Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 229: finally revealed

Rush over with doubts, Tohsaka Rin found out. By the time he, Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen rushed to Miyu and the others, the battle was over.

The Cú Chulainn Alter doll that was able to crush Matthew and the others was crushed in another way in front of Lin Sisi.

With just three swords, the Cuchulainn Alter figure was knocked into the air.

When the Cuchulainn Alter figure stood firm and wanted to rush up again, Tohsaka Rin saw Lin Sisi put away his long sword and took out a knight wrapped with two holy light belts long gun.

"Shine in Rhongomyniad!!"

The golden light cannon roared out, directly submerging the Cu Chulainn Alter doll and the queen Maeve on the carriage, along with a group of miscellaneous soldiers, into the golden light cannon.

After a few breaths, the light cannon whizzed past and finally disappeared.

The Cu Chulainn Alter figure struggled a few times, raised his head, and shouted: "I'm not convinced!"

With a thud, the Cuchulainn Alter doll fell down, eyes like mosquito coils, and kept spinning...

Queen Maeve was lying next to the Cuchulain Alter doll, the situation was similar. His clothes were tattered, his eyes were spinning like mosquito coils, and he seemed to faint. And her carriage has also turned into a pile of rubble, scattered all over the place.

Lin Sisi did everything with a single light cannon. This is a scene that is so simple and rude that it is somewhat familiar, so that Tohsaka Rin always feels that he has seen someone's vision in Lin Sisi.

But considering she is a woman and that person is a man. And one person uses a sword, and the other uses a gun. Tohsaka Rin quickly shook his head, recognized the reality, and separated the two.

Rush to Meiyou and Xiaohei. Before the two little guys greeted him with a surprised look, Tohsaka Rin reprimanded him.

"Meiyou, Xiaohei, what's the matter with the two of you, to appear in such a dangerous world. Don't you know that this place will disappear at any time? You know how dangerous it is Also, where is that idiot Lin Si Zhai? Isn't he your guardian? To leave you here, it's incompetent!!"

Faced with Rin Tohsaka who suddenly became furious, Miyu and Kuro were a little stunned.

It was the ruby ​​in Matthew's hand, and she replied with some surprise: "Oh, isn't this Rin-sang. You have become such a shame again? Don't you know you are like this? Isn't Auntie fit to be a magical girl? Also, what's the matter with that fake in your hand? Could it be that you miss me so much, Rin-sang, that you made such a fake? This makes me so sad, eh? huh..."


Tohsaka Rin's forehead instantly burst into blue veins, and in Mash's stunned expression, he snatched the ruby ​​and quickly ravaged it.

"You bastard, you have the nerve to say, isn't it because of you that I need to rely on fakes to transform?"

"Tap tap, break, break..."

Looking at the appearance of her sister being ravaged by Tohsaka Rin, Sapphire, who was held in the palm of Miyu's palm, couldn't help shaking her head slightly: "Yeah, ah, it's really a little joy for my sister and Rin to be back again. nothing."

"Shh, Sapphire, stop talking. Be careful that Rin-sang hears you."

Although I was a little happy to see Tohsaka Rin again. But Miyu doesn't seem to be surprised to see Tohsaka Rin again in this world, it seems that she has long known that Tohsaka Rin is in this world. She hurriedly covered Sapphire to keep her from talking nonsense, which seemed to be the result of long rehearsal.

Xiao Hei seems to have expected this scene for a long time, which is not surprising. Just watching Tohsaka Rin ravaged Ruby, he shook his head helplessly: "Yah, ah, thief, Rin still hasn't changed at all. But also, it's only been a few months, it would be strange if she changed too much. . Compared to this..."

Xiaohei's eyes gradually shifted to Lin Sisi, his eyes narrowed gradually.

"Big sister, who are you? Why do you always give me a familiar feeling? Also, what's the matter with your gun?"

Xiao Hei's words immediately attracted the attention of Miyu, Yuzhen, Fujimaru Tachibana, and Matthew. At the same time, they also noticed the strange costumes on Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen, who had arrived one after another.

Although they wanted to laugh a little, but under Heizhen's vicious gaze that was about to set fire to them, they still restrained their mouths and managed to hold back.

At the same time, they looked at Lin Sisi with more puzzled eyes.

Let's not talk about why Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen dress so strangely. Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen just looked at them and made them understand. These Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen obviously knew a few of them. It is not a completely independent existence like Jack, Nursery Rhyme, Maeve, and Cuchulain Alter in this singularity.

But the more they do, the more puzzled they are.

Which of them did not know that Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen who knew them were Lin Si Zhai's wife. As Lin Si Zhai's wife, why would they follow other people around.

Moreover, the people they ran with looked just like them, and they were holding weapons that were obviously holy spears.

When Lin Sisi released the real name of the Noble Phantasm just now, they heard it very clearly.

This holy spear is indeed the body of the goddess Lungomiad in the realm of the round table. One of the holy spears of the Thirteen Anchors.

With suspicious eyes, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Sisi.

There is an absurd guess that germinates in the hearts of everyone.

Did you say...

"Euni... sauce? Or Ernie... sauce?" Xiao Hei wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

"Si Zhaini sauce? Nei.... sauce" Meiyou is a little unbelievable.

"Master Sang?" It seems that because she was too shocked, Young Zhen's voice changed a bit.

"Hey...don't" The corners of Fujimaru Tachibana's mouth twitched wildly, and her eyes almost bulging when she looked at Lin Sisi.

"Si Zhai...Senior?" Even Matthew, who had always been calm and calm, was finally calm at this moment, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Lin Sisi.

After twisting a few times in the hand of the beautiful gamer, Sapphire finally broke free and complained: "Although there is a strong camouflage effect, this level of magic fluctuation still can't escape my investigation. Master Si Zhai , you are using an unknown method to change the appearance, right?"

"...What? Is Sisi Lin Sizhai?"

Tohsaka Rin, who was ravaging Ruby to vent his grievances, was also stunned, and turned his head to look at Lin Sisi stupidly.

Because Sapphire revealed the truth in one sentence, Lin Sisi knew about her own affairs and could not hide it at all.

Although she knew this would happen when she took out the holy spear just now.

But since they have already found several concubines, it is really unnecessary to hide them. After all, she has no habit of cheating her own wife.

Put away the holy spear, Lin Sisi's expression changed.

"Yes, I'm Lin Sizhai......"


PS: Are there any kind readers who can vote for me? If not, I will ask again in the next chapter, thank you.

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