Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 22: The first inning of infighting waste

"Oh? Japan's BETA troops were attracted by other King Arthurs?"

Curiously, Lin Si Zhai sat down and listened to Skaha's story, and gradually understood the current situation.

Through the technological suppression brought by Einhardt's technology, Skaha easily controlled the current situation in Japan.

Last night when Lin Sizhai and the others descended on Huang Weiyi and rescued Huang Weiyi. The other King Arthurs were not idle either. Like Lin Sizhai, other King Arthurs also formed teams and fell from the sky in the form of teams.

Because they have seen all kinds of big scenes, the King Arthurs faced a huge enemy like BETA, not only did they have no fear, but they were full of desire to fight.

Looking at the video data stolen from the Japanese military database, Lin Si Zhai felt sympathy for the group of King Arthurs who charged with BETA as if they had been beaten with blood.

Why? Not why.

Do you still remember the battle of foreign enemies that Lin Sizhai encountered when he first became King Arthur?

Lin Si Zhai encountered a bunch of cute and destructive fairies, Cherry Li.

Relying on the sneak attack, Lin Sizhai cooperated with Chief Okita to kill his leader in one fell swoop, and let the rest of Cherry turn into headless flies to run around, creating a safe environment for Lin Sizhai.

Lin Sizhai was so reckless at the beginning, in fact, it was because King Arthur in the northern region was completely thorough. He did not have any partners and had to fight with a single strike.

In the northern area, Lin Sizhai made a Jedi strike to create life. Not so lucky elsewhere.

In the very beginning, there were many King Arthur who were helpless in the face of huge foreign enemies, and even were crushed directly with the castle.

Many of these people survived by chance, or they just moved away when things went bad.

And there are not many such King Arthurs. Therefore, the King Arthurs have long been inexplicable hatred for the huge enemy.

When I was weak, I was chased by a huge enemy. Now that the strength has risen, it is time to regain the ground and face.

Unfortunately, when the strength of King Arthur gradually increased, the foreign enemy turned into a human-sized enemy. This made the King Arthurs who have survived to this day simmered in a nameless fire that they didn't even realize.

Now, in this world, I suddenly face a huge and unscrupulous reminder of BETA, who grabs humans for food. A once-familiar scene broke out in the hearts of King Arthur again. The nameless fire went straight up, and the King Arthurs went mad.

With anger at the unbearable looking back, the King Arthurs are like eight immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers.

In the eyes of the Japanese Defense Forces, who were originally despairing and planned to retreat again. King Arthur killed BETA head-on with an extremely violent momentum.

Note that it is a frontal kill, not a rout, nor a knockback.

All the BETAs that appeared in King Arthur's eyes never stayed and were all killed.

Looking at the records in the video, Lin Si Zhai felt sad for these BETAs. It's not good for these mindless things to offend anyone, but it is King Arthur who has an inexplicable hatred for his huge enemies.

If they meet Lin Si Zhai, they will not be so lucky.

In Lin Sizhai's view, it is compared to the ending of being divided and mashed into flesh by the kings of Arthur in various rude ways. Or let him shoot directly with a beam of light, it will be much better.

Of course, this is just Lin Sizhai's opinion. These BETAs have no brains, and it is estimated that there will be no opinion on this.

In Skaha's story, Lin Sizhai also knew that after the first wave of BETA was wiped out. While the people of the Japanese Defense Forces were astonished by these heavenly soldiers, they also secretly started some dirty deeds.

However, these activities are still in the planning stage and have not yet been implemented. Therefore, in the face of the warm reception of the Japanese Defense Forces, the King Arthurs were also quite enthusiastic.

In the video record, a banquet between the King Arthurs and the Japanese Defense Forces was regarded as a full-fledged guest.

These are just surfaces.

Let's not mention the various filthy deeds of the Japanese Defense Forces who secretly plan to bring black hands to King Arthur. The enthusiasm of the King Arthurs alone made Lin Sizhai understand that these King Arthurs were not as stupid as the Japanese Defense Forces thought.

Now these King Arthurs have gone through various battles of life and death and survived tenaciously. And in the previous trial of the king, he fought head-on to get the title. At least they are the kings who have single-handedly conquered a continent, or even a planet.

Faced with the King Arthurs who have such experiences and are still in a group, whoever dares to despise them will die very miserably.

After all, if ordinary intrigue is useful, does it have to wait for the Japanese Defense Forces to use it? As early as in the trial of kings, the kings of Arthur who fought against the whole world by themselves should have died.

To this day, who doesn't have a hand or two?

Even the three swordsmen who only seemed to call 666 and hug their thighs were actually not as simple as they seemed. It's just that Lin Sizhai is stronger, so strong that Jianse and the three of them can't resist at all. And Lin Sizhai took great care of them. The three of them are not repeating villains, that's why the three of them are so obedient and obedient in front of Lin Sizhai.

But once they leave the shelter of Lin Si Zhai, the three of them will definitely show their fierce side as King Arthur.

After all, a truly stupid and sweet person cannot survive in the world of the Sacred Continent, a world shrouded in malice by Merlin...

For the Japanese Defense Forces who were blinded by the superficial phantoms of the King Arthurs, still trying to engage in intrigues and infighting. Lin Sizhai can already predict the fate of these trash who only fight infighting.

You must know that although this world is broken, there is still a certain order. But King Arthurs from other worlds will not follow this order. In the eyes of King Arthur, except for Merlin and the constraints of the system. They themselves are the rules, the order.

I really want to **** off this group of King Arthur, and the result is self-evident.

These are quite clear to Lin Sizhai, but not to the Japanese Defense Forces.

For this reason, the first game they made was to attract BETA's attention on a large scale, and then let BETA test this group of King Arthur from another world.

This is why Lin Sizhai saw the large-scale movement of BETA in the sky before.

Although I don't know how the Japanese Defense Forces did it, Lin Sizhai just wanted to say about this act of directly mocking and gathering monsters.

The Japanese Defense Forces, what a nice guy.

The King Arthurs were originally here to farm monsters. As soon as they landed, there were too many people and it was not easy to get together.

Now that the Japanese Defense Forces have gathered such monsters, there is no need to worry about the target of the score.

This is not a good person for King Arthur who wants to score points as soon as possible, and what is...

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