Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 232: Have no Hercules in mind?

Being stepped on by Youzhen, Tohsaka Rin certainly couldn't be angry. After all, it doesn't hurt or anything... There are ghosts!

"It hurts, what are you doing, little bastard."

Covering her feet, Tohsaka Rin screamed in pain.

"Rin-sang, Youzhen is a Servant. It's better not to provoke her if you're okay. If you get hit by her. Ernie... Ernie-chan will not help you Oh."

Xiao Hei laughed a little while watching the fun, so Rin Tohsaka glared at her.

Unfortunately, with Lin Sisi by her side now, Xiao Hei is not afraid of Tohsaka Rin. There are parents here to support, Xiaohei is particularly daring.

I was provoking Tohsaka Rin, but I didn't feel proud for a long time. Blackie was hit **** the head.


"It hurts...Oune-chan, what are you doing!?"

Covering her forehead, Xiao Hei looked at Lin Sisi with aggrieved expression.

Silently retracted her fist, Lin Sisi looked indifferent.

"If it's raining, I'll be idle."

"Isn't it raining? Also, I'm not a bear..."


"Talk back."


Looking at Xiao Hei who was hit by Lin Sisi's chestnut twice in a row, Meiyou opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't speak, just sighed silently.

'Little black, don't be dead. Si Zhai Ni Sauce obviously doesn't like you calling her Oni Sauce. ’

With a secret sigh, Meiyou silently held Lin Sisi's hand and asked worriedly: "Si Zhaini, you're like this, it's only temporary, right? You can change back? "

Compared to the indifference towards Xiao Hei, Lin Sisi's expression was much softer towards Meiyou.

Squatted down and touched Meiyou's head, Lin Sisi nodded: "Well, yes. In fact, I can change back now. It's just limited by the special rules of this singularity. Once I change back, I will not be able to fight and will be incapacitated. Therefore, I can only maintain this form for the time being."

Hearing Lin Sisi say that she can change back, Meiyou immediately smiled.

At the same time, Tohsaka Rin, who was on the sidelines, was also secretly relieved. Although it's funny to see the joke that Lin Sizhai becomes Lin Sisi. But if Lin Sizhai really wants to become a woman forever, Tohsaka Rin is actually unwilling to accept it from the bottom of his heart. As for why? This is not good to say...

Tohsaka Rin would not admit that in the world of Meiyou, Lin Sizhai, who had to save his life for Meiyou, was very handsome...

This kind of thing, she will never admit it.

However, compared to such trifles. Tohsaka Rin suddenly noticed. When Lin Sisi said that he could change back to Lin Sizhai. On the side, Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew both gave their guests a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Rin's eyes flashed.

'Not good, this guy's harem seems to be getting bigger and bigger...'

While secretly guarding Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew, Tohsaka Rin found out. Matthew's dress seems to be quite elegant. In particular, Naopie reminded her of Luvia subconsciously.

'Damn, **** cow...'


I seem to feel the vague hostility and the real resentment from Tohsaka Rin. Mash looked at Tohsaka Rin with some doubts.

‘Strange, this Miss Tohsaka Rin, why is there such a big resentment? Moreover, she really wanted to be a little hostile to me. Why? ’

I don't understand what happened to Tohsaka Rin, Matthew subconsciously began to ask himself if he had offended the magician lady somewhere.

I don't know what happened to Matthew and Tohsaka Rin at all, Lin Sisi hugged Meiyou well, she didn't know, her hug made Meiyou subconsciously show a sense of frustration.

Xiao Hei was a little envious and aggrieved when he saw this.

"Ou Nei is treated differently. Why only hit me and not Meiyou?"

Lin Sisi rolled her eyes at her angrily: "Why only beat you, don't you have Hercules in your heart?"

"Hercules? Isn't that the great hero in Greek mythology? Why do I have him in my heart?"

In this regard, Lin Sisi did not explain, just shook her head and replied: "I don't even understand this, it's still Illya."

Although she is the real Illya, but now with Lin Sizhai, she is only called Chloe Einzbern. Although she didn't quite understand why Hercules got involved with Illya. But Lin Sisi will definitely not aimlessly. There must be a problem with this.

Make up your mind, go back to the Crystal Palace and ask other people this question. Xiao Hei decided to find out all about Illya. After all, she is the real Illya...

Bullying Xiao Hei, Lin Sisi felt much better. He stood up and touched Xiao Hei's head as a consolation prize. Lin Sisi turned to look at the Cuchulainn Alter doll who was still in a coma, and Queen Maeve.

Looking at the two beings who were still in a coma, Lin Sisi asked with some doubts.

"How did you conflict with Maeve?"

This question was answered by Fujimaru Tachibana.

"It's nothing, it's just that we came here to ask her about that Miss Elia. We accidentally revealed that we were from Chaldea. So she attacked us. The reason is not clear. But according to past practice, it must have something to do with the Holy Grail. I am used to being attacked so many times in the singularity."

Lin Sisi raised her eyebrows: "It's really hard for you."

"It's fine."

Walking her hand nonchalantly, Fujimaru Tachibana glanced at Maeve, who was still in a coma, and asked Lin Sisi.

"Sisi, what do you think we should do next?"

"You can do what you want to do. You are the captain here. You have the final say. Don't worry about me, I'm here to be your bodyguard."

Seeing that Lin Sisi obviously didn't want to be in charge, Fujimaru Tachibana also shrugged.

"Well, I was expecting you to help me with this. Now it seems that I have to do it myself. But with you, the deterrence is much stronger. Matthew, come and help ."

"Good senior!"

Wake up the comatose Maeve and Cuchulain Alter dolls, and after some inquiries, Fujimaru Tachibana finally got the information she wanted.

I have to say, with Lin Sisi here, many things are much easier. If nothing else, just taking out the holy spear and heading to that station, Maeve did everything.

With the holy gun on her head, Maeve seemed surprisingly honest.

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