Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 50: The janitor has no human rights

You Zhen pulled Lalin Si Zhai's clothes: "Master Sang, I don't think you need to estimate so much. Everyone in the Crystal Palace is a good person and will understand Master Sang. And the Crystal Palace The more people there are, the more at home we feel. I think it's good. Although the time to spend with Master-san will be less. But we don't have to be tired of Master-san all the time to be happy. Besides, No one can guarantee that Master-san will be able to summon a new female Servant. Master, haven't you summoned a male Servant, Mr. Sasaki Kojiro..."


The gate of the city.

" can just talk, why bother. Now the entire Crystal Palace is the next male Servant. I'm really afraid that the Master will kill him one day if he gets angry. The next thing to do. Death doesn't matter, it's too cruel without alcohol..."

Leaning at the gate of the city, Sasaki Kojiro reluctantly complained...


On the city wall, Lin Sizhai stared blankly at the young lady in his arms. After a while, Lin Si Zhai said with a wry smile.

"Well, you're right, maybe I'm really an idiot asking for trouble. However, even an idiot like me can have you company. Sure enough, stupid people have stupid blessings , the ancients did not deceive me."

Lean Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen into her arms, and let the three Jeans come together. Lin Sizhai exhaled heavily. Blowing made the little girl's face itchy.

"Well, good. Come on, ladies, let's summon new Servants. Today I'm going to add to the staff of Crystal Palace."

Speaking, Lin Si Zhai pulled up three Joan of Arc and walked to the summoning room.

Just as the three of them walked to the corner of the city wall, they saw Nito, Tamamo Mae, Hana Nero, Elizabeth, and these four guys standing there looking at the scenery in panic.

Seeing this scene, if Lin Sizhai still can't reflect it, then it's really blinding his IQ.

"If you're all right, come with me."

Shaking it angrily and laughingly, Lin Sizhai waved to the group of four pretending to be watching the scenery, and continued to walk towards the summoning room.

With Lin Sizhai, the four of Nito can be considered fair and bright right now behind Lin Sizhai.

It's just that they don't seem to be in harmony.

"It's all your fault, stinky fox. It must be your body odor that made the puppy find us. Fortunately, the puppy wasn't angry, otherwise how would you pay me?"

"Huh? What's up with me? You guys have to follow me, okay? Also, Ben Yuzao is a god, not a monster, and has no body odor, so don't spit your blood!"

"Hum, worthy of being my opponent, Elizabeth. Sure enough, heroes see the same thing, someone's body odor can no longer be concealed."

" two drakes, remember it for me."

"Who do you say is a drake voice? You fox, tell me clearly. How can this idol be a drake voice?"

"In front of Yuzao, I can't pretend I didn't hear what you said."

Picking up the microphone and the original fire, Hana married Nero, Elizabeth and Tamamo to the front.

For these three pit teammates, Nitoli didn't care, and went directly to Lin Sizhai's side to make suggestions.

"Hey, Si Zhai. I think your previous considerations are not entirely correct, but they also make sense."


Lin Sizhai kept walking and looked at Nito suspiciously.

Lin Si Zhai's expression of you talk first, I listened, so that Nito continued to speak.

"I checked the meaning of Crystal Palace in King Arthur's forum. So, I generally understand that this castle is the palace you prepared for your lover, Si Zhai, right? "

Lin Si Zhai looked stiff, but recovered quickly. The meaning of Crystal Palace is known, that's for sure. After all, this kind of thing can't be hidden. Rather, it took so long for Nito to discover the meaning of the name Crystal Palace. It's been a rare thing.

Lin Sizhai, who has faced his heart and desires, did not hide it. Instead, he answered quite honestly.

"Well, yes. Since you understand what Crystal Palace means, you should understand some of my concerns."

In response, Nito nodded lightly: "Well, I understand. Since the Crystal Palace is prepared for Si Zhai and your lover, other men are naturally not suitable to live here. Sisai, you have never summoned a male Servant before. No, there are still male Servants. It should be said that there is only one male Servant, Sasaki Kojiro, which is quite surprising. But since we have the example of Sasaki Kojiro, we There is no guarantee that other male Servants will not be summoned in the future.

Therefore, we had better prepare a gathering place in advance for the male Servants to live in.

According to my assumption, it is best to build an outer city like in Camelot. It is exclusively for male Servants to live and guard. We live in the Crystal Palace. "

Saying this, Nito blushed slightly. Seeing Lin Si Zhai looking at him strangely, Nito also hurriedly continued.

"However, in our environment, it is not suitable to build an outer city. It happened that Semiramis used a Noble Phantasm to get a flying fortress. Why don't we let the summoned male Servants go to the sky fortress Living, what do you think? The sky fortress was built by Semiramis and has certain living conditions, so it should be possible.”

Nito's proposal, Lin Sizhai felt that there was a lot of room for manoeuvre.

"This is a good proposal. Well, let's do it like this. Talk to Semiramis later. Let all male Servants live in the sky courtyard in the future. Trouble, it is better for Medea to prepare some corresponding measures. In addition, there is a Hercules living outside the city. Although he is a servant of Illya, he is now our ally. Well, let us now Illya, the magical girl here, please ask me."

After finalizing the living direction of the male servants, Lin Si Zhai is in a good mood.

Holding Lin Si Zhai's arm, Hei Zhen looked indifferent. Holding Bai Zhen on the other side, after thinking for a while, he asked Lin Sizhai.

"Si Zhai, if all male servants go to the sky courtyard, who will guard the city gate? Let Medea make some magic puppets?"

"No, Kojiro is an exception. Sure enough, Kojiro is better to look at the city gate. He has an indissoluble bond with the gate. If you are interested in the specific content, I can tell you. Yes Something about another parallel world. In that parallel world, there are also scenes of Arturia and Rin."

Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen, You Zhen, and Nito were all very interested when they heard Lin Sizhai's words.

Seeing his wives are very interested, Lin Sizhai also went on directly following the atmosphere.

It is also fortunate that the current Sasaki Kojiro does not know Lin Si Zhai's decision, otherwise, he may be so angry that he will jump.

Even he wants to live in a beautiful sky garden...

However, janitor, there are no human rights.

Whether in the parallel world or here, as always...

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