Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 690: Haven't given up yet?

The more Li Miaomiao didn't care, the angrier Xu Meng became, and he swore in his heart that he would pass her next monthly exam.

As soon as all the test papers were handed out, the rankings in the class came out, and the one who ranked first was naturally Li Miaomiao.

The second place was not Xu Meng, but a boy named Zheng Aiguo in the class, and the third place was Xu Meng.

Xu Meng, who had previously regarded Li Miaomiao as an imaginary enemy, cried again.

Not to mention not being able to hold on to second place, he fell directly to third place.

At this moment, in the teacher's office, other teachers were discussing the ranking of the test results.

"Teacher Xu, this transfer student in your class is very talented. In the first monthly exam, he ranked first in his grade."

Teacher Xu felt a little proud, "Yes, I heard that her grades were very good in her original school."

Some teachers didn’t believe it, “Is it true or not?”

"Didn't the director say before that you didn't want to take me in as soon as you heard that he was from a small county?" Now that you know that his grades are good, do you feel uncomfortable?

It doesn't matter if she doesn't feel comfortable, she is her student now, and if they do well in the exam in the future, it has nothing to do with them.

Thinking of this, Teacher Xu felt happy.

The head teachers of other classes were really uncomfortable, but they would not admit that they looked down on the country people. They only said that Teacher Xu was a female teacher and wanted to take care of her.

Teacher Xu just laughed. Does she need other people's attention?

After all, she came from a serious school, and she came to No. 11 Middle School on her own merit. Does she need anyone else's care?

Of course, Teacher Xu must not say this, as it would offend others.

I can only smile and say: "Then thank you teachers for your care."

Because Li Miaomiao suddenly took the first place in the exam and became the first in the grade, people in the class who were not very interested in her now started to pay attention to Li Miaomiao.

A classmate from another class who had never passed Li Miaomiao even came to watch her secretly.

Li Miaomiao knew nothing about this and went to and from get out of class normally, answering the teacher's questions from time to time.

The week passed quickly.

Xiao Zian, who was far away in the city, had already received a letter from Li Miaomiao. When he returned to the room, he read Li Miaomiao's letter carefully. When he heard about the places she had visited, he felt longing in his heart.

Thinking that he had not been anywhere in the past few days since he came to the city, Xiao Zian decided to ask Xiao Zhiguo to give him money, and he also wanted to go out for a walk. At least when he wrote back to Li Miaomiao, he could tell her where he had been. place.

As for the souvenirs sent by Li Miaomiao, of course Xiao Zian put them away properly.

In addition to Xiao Zian receiving Li Miaomiao's letter, Li Qiubao, who was far away in the county, also received Li Miaomiao's letter. This letter was sent directly to the school.

Li Qiubao didn't have to worry about half-reading the letter. Xu Guifen suddenly rushed in and snatched her letter away.

Feeling the good things Li Miaomiao said in the letter, Li Qiubao thought that one day he would go to the capital to witness with his own eyes what Miaomiao said.

Li Qiubao liked souvenirs and postcards, but she didn't dare to take them home. Instead, she left them with Li Jianbin.

When Li Jianbin saw this situation, he asked Li Qiubao, had Xu Guifen gone crazy again recently?

Li Qiubao shook his head, "No, I was afraid that mom would throw away the things Miaomiao sent me, so I let dad do it."

Li Jianbin got angry, "What on earth does your mother want to do? The third child's family is fine, and it won't do any harm to us. She just spends all day doing this and being a monster, guarding against this and that."

Since the third child was admitted to college, how dignified would it be for him, the eldest brother, to go out?

Who in the factory doesn't envy him now?

It was like Xu Guifen took the wrong medicine. She refused to take this or that.

"I don't know. Anyway, I feel that my mother is quite sensitive." Li Qiubao couldn't even remember when her mother became like this.

It was obviously fine when she first divorced her father, but why did she...

"Forget it, leave her alone, just leave the things here with me."

Li Qiubao smiled and said, "Thank you, Dad. Dad, please don't throw it away to me."

Li Jianbin vowed, "Definitely not."

After Li Qiubao put away his things, Li Jianbin remembered that Li Qiubao said he was going to the provincial capital to participate in the competition and asked Li Qiubao when he would go.

"Teacher Jin said that we will leave next week, and I will have to ask for leave from the school then."

"It's so fast. I'll accompany you then." Li Jianbin said.

Li Qiubao refused without thinking, "No need, Dad, Teacher Jin will accompany me."

She didn't dare to let her father have contact with Teacher Jin.

"That won't work. I'm worried if you go with Teacher Jin." Li Jianbin insisted.

"Dad, you'd better go to work and I'll ask my mother to accompany me." Li Qiubao decided directly without waiting for Li Jianbin to answer.

This decisive speed made Li Jianbin stunned for a while. This girl has been hanging out with Li Miaomiao too much, and she has become more evil-minded.

He just wanted to go with him to the provincial capital to watch the performance, and he was as guarded against him as he was guarded against thieves.

The letter from home was received a little later. When the three brothers Li Xiaohu received the letter, Xiao Zian and Li Qiubao both sent the reply.

In the letter to the three Li Xiaohu brothers, Li Miaomiao talked about a lot, such as where she went in the capital, what she ate, and the interesting things she saw, including how she started making money repairing cars.

The meaning behind the words is to study hard and visit bigger cities in the future.

The outside world is bigger and more interesting than the county town.

What the three brothers saw was a surge of excitement.

Compared with what Li Miaomiao said, Li Xiaopeng's letter was more straightforward, but it also had a huge appeal to the three Li Xiaohu brothers.

After all, the farthest place the three of them went was the county seat, so they could withstand the temptations Li Xiaopeng said.

Li Xiaohu, who originally only wanted to survive until he graduated from junior high school, now had a change in his heart.

He has to study hard, work hard to move up, and go see the outside world.

In addition to the letters written by Li Miaomiao and Li Xiaohu to the three brothers, there was also a letter written back by Guan Chunyan. The purpose was to tell Old Man Li and the others that everything was fine and settled down, so that they should not worry.

Old Man Li nodded, "Just settle down."

Then Old Man Li asked Li Xiaohu to write a reply to Guan Chunyan, "Tell your third aunt that everything at home is fine, so don't worry, I will take care of them at home."

Old Mrs. Li said: "Xiaohu, ask your third aunt if she agrees with me taking care of Miaomiao and the others."

Li Xiaohu said speechlessly: "Nai, why don't you give up?"

The same goes for his breast milk. He has been rejected by the third aunt several times, and she still has to mention it every time.

"Why don't you give up? If I go to the capital, I just want to enjoy the blessings. Then I won't have to look at your stinky faces."

Old Man Li and others: "."

Come on, come on.

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