As an actor, during the filming process, and when everyone is performing very smoothly, due to my own reasons, the whole segment gets stuck and requires a group of people to cooperate to re-act it. This is a very unfavorable thing.

But today, Lin Qiqi made such a mistake—a mistake that could even be called fatal and affect an actor's life.

Because of Lin Zhizhi's scream, many directors who were brought into the film by Zuo Xian, as well as the actors who were watching or resting on the set were all taken aback.

If a person is taken aback, he may recover by himself in a short while, but if it is a group of people, all of them who are all devoted to work are taken aback... The consequences of that can be Not so much fun.

Therefore, while the studio was still recording, there were already quite a few people, overtly and secretly, looking towards Lin Qiqi. If there is any meaning in it, then only Lin Qiqi himself able to read.

Lin Qiqi didn't know whether he was frightened or what, and he was still crying, as if he had suffered some great grievance.

...On the contrary, Zuo Xian and Dai Haochuan, the two people who were delayed to re-shoot, haven't said anything yet.

"Cry, cry, cry, why is she crying all day long?" A staff member who had been with her for a long time couldn't help but whispered after seeing it, and was patted on the arm by the person next to her. Only then did he stop talking, and there was still some contempt in his expression.

But even though he kept his mouth shut, he couldn't help but look at Lin Qiqi angrily, and then at Dai Haochuan who had been waiting for the scene under the leadership of the staff, and whispered to the friend next to him, " I heard that the mistress is still in the top position, and the original partner has been oppressed by her overtly and secretly for so many years..."

"Don't say a few words." The person next to him sighed and said, "Who doesn't know about that now, but it's just a trending search by two actors who no one knows, and the splash is not as good as others. My socks fell into Lu Xingxian's pocket, and there's a lot of trouble... Besides, it's not that they're married, they're just together."

The voices of the two gradually faded away, but how could Lin Qiqi who was standing at the corner not hear it?

The assistant who was supporting her next to her was also turning blue and white at times—as assistants, they also have their own small circle, and the status they will get will be the same as the artists they follow.

But now that he heard such a sentence, how could his feeling be any better?

However, the serious immediate boss was standing beside him, and his face was even more ugly. The assistant's face changed a few times, and he still lowered his head and said, "Sister Lin, let's go to rest first..."

Lin Qiqi didn't say anything more, bowed his head and left together with the help of his assistant.

For all this happening, although Zuo Xian had more or less expected it, she could only roughly know the process that she 'predicted'.

Under Lin Weiwei's long-term camera NG, the emotions of all those who accompany her on the set will gradually become particularly anxious as time goes by, but as for what will happen during the process...that's none of her business What happened, what she wanted to pay attention to was the final result.

Anyway, the experience is not bad, and it has nothing to do with she is innocent.

At this moment, Zuo Xian had temporarily called off work, and rushed to Lu Xingxian's side to rest.

"Have you been happy this time?" Lu Xingxian was not completely safe, when Zuo Xian passed by, she was reciting a script in her hand.

He didn't know what it was, and Zuo Xian didn't notice the name, so he took a few cherries on the table and ate them with a smile.

While stuffing it in his mouth indiscriminately, Zuo Xian nestled comfortably into Lu Xingxian's lounge chair together, resting his head on her lap.

Zuo Xian nods his head up and down, "Hmmmmmmmmm", "I'm happy."

The two small hair bands on her head that are still curling sway with her movements, like a small rattle. It looks very fun. Lu Xingxian couldn't help staring at it, and stretched out his hand to give her a hand. Shun.

Zuo Xian's eyes finally moved away from the phone, he blinked at Lu Xingxian, and said with crooked eyebrows, "A Xian, what are you doing staring at me?"

"It's nothing." Lu Xingxian put his hand on Zuo Xian's neck and touched it lightly. Because of nodding, Zuo Xian could see some of Zuo Xian's inconspicuous double chin, which overlapped with that of when he was a child. Xing Xian was a little lost in thought.

Then she smiled, "Suddenly thought, your appearance has basically not changed much since you grew up..."

Still so pretty.

She didn't say the second half of the sentence, but she silently buried it in her heart.

No matter how familiar he was, being stared at by Lu Xingxian so affectionately, Zuo Xian couldn't help but blushed, coughed lightly, and pulled out the front camera of the phone, aiming at his face .

The bottom-up angle made Zuo Xian gasp in fright, quickly retracted his jaw, got up from Lu Xingxian's lap, and kept yelling, "No, no, no, no, I'm Get fat, get fat..."

Speaking of it, it is also the plot needs of "The Wife Returns".

Si Rou herself is also a very bright and beautiful person, otherwise she wouldn't be attracted by such a playboy, and she was very infatuated for a while, and finally married into the family.

It's a pity that after becoming a full-time housewife, Si Rou no longer has so much time to dress herself up. After eating, she has to clean up the house. Although she is still working, the food she eats is no longer nutritious and healthy, and the fat is still accumulated down.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the plot... all of a sudden, Zuo Xian gained nearly 20 catties.

As he said that, Zuo Xian pinched his belly depressedly, "I'm already broken..."

More than a hundred, she was only 86 catties when she weighed it before, but now it is a full 107 catties.

As a female artist, with this weight, she could easily make her proud of the entire entertainment circle.

