Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 256: Two loli who like to die

Lin Sizhai didn't know that there was Lin Sisi in Chaldea.

He doesn't know, doesn't mean others don't.

In the unknown space, Lin Si Zhai's adoptive mother Lily and his party. The first time Lin Sisi appeared, he found out.

Actually, it wasn't when Lin Sisi appeared, but when Lin Sizhai was disguised as Lin Sisi, Lily rubbed her brows with a complicated expression, as if she didn't know how to educate Lin Sizhai.

Considering that he did not have any fetish for women's clothing, but simply to protect Meiyou and Xiaohei, he had to sacrifice himself.

Considering this, Lily wouldn't say anything about it. He just grabbed Wenwen, locked her up, didn't let her take pictures, and recorded this dark history for Lin Sizhai.

This kind of thing, in Lily's opinion, has passed. As long as everyone selectively forgets, it can be regarded as never happened.

Just because I want to see if Lin Sizhai's disguised incident will have any adverse follow-up effects. Only then did Lily have a thought to include the situation in Chaldea into the monitoring scope.

But who knows, Lin Sizhai pretended not to make too much noise, but Lin Sisi, who was summoned out of nowhere, caused huge waves in Chaldea.

After learning that Lin Sisi is a completely independent existence, Lily took Wuhe Qinli, Wenwen and Xiaohong directly to the special space where Gaia and Alaya were .

As soon as she arrived, Lily slashed the table in front of Gaia with a sword, and hugged the little loli directly to Alaya.

"Help, I'm going to kill!!"

He was hugged by Gaia, and Alaya, who also looked like a little loli, hung dead fish eyes and complained.

"Sister Gaia, you are not human. And you will not die so easily. As long as all the planets under our jurisdiction do not die, we are immortal. So... …”

In Gaia's grapple, Alaya looked at Lily, who was full of anger.

"All of this has nothing to do with me. If you have anything, you can ask Sister Gaia to settle the account. I don't know anything."

As soon as Alaya spoke with his front foot, Gaia on his back foot used the throat-locking technique to roll Alaya's eyes madly, his little tongue sticking out.

"Hey, how come you idiot said it directly. You are being a traitor, a second or fifth child, do you know!!"

Finding Alaya playing dead, Gaia angrily threw Alaya on the sofa. His face was a little embarrassed and his smooth little face was buckled.

"Well, we are all civilized people. If you have something to say, why use a knife or a gun, if you get hurt, it will be bad. You say so, Lily sauce.. …”

Putting the golden sword across Gaia's neck, Lily completely lost the gentle and good-natured temper she had before facing Gaia and Alaya.

"You give me a satisfactory explanation right away. Otherwise, I don't mind hacking you a few times. You're not going to die anyway, are you."

Gaia swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and pushed the golden sword with her fingers with a pale face, trying to retreat the sword edge on her neck.

"Although it can be resurrected, I'm afraid of pain..."

"Now I know I'm afraid of pain? Why did you go earlier?"

Lily's body was like a real flame of anger, making Gaia's eyes keep rolling with tears, looking like she was about to cry at any time.

"I know I'm wrong, don't cut me, I'm really afraid of pain..."

Looking at Gaia, who was about to cry at any time, without restraint and majesty. Wuhe Qinli on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"So, what the **** did you do? That Lin Sisi was made by the two of you, right? If you do this, aren't you afraid that Si Zhai will rush over and kill you? Don't say you don't know The character of Ernie-chan. If this lets him know that he suddenly has a daughter, I am afraid that he will rush back in ecstasy, and then let you be directly killed by sister-in-law Leila. That is Ernie-chan's child, you actually Dare to do this, is it really too long for life?"

Wuhe Qinli kicked her body with her feet, and Alaya, who knew that he couldn't pretend to be dead, also rolled and stood up from the sofa. He patted the dust on his body like a normal person, and replied with a calm expression.

"Of course we know about this kind of thing. Therefore, this Lin Sisi has no blood relationship with that guy. Just borrowing a surname and first name, is it possible that "that lord" will come here for this kind of thing Kill us? "

Do you need any reason to kill you? Not to mention that if Yanjiang and Yuanjiang know that you have created such a existence as Lin Sisi, they will definitely form a group to come over to brush you. Their gang finally managed to let the perverted lo*ic*n take care of you, you guys If you do this, isn't the old birthday star hanged, courting death?"

"Er..." Thinking about the possibility of what Xiaohong said, Alaya's face gradually turned white. The cold sweat began to flow uncontrollably.


Alaya's look of luck still made Wuhe Qinli shake his head.

"I'm just talking to you like this. This possibility is not supposed to be, but a certain one. It's as high as 100%. It's good to be related by blood. Because he would be afraid of being mad at him directly by the two old people in the family. But if this is not related by blood, then Ouni-chan may not have any scruples. So, you better think about how to deal with Homura and Yuan-chan. The anger of those gang members. I’ll probably do the math. According to the physique of the two of you, you won’t be able to die if you don’t die 1,800 times.”

This time, Alaya was so frightened that he sat on the sofa, and he couldn't help shaking.

"It's over...all over..."

Glancing at Alaya, who was about to cry, and Gaia, who was scared to tears.

Lily shook her head helplessly, put away the golden sword, and asked with a sigh.

"So, how did you get this Lin Sisi out?"

This time, Gaia finally did not hide it anymore, and cried with a snot and a tear.

"I just thought the plot of Si Zhai's **** deceived people was very interesting, so I tried my best with Alaya sauce and squeezed a fantasy hero Lin Sisi out. Who knew it would be so hot We're just having fun... woo woo woo..."

Gaia cried directly.

Lily also had a tangled expression that she didn't know what to say at the moment.

"You still dare to use your willpower? Are you two crazy? Last time you used your willpower, you almost didn't kill the two of you directly. How dare you use it? You are really younger Red can still do..."

Xiaohong was stunned: "What does this have to do with me?"

SP: It's time to push books without discipline!

The All Professional Killer! 》

Introduction: This book is also known as "The All-Professional Whore King! 》

The No. 1 player in another world travels to a new earth where everyone is a superhuman.

The number one player, Zhao Si, who has obtained [hijacking] other people's [skills], is a prostitute!

Che Guevara, Zhao Si: You have great skills, but in the next second, it will be mine.

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