Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Nepotism is terrible

"Heart power? True power? What do you say about this?"

I know that Lin Sizhai's changes are indeed related to Vivio and Einhardt, and they don't seem to be vexatious, but simply for Lin Sizhai's good. Skaha also pressed the irritability in his heart, watching Einhardt, waiting for an explanation.

This is Einhardt who has always impressed Skaha.

This is to be replaced by Vivio, Skaha couldn't help the irritability in his heart, and stabbed it with one shot.

Nodding, Einhardt explained.

"The power of the heart is a very strange and very powerful force. Its real power is not just to enhance the combat effectiveness.

It also has insight into the enemy's moves and skills.

See through each other's skills and abilities to copy.

What's more, the power of the heart can connect the true lover's ability together, and burst out the power that the lover does not have, but the lover has.

At the same time, with the ability to see through the copy, the power of the heart can also copy the ability of the lover.


Einhardt's words made Skaha frown: "You are so familiar with the power of Si Zhai, and you know so many abilities that even Si Zhai has not developed. This ability shouldn't be unique to Si Zhai, right? Who have you seen it before?"

Einhardt: "Yes, this power was originally unique and owned by only one person. This person is none other than Si Zhai and Vivio's father. It's just me too I don't know why Si Zhai also has a unique power. What happened, I don't know.

But because I know the character of Si Zhai and Vivio's father, as well as the relevant intelligence data and records of using the power of the heart. Therefore, I can tell you very seriously, Si Zhai must recognize himself and face himself squarely. Only then can the true power of the power of the heart be unleashed.

If Si Zhai continues to wrap himself with the previous disguise, it will never be able to inspire the true power of the heart. A person who cannot face himself and face himself directly is the power that cannot maximize the power of the heart.

The power of the heart, as the name suggests, is the power of the mind. People who can't even look directly into their own hearts naturally can't maximize the power of their hearts. "

Einhardt's admission made Skaha's face sink directly.

The power of the heart was originally the power possessed by Lin Sizhai's father. She didn't know about this, nor did the group of people in the Crystal Palace. What's more, even Lin Sizhai himself may not know.

Skaha couldn't see what happened in Lin Sizhai's house. What she can do for Lin Sizhai now is to sort out the future.

And now, the intelligence, data, and records that Einhardt learned from Lin Sizhai's father were not intended to be very convincing.

No matter how dissatisfied Skaha is, he can't blame it.

"Then, does Si Zhai know about this? Besides, what kind of person is Si Zhai's father? Why are you so sure? Can you record the data you hold to Do I have one?"

Faced with Skaha's request, Einhardt refused.

"I'm sorry, although I know that you are Si Zhai's lover, but I have no right to hand over this extremely confidential information to you. And now even if I want to give it to you, I will do No. Since Si Zhai and Vivio's father left, all the data and records related to the power of caring have been completely sealed. Without Mami-san, Lindy-san, and Presia-san giving their approval at the same time, even now I can't check it out either.

But there is one thing you can rest assured, about the power of mind, I told Si Zhai before. After all, if you change your mentality and behavior, you need to inform yourself and get your consent. "

Hearing that Lin Si Zhai knew about it and agreed to it, Skaha felt a little at ease. In any case, Lin Sizhai is not a stupid person. Since he himself recognized this matter, he should have his own plans. only......

"Mami, I know, it's Si Zhai and Vivio's eldest sister, right? Who are Lindissan and Presiasan? Why do you need to get their approval when looking at the information? , Since the three of them are required to agree to access this information now, how did you get this information?"

In this regard, Einhardt explained.

"Speaking of Lindyssan and Presiasan, I'm going to introduce someone to you first."

Opening his palms, a virtual image appeared in Skaha's eyes. It was a beautiful woman with a golden double ponytail hairstyle, a white cape, and a golden giant sword.

"This is one of Sizai's mothers, Fate Testrosa. She and Vivio's adoptive mother, Nanoha Takamachi, are close friends. Even if I met her, Also call me Mama Fit."

Einhardt is obviously one of Lin Sizhai's mothers, but Einhardt also calls her mother Feite. If it wasn't for knowing that Einhardt had nothing to do with Lin Sizhai, but apparently had an affair with Vivio, Skaha would be suspicious. Did Einhardt have any bad intentions for Lin Si Zhai?

However, Skaha, who is well-informed in the Land of Shadows, is not surprised by things between women and girls.

I don't know that Skaha is complaining about himself, but Einhardt is still talking to himself.

" Now Mama Fit, Si Zhai and Vivio's father have left at the same time.

Lindisang mentioned earlier is the adoptive mother of Fite's mother, and is currently one of the highest authority representatives of the Administration and one of the three admirals.

Presiasan is the biological mother of Fite's mother and the dean of the highest research institute of the Administration.

They are one of the most powerful owners of the Authority and are trustworthy. Even sometimes, their words are more useful than Si Zhai's father. So, you now know why the data that even I can't access requires the approval of the three of them. "

Three black lines hung on her face, Skaha looked helpless: "Nepotism is terrible..."

"Well, they can take charge of the highest authority of the Administration, but they are not just nepotism, but have real talents. Otherwise, there will be no actual authority in the Administration when it comes to nepotism alone. Talking is not as useful as they are."

I don't know what to think, Einhardt also shook his head with a face full of tears.

"It's a bit off topic. Lindisang and Presiasang, you should get to know them now. There will be a chance to meet later.

Because Si Zhai's father also has the power of the heart, and how to use the power of the heart to maximize its power, I also found the basis from here. And Si Zhai's father is just a man who faces his heart and doesn't lie to himself.

So we can assert. Si Zhai continues to use disguise to wrap himself, it is not acceptable. In this way, it is very difficult for him to fight against that old guy Merlin. "

Einhardt's assertion made Skaha roughly sort out his thoughts...

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