Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 36: a peaceful end

When Lin Sizhai brought his wives, his second sister and his second brother-in-law back to the Earth camp from Mars. It was already the second evening.

The three of Jianse were in the camp, looking at Lin Sizhai and his group, who had returned from Mars, with a gray face and a haggard spirit, and were speechless in surprise.

The three of Jianse couldn't imagine that an existence as powerful as Lin Sizhai, with Skaha's gang, would come back to this level.

If it wasn't for Lin Sizhai and his party, all of them would return without missing one. The three of Jianse all wondered if Lin Sizhai and his party encountered something extraordinary on Mars.

On the day she came back, Lin Sizhai didn't say a word. He brought his own group of girls, just closed the door and fell asleep. Vivio and Einhardt were a little better, they had to eat something before going to rest. Only Huang Weiyi fell into a coma and was carried by Skaha into the room to rest.

The three of them didn't dare to ask Lin Si Zhai and Vivio what happened that night. On the contrary, he was quite conscientious and kept watch all night. It was not until the next day at noon that the sun was shining and Lin Sizhai and his party came out of the house again, and the three Jianse asked their doubts.

In this regard, Lin Sizhai only vaguely stated that he brought his wives, as well as his second sister and second brother-in-law to make a big fuss on Mars. Killed the head of the BETA Hive on Mars.

Other than that, Lin Si Zhai avoided talking about it.

When the three of Jianse saw this, they couldn't be better than asking questions, lest Lin Sizhai be in a bad mood. The three of them knocked on the side of the others, wanting to know the real truth.

It's a pity that neither Skaha and Chief Okita, who are most familiar with the three of them, nor the new eldest sisters, Vivio and Einhardt, didn't tell them anything.

As for the others? The others were not very familiar with the three of them, so they didn't ask any questions.

Therefore, what happened to Lin Sizhai and others on Mars has always been a mystery.

Seeing that the three of Jianse stopped asking about the matter of Mars and his party, Lin Sizhai was relieved. The whole person sat lazily outside the camp, basking in the sun.

Lin Sizhai basks in the sun like this, the three of Jianse are not surprised or curious. It is very common to like to bask in the sun. They like to do it sometimes.

However, when Chief Okita, Skaha, Black and White Shuangzhen, Medea, Atalanta, Long Niang, Tamamo Mae, Hana Nero, and even Mordred were all surrounded by Beside Lin Si Zhai, when they were basking in the sun together. This scene is strange.

When the strange three of Jianse swept the rest of the camp, they soon found that Vivio and Einhardt were also basking in the sun.

This scene made the three of them even more strange.

It's just that they don't know that Lin Sizhai and others are facing the BETA that keeps emerging like a hornet's nest under the ground of Mars. How mentally exhausted.

Although it seems to be a day and a night, for Lin Sizhai and others, it is almost like a year. This feeling of exhaustion is difficult to describe in words.

I really need to use a specific adjective to describe the battle of Mars underground. Just one word, disgusting!

Inexhaustible enemies are constantly emerging from the front and rear passages, in a dilemma, only relying on magic to determine the BETA leader's unknown and constantly advancing fierce battle. No matter who it is, including Lin Si Zhai, Vivio, and Einhardt, they don't really want to experience the second time.

After experiencing both mental and physical destruction, he successfully strangled the Mars BETA leader, paralyzing the entire Mars BETA. Lin Sizhai and his party, who had returned from victory, didn't want to move at all at the moment.

Even Mordred, who is the best standing, is too lazy to fight BETA at this moment.

In Mordred's words, when she sees BETA's disgusting appearance again, she may not be able to spit it out. So disgusting.

The exhausted Lin Sizhai and his party rested at the camp for four days.

In these four days, in addition to sunbathing, playing FGO, chatting, and flirting. Lin Si Zhai did nothing.

Such a lazy behavior, even Skaha didn't blame it. Because she just managed to slow down.

BETA was still a huge number, and in the enthusiastic killing of the Arthurs, they were quickly surrounded and killed in the innermost territory of the Asian continent. That's the area where BETA originally landed from the Moon to Earth.

I believe that in a short time, the BETA on earth will be wiped out.

The final grand annihilation battle brought together countless King Arthur. It's just that among these King Arthurs, there are no figures of Jianse and Lin Sizhai.

The three of Jianse didn't go because it was too far. Without Lin Sizhai's help, it would be really troublesome to travel from Japan to the inner side of the Asian continent.

Lin Sizhai didn't go either, because he didn't want to see BETA anymore.

Therefore, in the final grand crusade, Lin Sizhai and Jianse directly missed the chance.

However, through some of the King Arthur forum posts, some of the busy King Arthur took time to live broadcast, and Lin Sizhai also learned the general situation.

Similar to the experience of the Martian underground, there are also countless BETA hiding under the inner surface of the Asian continent. It's just that this time it wasn't Lin Sizhai's small team of less than 20 people who faced them. But the mighty King Arthur of hundreds of thousands. The number of BETAs under the earth is far less than that in the underworld of Mars.

In this way, the BETA under the earth finally annihilated, and won the victory without too much accident.

At the moment when God Gundam smashed the head of Earth BETA with one punch, the end of this dungeon finally came.

This time, Merlin really seems to have fulfilled his promise.

No conspiracy, no accident. Peaceful, simple beginning and end. The end of all copies of King Arthur's festive welcome.

In the beams of light, the King Arthurs who fell from the sky all disappeared in these beams of light.

In addition to the BETA corpses all over the earth, the wreckage of countless tactical aircraft from various countries on the earth and the ruins of the base. Everything else seems to be no different from before the King Arthurs came here...

Well, if I really want to say the difference, there are actually some. For example, the two great powers of this world, the United States and Russia, were destroyed on the way of King Arthur's arrival.

Why? It's not very complicated either. That is, the United States took a fancy to the destruction machine MKII of the "Technology Emperor", and Russia took a fancy to the God Gundam of the "King of Hearts".

Then these two countries were discovered when they were stealing the results, and they were directly bombed.

Well, it's that simple...

In addition, Huang Weiyi, who was originally one of the heroines in this world, also left this world...

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