Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 245: Defect (fixed)

Holy Continent·Crystal Palace·Main Control Room

Lin Sizhai returned with everyone and received a warm welcome.

Skaha, Chief Okita, Tamamo-mae, Hana Nero, Marda, Nito, and others, they all waited at the door from where they got the news.

I saw a few more women and two loli beside Lin Si Zhai, plus a Roshan (Hercules).

Skaha, Tamamomae, and even Chief Okita's expressions changed.

"Although I already knew that Si Zhai is a lo*ic*n, but this time it was too much? Did you bring Roshan back?" Skaha looked at Lin Si Zhai with a rather unkind look.

"Master seems to have a big problem. It must be corrected immediately, Master's sexual orientation must be kept normal!" Tamamo's front tail shook quickly, and his eyes were serious.

"Si Zhai, what exactly happened to you this time, even if you bring a woman back, why did you bring back such a thing? Zhen went with you, plus so many female servants in Chaldea, can't you satisfy you?"

Suddenly being hugged by the Chief Director of Okita, Lin Sizhai was stunned.

In fact, not only Lin Sizhai was stunned, but even Luvia, Tohsaka Rin and others who followed were also stunned by Skaha.

No one understands what they mean.

But after Mr. Okita's speech, everyone finally understood what it meant.

Lin Si Zhai covered his face with a slap, and looked at Skaha and the others with a sad face.

"Master, where did you guys think? How could I like a man. Please be normal."

In Lin Sizhai's tired expression, Lin Sizhai explained the real reason why Hercules followed.

The expressions of Skaha, Tamamo-mae, Hana Nero and others softened after knowing that Hercules was Master Ilya's Servant.

Marda and Nito, who were watching the play, were also taken aback, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lin Si Zhai really likes men, then they will be in a dilemma. With Lin Sizhai's ability, it would be quite difficult for them to break Lin Sizhai straight. Fortunately, this is just a false alarm, fortunately...

I don't know that I missed Lin Sizhai, who was straightened and benefited. At this moment, I am introducing Rin Tohsaka, Luvia, Ilia and others to Skaha and others.

If Lin Si Zhai knew about Marda and Nito's plan, he would probably risk his life to pretend that he was broken.

Let's not talk about Marda for a while, his relationship with Nito has not progressed, which really makes Lin Si Zhai a little irritable. Nito's situation is different from all the girls before, and he doesn't know how to deal with it. If you can make Nito take the initiative to straighten her up, take the initiative to send welfare. It is estimated that the relationship between the two can quickly heat up and break the current bottleneck.

But unfortunately, Lin Sizhai clarified too quickly and missed too much.

Thanks to Lin Sizhai not knowing this now, he didn't put his mind on Marda and Nito in the corner, but was quickly explaining what happened during this time.

Otherwise, Lin Sizhai would have vomited three liters of blood, shouting unfortunate...

But reality is reality, not so many ifs.

Now that I missed it, Lin Sizhai explained the relationship between people and horses once or twice. Everyone is officially acquainted.

"I see, I understand. I'm Skaha, the martial arts teacher of Si Zhai. This fox is Tamamozen, and the white emperor is Roman Emperor Nero. Let's get to know each other. "

Skaha's attitude as a hostess made Tohsaka Rin and Luvia feel a lot of pressure.

But for reasons such as peace, the two stood together this time without any backing down.

"Hello, Skaha, we have met. I'm Tohsaka Rin, nice to meet you, Sisai and Xiaohei take care of you."

"Hello, Ms. Skaha. It's an honor to meet you again, I'm Luvia Greta Edelfelt, it's an honor to meet you, Si Zhai and Meiyou. Your care is taken."

The uncompromising attitude and the questioning words.

Skahal raised her eyebrows lightly, revealing an intriguing smile.

"You're welcome."


In Lin Si Zhai's somewhat confused expression, Skaha, Tohsaka Rin, and Luvia laughed quite strangely.

Pulling Mr. Okita who was attached to him, Lin Sizhai and Mr. Okita bit their ears.

"Chief, why do I feel that the atmosphere is a little weird. Also, why does the relationship between the master and Rin and Luvia seem so stiff? This is not the first time they have met, right? Why do you feel so hostile?"

Chief Okita is seeing a genius, not a harem genius. She doesn't know much about emotional matters. Being asked by Lin Sizhai like this, Chief Director Okita was also full of question marks. She also didn't understand why Skaha had such a bad relationship with Tohsaka Rin and Luvia. The smell of gunpowder permeated his body.

Bewildered, Chief Okita could only shake his head.

"Oh, I thought Si Zhai-sang was a super harem man. I didn't expect that he actually has such obvious retardation in this regard. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. According to Sapphire Given the information, aren't the women here all his women? Why is this?" Ruby's tone was full of excitement.

"Sister Sister, according to the current data. Although it is unbelievable. But Sir Si Zhai, it seems that you only have the experience of pursuing others, not being pursued by others." Sapphire's tone is also full of weird.

Magic Girl Ilya approached Meiyou in a dazed way, and asked in a low voice: "Miyou, can't Brother Sizai see the current form? Rin-sang and Luvia-san , It's obviously taking the oath of sovereignty with this Ska Hassan, right? It's all played like this on TV."

Meiyou buckled her face a little embarrassedly, and whispered back: "Although it is unbelievable, I am afraid that the truth is that Si Zhaini sauce does not understand. Obviously there are so many wives, but in this regard I don't understand, and I don't know what's going on with Sizani sauce. Xiao Hei, do you know what's going on?"

I glanced at the magical girl Ilia, who asked for help from Meiyou and focused on her, sapphire and ruby. Xiao Hei pouted and replied.

"Roughly, I think I guessed it. It's a bit ridiculous. But Ernie-chan, I'm afraid this is really flawed..."

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