Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 253: I seem to have heard this story

Chaldea · Lingji Summoning Room

Sitting on the floor, Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew looked at the girl who claimed to be Lin Sisi with obedience.

Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew calmed down after the girl's rage just now.

After a detailed discussion with the girl, the two finally understood. This girl is not the Lin Sizhai they are familiar with, nor is Lin Sizhai's female posture after disguise.

She is a true King Arthur, one who had been exiled to England since childhood. Raised in England and acquired the holy sword, she became King Arthur's maiden.

The twists and turns of his experience made Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew feel super instant.

Well, let’s talk about it briefly.

This Lin Sisi lived in England and grew up alone. Without anyone's help, she lived a difficult life.

After the country in which she lives is in crisis, she will not die in the wild in order to get a bite to eat and to gain strength. She participated in the King of Great Britain. Selection held by Merlin.

Of course, at the beginning, this selection was very simple, just let people pull out the sword of the king. Whoever draws that sword can become the King of Great Britain.

Though the person who joins at the beginning must be a knight. A homeless person like Lin Sisi is not qualified to participate at all.

But after all the knights have participated, the sword of the king has not been pulled out.

This is embarrassing, in order to choose the real king. Merlin had no choice but to lend on the condition that as long as he was a man who could draw the sword of the king, he could become the king of Great Britain.

Then, all the men tried, and the result was the same. No one can pull it out.

According to Lin Sisi's description, the men in Great Britain at that time seemed to feel hopeless. Because, everyone has tried, and no one meets Merlin's requirements.

Just when everyone was desperate, Merlin didn't know what to think, but he relaxed the conditions again and allowed women to draw swords.

This decision detonated everyone's topic at the time, causing everyone to talk about it.

Do you want a woman to be king? Of course, other people have opinions on such a decision.

But all men have tried, and they can't pull it out. Amid the rumors that it was just Merlin's ridiculous lie, the men let go of the way and let the women go and draw their swords.

However, the result is the same. The sword of the king, still no one can pull it out.

Among them, Lin Sisi also tried it once. The result is of course the same, can't be pulled out.

Lin Sisi didn't really care about this. Originally, she was holding the attitude of giving it a try. When you pull it out, you will have no worries about food and clothing. Not being able to pull it out is just maintaining the status quo. Expectations are not high, and disappointments are naturally not much.

After a trial, all men and women tried it. No one can pull it out.

The sword of the king and the ceremony of choosing the king are just rumors of a ridiculous lie made by Merlin.

If it wasn't for Merlin's strength, the country's internal and external troubles would be at stake, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to death by a group of angry knights and people.

In the end, however, in a formidable enemy and a crisis that threatens everyone in the country. The knights and the nobles and the people succumbed.

They chose to turn to Merlin again.

Because Merlin is a legacy of the previous generation of kings, he is responsible for assisting the "king" power.

How strong is Merlin, everyone at the time didn't understand. But after all the knights were knocked over by Merlin three or two times. Everyone chooses to believe. The choice of the previous generation of kings was indeed not wrong. Merlin is strong.

His swordsmanship is unrivaled.

The name of Juggernaut began to spread among the people.

Even if it is to learn the superb sword skills, the knights choose to be convinced.

Just like that, everyone began to turn to Merlin again.

In the begging of everyone, Merlin agreed.

This time, it is still the king selection ceremony. Unlike everyone who tried before, some peaceful sword-drawing rituals are auspicious, different from the simple sword-drawing before.

This time, Merlin's king selection ceremony used the **** sword casting ceremony.

Everyone who wants to become a king can get a simple prototype of the holy sword.

Take this holy sword prototype to defeat others, absorb other people's holy sword prototype to improve your holy sword. In the end, an extremely powerful holy sword was forged. And the person who finished casting this sword is the King of Great Britain.

This method is rude and straightforward. All agreed.

This time, it is also not limited to men and women. Because this is a battle of life and death, it is a **** ritual. Everyone hopes that the more contestants, the better, so that their holy sword can be stronger. Everyone believes that they can live to the end and obtain the strongest holy sword. So, no one objected.

In the sword casting ceremony, most of the contestants are knights or nobles with decent strength.

There are only a few ordinary civilians and poor people who are as desperate as Lin Sisi and participate in order to survive.

For a better life, for a stronger power. Lin Sisi participated in the sword-casting ceremony and defeated the first few knights and aristocrats by various means. Acquired a certain level of holy sword.

Lin Sisi bluntly spoke out about the various methods she used to be a yin person, some of which were so bad that Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew felt their scalps numb.

When people go to the toilet, use the light of the holy sword to detonate the cesspit or something...

This method is very tasteful when you hear it...

There is not much to say after that. Although after obtaining a certain level of holy sword, the existence of the poor Lin Sisi attracted the attention of others. But at the same time, several civilians and poor people have survived the initial difficult period and have grown to a certain extent. So she is not very conspicuous.

In the various hard battles that followed, she finally defeated everyone and became the only winner among all the contestants.

Standing in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, Lin Sisi raised the holy sword in his hand and became the king of Great Britain.

This is the history of her becoming king.

Under the light of the holy sword of her strongest holy sword, all enemies are defeated. The country was saved. She became the king that everyone recognized. Although as a price, the knights are almost dead. However, with the help of Merlin, the new generation of knights grew rapidly and successfully became a powerful army under Lin Sisi.

In the battle of his life, Lin Sisi spent a legendary life and became a heroic spirit.

This is the story of the female King Arthur named Lin Sisi.

She said so...

Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew's eyelids jumped when they heard this.

Fujimaru Tachibana: "I always feel like I've heard this story somewhere."

Mash: "What a coincidence, senior, I too..."

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