Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 236: Elijah

I just mentioned to Xiao Hei whether there is Uncle B in my heart.

Now, Uncle B really appeared.

Rao is Lin Sisi, and she can't help but be surprised and speechless at the result.

This world newspaper is coming too soon.

He took out the holy sword and resisted Hercules' blow to Huashan. Lin Sisi did not show any weakness, and directly used her own strength to resist Hercules' attack.


The huge impact sent Hercules flying and retreated several meters.

Lin Sisi stood on the spot, motionless. The steady and unmoving momentum surprised Ilya.

"How could it be possible to block Berserker's attack head-on."

After being surprised, Ilya's face sank.

"However, if that's the case, Berserker won't lose. My Berserker is the strongest!"


With a roar, Hercules charged again.

Lin Sisi refused to give in to this, and released the magic power from his body to fully open up to resist Hercules head-on.

bang bang bang.

Boom boom boom.

A huge impact sound, deafening, erupted in the field.

The ground where Lin Sisi and Hercules fought was shattered directly. Concave pits appear.

The two fought too fast, only to see their arms and weapons turned into afterimages, and countless sparks erupted between them.

Looking at Lin Sisi in the fierce battle, whether it is Fujimaru Tachibana, Matthew, or Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, or Heizhen, Baizhen, Xiaohe, Youzhen, Miyu. There was no expression of concern.

How strong is Lin Sisi, it's not that they don't know.

Although Hercules is strong, Lin Sisi will not lose to him in this head-on battle. He is the Optimus Prime in everyone's heart.

This kind of small scene is completely trivial.

Under their gaze, Lin Sisi gradually showed an advantage after being evenly matched at first. Almost pressed Hercules.

The action is getting faster and faster, and the force is getting heavier. Hercules was beaten and kept retreating, and his defeat was already evident.

This is not only seen by Fujimaru Tachibana and others. Even Ilya on the castle saw it.

But it was precisely because she saw the obvious disadvantage of Hercules that Ilya became more and more unacceptable.

"'s impossible, Berserker is the strongest. Berserker won't lose. Let me defeat her, Berserker!!"

In Illya's call, the magic power of Hercules swelled again, and the combat power soared again.

Hercules, who had been shot several meters before, gradually suppressed Lin Sisi and beat him back.

This abnormal surge in combat power surprised Lin Sisi.

"There is such a thing? Could it be that this is the bond between Uncle B and Illya?"

Lin Sisi's exclamation made Miyu, Tohsaka Rin, and Luvia all look at Xiao Hei. It seems that he is asking Xiao Hei what does this mean.

The gaze of the three made Xiaohei frown.

"What the hell! Why is it only at this time that you guess I am Illya? Don't look at me, I don't know. I don't know any Hercules, much less know What Berserker. I was sealed when I was very young. You have to ask, ask that idiot Elijah."

Although I really want to complain about you, aren't you also Illya? But considering the status quo that Xiao Hei has completely fried his hair. Luvia, Tohsaka Rin, and Miyu did not continue to complain.

Looking back at the battlefield, the three found that Lin Sisi had stabilized the situation again.

Although Hercules' offensive was fierce, Lin Sisi suppressed it back with absolute strength and speed.

At the same time, in the gap between the battle, Lin Sisi also shouted to Meiyou who was watching the battle.

"Miyou, let Ruby confirm the current state of Illya. I feel that her situation is a little different from what we thought."

Under Lin Sisi's command, Meiyou picked up the ruby ​​and flew in the direction of Illya.

Seeing that Miyu was approaching Illya, Hercules went mad. He actually abandoned Lin Sisi and wanted to jump up and shoot down Meiyou.

Facing the sudden attack, Miyu was obviously not prepared.

Fortunately, Meiyou was not too frightened, Lin Sisi threw a golden chain from behind and bound Hercules. Pulled down.

"You come down, your opponent is here."


The golden chain shone with golden light in the cry of Hercules.

Hercules kept breaking free, the golden chains began to tremble, and it seemed that some of them could no longer restrain him.

This scene made Lin Sisi stunned: "As expected of Uncle B, there are some signs that the pirated Tianzhisuo can't be bound. It would be great if it was the genuine Tianzhisuo. It's a pity that Merlin's system has , didn't take anything. Or I couldn't draw it. What a pity."

Tie Hercules with the pirated lock of the sky, and Miyu finally has a chance to get close to Illya.


"Who are you?"

Meiyou's approach did not make Ilya panic, but looked at her with some doubts.

Illya can be so calm, Meiyou is also a lot easier.

After seeing Meiyou tentatively handing the ruby ​​to Illya, Lin Sisi stopped paying attention there.

"Tsk...that's really tossing."

Grabbing the lock of heaven, Lin Sisi tried her best to hold Hercules to prevent him from breaking free.

The title of Hercules is well-deserved.

Lin Sisi can only complain like this.

But after some entanglement, Hercules suddenly stopped struggling.

Because Illya's voice came over.

"Berserker, wait a minute, they don't seem like bad people."

As soon as Elijah gave her order, Herculeston stopped moving.

The efficiency of this obedience made Lin Sisi speechless.

"As expected of Uncle B and Illya."

Turn her head to look at Meiyou, and get a nod from Meiyou. Lin Sisi knew that Meiyou had basically controlled Illya.

Withdrawing the lock of heaven, Lin Sisi jumped a few times and came to Meiyou.

"How about it, Meiyou."

Being touched by Lin Sisi, Meiyou narrowed her eyes in comfort.

"Sizani-chan, Illya's situation is really different. She is not controlled by others, but has another personality. She has a complete memory and thinking pattern. It's as if Ilya from another world merged with Ilya from our world. It's a very strange situation."

Lin Si Zhai turned his head suspiciously to look at Ilya, who bowed her elegant skirt.

"Hello, first meeting, big sister I don't know. I am Ilyasviel von Einzbern. Is the big sister also a participant in the Holy Grail War?"

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