhai directly took a few little guys to find Fujimaru Tachibana and Mashu. Then directly let Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew go to the communication room specially prepared in the Crystal Palace to contact Chaldea. There are enough facilities over there, the communication quality is good, and it will not add extra burden to Matthew. After Fujimaru Tachibana found out, she thanked him continuously, and would not refuse at all.

In the process, Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew were accompanied by a quiet Hassan.

Even if Fujimaru Tachibana is a woman, Quiet Hassan still has a special affection for Fujimaru Tachibana, who rescued her and was completely unafraid of poison damage.

That obsessed expression, Lin Sizhai has only seen Qingji among all the known servants so far.

The level of intimacy made Matthew quite tasteful, and Lin Sizhai had to sigh, worthy of being one of the famous bed-climbing trio in Chaldea. Even if Fujimaru Tachibana is a woman, she still cannot stop this great cosmic force.

First, I met Kiyohime in the swimsuit singularity. I saw Serene Hassan here again. Lin Sizhai also had a little anticipation for the last member of the bed-climbing trio, Yuan Laiguang.

The first two are the same, so the last one should be similar. Lin Si Zhai was already eager to see the Asura Field unfolding beside Fujimaru Tachibana.

Although Fujimaru Tachibana left a Mash and a quiet Hassan. Being held by the two of them, they sat with their arms and enjoyed the blessings of all. But when she was carried away by the two of them, the expression of resentment she showed towards Lin Sizhai made Lin Sizhai quite puzzled.

'Why is this Gudazi so resentful? Are you not a lily girl? ’

Lin Sizhai, who couldn't understand the complicated eyes in Fujimaru Tachibana's eyes, was right when Fujimaru Tachibana couldn't stand the clinginess of Quiet Hassan, so she showed the resentment.

After all, when he was the master (player) in Chaldea (FGO), Lin Sizhai also knew that Guda was also quite afraid of the bed-climbing trio. After all, whether it is a man or a woman, they are quite afraid of these three trio who appear in their bed at every turn. You know, no matter if Gu Da is a man or a woman, there is a loyal junior girl and four girlfriends outside the shield.

Compared to getting up and getting out of bed, it is better to have four girlfriends outside the shield.

Although one is already on Lin Sizhai's side.

Taking the complex emotions and resentment in Fujimaru Tachibana's eyes as resentment for Quiet Hassan, Lin Sizhai waved his hand to Fujimaru Tachibana with a smirk when he was walking away under the quilt.

That action made the resentment in Fujimaru Tachibana's eyes almost turned into black mud, and it was about to overflow.

But Lin Si Zhai didn't care about it at all.

Under the resentment that Fujimaru Tachibana was about to turn black, Fujimaru Tachibana left with a few small tails on the quilt.

Send away Fujimaru Tachibana, Matthew, Miyu and other little tails. The smile on Lin Si Zhai's face gradually subsided.

The smile gradually disappeared, Lin Si Zhai stared blankly at Lancelot, Bedwell, and Kojiro Sasaki, his eyes were quite indifferent.

In response, Sasaki Kojiro patted his **** directly and said with a flask: "There is still a major task of guarding the city gate, Master, teach these unreliable guys a good lesson. I Go back and check the door."

Leave such a sentence, Sasaki Kojiro swoops away.

Glancing at Kojiro Sasaki, Lin Si Zhai refocused on Lancelot and Bedwell, and asked lightly, "Do you have anything to say?"

Lin Sizhai's face was expressionless, but with an aura that was not angry and arrogant, Bedwell's face was covered in cold sweat. Even more frightened Fu Teng, who had just been brought back.

'As expected of a male king, this momentum is stronger than that of a female king. Even the king in his heyday could not be so ruthless. It seems that the male king is really angry. ’ Bedwell, who was stunned, was in a cold sweat and began to regret his previous hasty actions.

'Wow...who is this? This aura is too...No, I have to lower my sense of existence. I did not do anything. The Master didn't tell me what to do before, so I'll just stay quiet. I really want to leave him alone. ’ Sitting upright in the corner, put the rice bucket beside him. Tao Teng is too quiet like a statue.

Bedwell and Mrs. Teng were both stunned by Lin Sizhai's intrusion, only Lancelot and Nito who was beside Lin Sizhai were not shocked.

Let's leave Lancelot for now. Speaking of Nito alone, her attitude towards Lin Sizhai is quite weird now.

Don't say that I wanted to surprise Lin Sizhai before, quietly came back, climbed up the wall from the edge of the city wall, wiped away the traces on his body with magic, and was going to scare Lin Sizhai from behind, but he heard something Should not be heard. Just talking about Lin Sizhai's performance now, Nito felt that he had heard it wrong just now.

