Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 47: Stable

Seeing Semiramis deflated, Xiao Hei was obviously a little proud.

However, Lin Si Zhai didn't want Semiramis to be too embarrassed, so he spoke out.

"It's their business that King Arthur can't come over. It's our business whether we are prepared or not. Mies, you will follow up on the arming of the sky courtyard."

With Lin Sizhai rounding up the field, Semiramis looked much better: "Master, don't worry, I will handle it."

"Well, I'll leave it to you."

Lin Si Zhai comforted Semiramis, and Skaha changed the subject.

"We have always prepared for the defense of the Crystal Palace, so we don't have to worry about it now. Just a little bit of preparation. Take it to Medea and exchange what you want. Anyway, it's all materials, and there are no valuables. It's not worth mentioning.

The biggest gain of our dungeon this time should be the extra ranking reward announced by Merlin.

Total: Small Holy Grail*3, Golden Holy Grail*1, Random Artifact*1, Holy Quartz*50.

Holy spar is hard currency, let’s not mention it for now. The Golden Holy Grail will find a time tomorrow for Si Zhai to open a special copy.

The three little holy grails have just been said, whoever needs it, ask Si Zhai for it alone.

Now, let's take a look at the biggest gain. Random artifact. Something that Merlin could evaluate as an artifact should not be a rotten thing. "

Skaha's words made Lin Sizhai nodded deeply: "Yes, so far, I have only obtained two artifacts. One is the artifact physical artifact that once overturned a copy of the world's gods. Learn the holy sword. However, this artifact has a number of uses, and I still have one left. The special effect that can ignore any defense ability can be of great use in some key places.

Another artifact, the guardian of the star goddess, is also immune to all mental attacks or influences and inducements. The effect is very powerful. It is only by relying on her that our Bai Zhen can stand here. It can be said that it is also a great contribution.

From the effects of these two items, the power of the artifact can be seen. Therefore, I also think that the artifact is actually the biggest gain of this dungeon. "

Tamazao kept nodding her head, but she suddenly seemed to think of something and frowned.

"Master, I know you want to accumulate artifacts and prepare for the final confrontation with Merlin. But these artifacts were given by Merlin. Is there any risk? For example, At a critical time, the artifact changed hands and was taken away by Merlin. Or whether these artifacts could be effective against Merlin and so on. I think it’s better to consider these issues as soon as possible. After all, Merlin doesn’t have much time left for us. "

It seems that she didn't expect Tamamo before to think of these places, Skaha nodded to Tamamo before and praised: "It's a good observation point, it seems that you are quite smart, as expected It's Tamamo before."

"Hmm~! That's of course. Tamamo is a woman who wants to become the Master's exclusive wife. Notice this kind of thing, remind this kind of thing, it's a matter of course~!"

Tamazao looked awkward in front of her, which made the Flower Nero look very unpleasant. In fact, she had just thought of these things. It's just that Tamamo before was one step happier than her, so she couldn't say it. This made the Flower Nero very angry.

"Well, our little jade is really good. Attention is strong."


One dodged, came behind Lin Sizhai, and hugged Lin Sizhai from behind. Yuzao directly started massaging the back of Lin Sizhai's head with the plump peaks on his chest.

While enjoying this, Lin Si Zhai also explained.

"However, what Xiaoyu said was actually thought of by the master before."

"Eh? Skaha thought?"

Lin Sizhai's words made Tamamo before stunned.

Skaha smiled leisurely and did not answer. But that smile was silently revealing its presence. Let Tamamo Mae feel that she was happy before. Especially when Skaha complimented himself, now that he looked at it, it was more like a higher-ranking person complimenting a lower-ranking person.

Finding that Yuzao was a little dissatisfied, Lin Sizhai also patted the hands that were wrapped in front of Yuzao.

"Well, Xiaoyu, don't be discouraged, it's just that I have discussed these issues in depth with the master before. That's why I discovered these issues. But don't worry, these issues have now been resolved ."

"The problem is solved?" Tamamo Mae and Hana Nero asked in unison.

"Well, it's solved." Lin Sizhai nodded and explained: "I asked before when my second sister and sister Einhardt had a special training. Merlin gave it to me. Artifacts, in terms of effect, are indeed called artifacts, and their power is very strong. In most worlds, they can be called artifacts. As for whether it works on Merlin, this is theoretically possible. Because according to Einhardt's side After estimating Merlin's strength, it can still be interfered by the effects of these artifacts. Of course, this is only theoretical, and whether it is true or not will depend on the actual situation.

As for artifacts and items, will they be recovered? This is also tested.

The items and equipment released by the system do not have any marks or traces that can be recovered. Therefore, the possibility of being withdrawn is basically non-existent. Items and equipment that can be retrieved at will are generally imprinted with soul and spiritual imprints. A little weird, but also other weird things. But without exception, they all leave traces on these things.

If there are no traces, there is no possibility of recovery.

The rewards released by Merlin's system have no such traces. Thinking about it, it should be that Merlin doesn't like low-level items, and high-level items can easily be found if they put their marks on them, causing unnecessary suspicion.

Therefore, the possibility of Merlin taking back weapons, equipment, and props is ruled out. "

Lin Sizhai's words made Tamamo Mae and Hana Nero nodded convincingly.

"If it's Ein Hatsan, then you can really trust it." Tamamomae still has a good impression of Einhardt, who has always been taking care of Lin Si Zhai. At least compared to Vivio, the bear child, Einhardt had no intention of being more prudent and trustworthy.

"Okay, Si Zhai and Skaha will consider and deal with these things. Now, let's see what kind of random artifacts can come out. Si Zhai, the random artifact's What about the reward?"

Chief Director Okita looked at Lin Sizhai with bright eyes, obviously she was very interested in this random artifact.

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