Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 217: Magical Girl Joan of Arc*2

Lin Sisi, whose expression did not fluctuate, and his heart was a little sad, saw with his own eyes that the two wives openly distributed welfare, but he did not have any impulse.

After this sad welfare time, two new wives appeared in Lin Sisi's eyes.

First of all, it's Heizhen.

Hei Zhen she......

Hei Zhen she......

What should I say...  

Wearing a black magic wand, Heizhen blushed. Like a delicate peach, people can't help but want to take a bite when they see it. Hongmeng Hall 29831⑥35④

No, even Lin Sisi, who is in idler magic, secretly praised Medea.

'Well done Medea. He actually used Meiyou's transformed clothes as a reference, and put it directly on Heizhen. This kind of tights only feels cute and innocent on Miyou's flat body. But wearing it on Hei Zhen, who has a graceful figure and a bulging front and back, only Seqing and temptation are left. How did Medea come to the attention of this genius? ’

Maintaining the indifferent expression on her face, Lin Sisi went to pick up the words of Hei Zhen who was "very praised". Instead, he looked at Bai Zhen.

Looking at Bai Zhen, who was completely different from the black tights, Lin Sisi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

But Bai Zhen is completely different.

If the magical girl form of Heizhen is said to be a witch who can seduce people to commit crimes.

Bai Zhen is a model of a truly innocent and sweet magical girl.

In a fluttering yellow and white dress, Bai Zhen wears a very typical and traditional magic dress. Although the skirt was a little short, it seemed that Lin Sisi could vaguely see Bai Zhen's pretty upturned PP. But on the whole, Bai Zhen's clothes are quite beautiful, and there is no smell of Serqing. Hongmeng Hall 29831⑥35④

Well, just listen.

In short, after the transformation of the two, Lin Sisi gave 5 stars to the magical girl form of black and white twins.

'Wait back, make sure they wear this outfit and have a good time with me...'

Although she is still idle, Lin Sisi is still secretly making arrangements for her future happiness.

It seems that there is a black Zhen on the side. Bai Zhen, who was originally embarrassed that her clothes were a little revealing after her transformation. After seeing this dress of my sister, I felt relieved.

'It seems that magical girls are dressed like this, Miyu and Xiao Hei are also like this. That dress should be normal. At least my clothes are not as elegant as Alter's...'

Muttering a little in her heart, Bai Zhen began to test her abilities.

It was the first time I got a magic tool, and Bai Zhen had absolutely no experience with the power of a magical girl.

Bai Zhen: "..."

Looking at Bai Zhen's embarrassed expression, Lin Sisi broke free from her thoughts and asked with concern, "Bai Zhen, what's wrong?"

"Sisi...Although the magic power has recovered to the level where it can be mobilized, I don't know how to drive the power of the magic tool. The seal of the Noble Phantasm does not seem to be released... ..."


The corner of Lin Sisi's mouth twitched, she stepped forward and took a good look at Bai Zhen. Make her blushing.

"Magic tool...that should be it. Bai Zhen, you try to guide the magic power to the wrist and ankle, the pair of bracelets and anklets. This should be you magic device."

With Lin Sisi's advice, Bai Zhen quickly followed the instructions.

Sure enough, after a while, the pile of emerald green bracelets and anklets radiated dazzling golden light, making Bai Zhen look like he had awakened the Super Saiyan mode. The body was covered by a layer of faint golden arrogance.

"How? What's changed?"

During Lin Sisi's questioning, Bai Zhen squeezed her hands, her face a little weird: "Sisi...I feel my body is strengthened. However, I still don't know magic. Could it be that the effect of strengthening the body is the magic of my magic tool?"

Seeing this, Lin Sisi also nodded slightly: "In all likelihood, it should be. Now the magic device is in the initial simple state, with few functions. It is already a rush to install a magic. It's done. Bai Zhen, try punching the ground and see how much your strength increases."

Bai Zhen heard the words, but she had no choice but to stimulate her magic power to enter the state of the golden man. He punched the ground hard.

Boom! boom! boom! boom! !

A crack was about 60 to 70 meters long and 20 to 30 meters deep, under Bai Zhen's punch. It was directly exposed in front of Lin Sisi.

This scene, not only Lin Sisi was stunned, but also Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen themselves.

"The village girl, how much force did you use just now?" Hei Zhen asked Bai Zhen a little stammering.

Bai Zhen was a little surprised by the power of his own punch, and couldn't help but blush slightly: "This...I really want only 40%. And just now I didn't fill the magic power of the magic tool to the maximum. , so, the power should be able to be the least at night, probably..."

Lin Sisi and Hei Zhen were speechless as they looked at the crack in front of them that was blasted out by Bai Zhen's punch.

This level is repeated again and again, even if Bai Zhen can smash a small mountain with one punch?

Is this a magical girl? Are you sure it's not a Super Saiyan? Where can magical girls be so violent?

Lin Sisi thought about it, and seemed to think that this guess was quite reliable.

After all, every nurse and meat tank has a heart of output. This is normal and reasonable. So, it seems normal for Bai Zhen to change from the guardian saint who guards others to the one-punch saint?

Turn her head to look at Bai Zhen, Lin Sisi felt that her guess should be close to the truth.

It seemed that she couldn't bear Lin Sisi's strange gaze, Bai Zhen ran behind Hei Zhen as if fleeing, and pulled the skirt around Hei Zhen's waist. Heizhen made a very strange sound.

"Hey~! Hey, village girl, what are you doing?"

"Alter, it's your turn. My magic has been tested. It's your turn to experiment with magic."

Such an obvious change of topic, even Hei Zhen saw it.

But even if she saw it, Hei Zhen had no intention of piercing Bai Zhen. Because, she is also very interested in her own magic.

'The village girls have gained such a powerful power, so I should be similar. Not sure what my magic is...'

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