Looking at Zuo Xian's small belly, Lu Xingxian raised the corners of his lips, put his finger on his lips, and said, "Not fat, just right, very cute now."

Zuo Xian was chubby when he was a child.

But after all, he was small at that time, so when he hugged him, he still felt very good.

At that time, she always liked to stick to herself and play, and she also liked to hold something when she went to bed at night, so back and forth, the two of them slept together for a long time when they were young.

Hearing this, a small dimple appeared on Zuo Xian's face.

As for women, they are always duplicity, a kind of miraculous creature—it’s okay to say that you are fat, but others can’t say that you are fat, especially the one you like.

Even if Zuo Xian knew in his heart that no matter what he became, Lu Xingxian would always like her, but he didn't know why, and he didn't feel anything about it before, but now... he always wanted to hear what Lu Xingxian said .

She rested her chin with her hand, thought about it carefully, and felt that something was wrong with her now...

But if she really wanted to say what was wrong, she couldn't tell.

But before she could continue to think about it, there was a commotion outside.

The two looked back following the sound, only to find that a group of people followed an old man coming in from outside.

Zuo Xian took a closer look, a little surprised, and said, "Isn't that... Teacher Chen?"

The person who came was Chen Jianye. Although he was a little hesitant in walking at this moment, if he didn't look carefully, he couldn't tell that he was an old man whose pelvis had been displaced due to injuries. Zuo Xian touched his **** subconsciously and said , "How did he come back?"

Lu Xingxian glanced at the old man who was surrounded by everyone, and said calmly, "The filming of the plot has just started, if you have to ask for leave because of an injury at this time, there won't be so many people in the team waiting for him alone."

This is a very helpless and very realistic thing, and it is inevitable for everyone.

Zuo Xian nodded belatedly, after thinking about it, he still walked over together.

After all, as a junior, she has to go to condolences no matter what, not to mention that the two play a father-daughter relationship in the play, which is also necessary for future publicity.

After all, the audience also very much wants to see a crew that is happy and gets along well, otherwise the popularity of the show itself will be diverted, which is a big taboo for an actor.

After a while of chaos there, it returned to the previous calm.

Zuo Xian also passed away at this time.

Chen Jianye was sitting on his rest chair, looking at the noisy but orderly production crew with heavy eyes, crossed his hands and folded them on his knees, wondering what he was thinking.

"Teacher Chen." Zuo Xian just passed by, smiled, sat on a chair beside him, and handed him a glass of water, "Why did you come back suddenly? How are your injuries?"

"It's okay." Chen Jianye smiled, took a sip of the water and put it down. There were still a lot of water delivered from him, but he didn't see many that were really opened.

Zuo Xianquan pretended not to see it, and sat beside him and talked for a while.

Just before she saw Lin Qiqi and Dai Haochuan start to prepare for the supplementary recording, and when she was thinking about the past, Chen Jianye finally spoke again at this moment and said, "If you don't come back, there's nothing you can do about it. I don’t have as many fans as young people like you, and when I get older, I always have some minor illnesses and pains, which don’t bother me.”

Although the words are said in this way, the loneliness inside and outside the words is clearly audible.

Zuo Xian took a closer look at Chen Jianye's eyebrows.

Zuo Xian also watched Chen Jianye's TV series when he was young, until now, some of the more classic ones are even played repeatedly.

When he was young, Chen Jianye was also considered to be very handsome-it's a pity that he was born at an untimely time. In Chen Jianye's era, the four words "Nicky Little Student" were definitely not a good word for a man. It will involve a very unfriendly side.

So from the beginning, his appearance was not in line with the current fashion. Until recent years, handsome men and beautiful women began to sweep the entertainment industry, and the public's aesthetics and trends began to change. The entertainment industry has finally opened a new era. It's a pity that Chen Jianye is also old.

Zuo Xian smiled and glanced at many young people on the field. He didn't know whether to comfort Chen Jianye or to tell himself, but he didn't care much about his expression and words, "Mr. Chen, this is just the natural law of survival of the fittest. , I don’t care about it, then it’s nothing... Besides, you are still a senior that we respect, right?”

What she was talking about was only a young girl of the current age, but the implication made Chen Jianye a little stunned.

He sighed for a long time, and waved his hand towards Zuo Xian.

Such things as gain and loss, no matter what age a person is, are things that are planted deep in the bone marrow, and it is not so easy to see through them.

Zuo Xian smiled and left, his steps still very light.

It may be that she has experienced a death, and she is indeed very open about these things.

From the standpoint of a bystander outside the overall situation, Zuo Xian can really know that if some people can't see through, they are doomed to suffer.

Although Chen Jianye has gained the reputation of being a drama idiot in the industry, he ran desperately on a certain road for this character created by the public, even at the expense of his own body. fame and fortune.

If the time changes, with Chen Jianye's appearance and acting skills when he was young, he will not be tepid.

It's a pity that the word fate is sometimes so wonderful.

She shrugged her shoulders, stopped thinking about it, turned around and stretched her wrist, and walked towards the set.

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

Xiao Xiaoxian (holding her little belly with starry eyes): Ah Xian, Ah Xian, I'm getting fatter.

Xiao Xiaoxian (touching together): I like it even if I'm fat.

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