Because, the king in front of him with MAX bearing, Lin Sizhai, who can be called a textbook majestic king, and the previous one who held a telescope and commented on Quiet Hassan. Not alone at all.

This contrast is almost every day, even if he saw it with his own eyes, Nito felt a little unable to believe his eyes.

Which is the real Lin Si Zhai, Nito was a little puzzled.

Subconsciously, Nito compared Lin Sizhai in two different states. She felt inwardly. Although Lin Sizhai, who is more like a king than La Er, is a little more powerful and domineering. But the color embryo who commented on Quiet Hassan before made her feel more approachable.

This may be the difference between friends and rulers?

The current Lin Sizhai makes Nito have the illusion of facing the Sun King La Er, quite restrained and uncomfortable. Fear of doing something wrong and being blamed by the other party.

Lin Sizhai, who had the same color as before, didn't have that kind of pressure. Say what you want to say, no need to cover up at all. Can give each other enough trust. Because the other party is his friend.

In this comparison, Nito is far less close to the current Lin Sizhai than the previous Lin Sizhai.

'Sure enough, it's better to get closer to the previous Si Zhai......'

Nieto's thoughts, Lin Sizhai didn't know. Even if he wants to pay attention to Nito's state now, he has no time.

Because Lancelot made a move at this moment.

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency King Arthur. I was too impulsive. Please forgive my impulsiveness, I was too worried about Matthew's safety and wanted to accompany me in person. Those The attitude of the people of the mountain is really not flattering to outsiders. Therefore, I am really worried when I know that Matthew and the others are going alone without the company of His Excellency King Arthur. Please forgive my impulsiveness, I am willing to take all the responsibility. "

Lancelot, an old father who was worried about his daughter going out in tears, gave Lin Si Zhai a toothache.

‘Although I knew that Lancelot met Matthew before, it would make her daughter look like she was in a late stage and hopeless. It's the same as a shameful professor meeting Kenniang. It can be called Chaldea's shameful daughter-controlled duo. But seeing the real person, this is too...... No, I have to find an opportunity to remind Tachibana later. Although Matthew is also quite disliked by his "father". But this kind of daughter control is too dangerous and must be checked and balanced. ’

While secretly thinking about what stumbling blocks should be placed on this father-in-law, Lin Sizhai also stared coldly at Lancelot for a while. Just snorted.

"For the sake of protecting Matthew, let me let you go for the time being. Next time, let me know that you are doing this. Even if Matthew stops me, I won't be merciful."

In Bedwell's expression of breath, Lin Si Zhai glanced at Bedwell. Bedwell's heart skipped a beat.

"Xiao Bei, so are you. Although you are not my knight of the round table, I am quite familiar with Arturia. You will do anything out of the ordinary in the future. I will tell Artoli Yayi responded, you'd better give me some ACD numbers."

Although I don't understand what Lin Sizhai's last sentence means. However, Lin Si Zhai's imposing pressure, which put him under enormous pressure, made Bedwell lower his head subconsciously.

"I'm so sorry."

After reprimanding Lancelot and Bedwell, Lin Sizhai, who had established enough prestige, nodded in satisfaction. She turned her head to look at the dark woman standing quietly in the shadows in the corner.

"Then, should you tell me who this is?"

Lin Sizhai asked, and Bedwell, who had just been oppressed, hurriedly explained.

"This is the Guardian Servant from the gathering place of the mountain people, Baimao Hassan. This time, as the leader, take us to rescue the quiet Hassan who was just taken away by the master and this Wei Tengtai. This rescue operation is not only to rescue them and establish friendship with the people of the mountain, but also to weaken the fighting power of the Lion King. I... Your Excellency King Arthur, you may not know, guard that place The knights of the prison are the knights of the guard of Lord Agog. If Lord Tristan (Note 1) hadn't suddenly appeared to help, we would have defeated Lord Agog and brought him back."

Lin Sizhai was a little surprised to hear what Bedwell said.

'Have Argonauts and Choi saddened in prison? ’

The memory is too long, and Lin Sizhai can't remember the details. A little surprised, Lin Sizhai nodded to Baimao Hasan.

Lin Sizhai: "I am King Arthur Lin Sizhai of the Crystal Palace. Welcome, Hassan of the Mountain People."

Hundred Majesty Hassan also nodded: "People of the Mountain, Hundred Majestic Hassan. Please advise, His Excellency King Arthur."


Note 1·PS: I have been using Tristan before, but found that everyone called this guy Cui Sad. It turns out that Tristan wants to be this guy's name too. Change it to Tristan here. Otherwise, I will write the nickname of Cui Sadness later, for fear that some people will not be able to figure it out.

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