After Lin Tian killed the plantain essence, he returned to his dragon palace, this wave of harvest is quite good, absorbing the cultivation of the plantain essence, and now it is already the peak realm of the first layer of the earth immortal, and it will not be long before it is likely to break through the second layer realm of the earth immortal.

"It's a little boring to be alone, it's better to take a maid to help me do things." The appearance of a beautiful girl appeared in Lin Tian's mind, which was the female ghost in this world.

"When you appear, I will accept you as my maid, it is simply too boring to be alone." Lin Tian said, "Cultivate for a few days first and improve your cultivation." "

The immortal power in the body constantly washed the dragon body in the body, becoming more tough and abnormal.

At this moment, Ah Fang and Ah Hao rushed back, and the Daoist was in the hall, looking at the two indisputable apprentices, and snorted coldly, "You two brats are finally back?" Now that you've suffered, I know you're no match for that banana essence. "

"Master, it turns out that you know it's banana essence!"

"Of course you know, I fought with this banana spirit a few years ago and let her escape, but I didn't expect this goblin to appear again!"

"Okay, master, you know that we are not opponents, and let us go, doesn't this let us die?" The two apprentices snorted.

"This is the tempering of you, cultivators, after all, have to face something stronger than themselves, are they more powerful than themselves, and they can't escape from battle? One body of the Dao, in order to eliminate demons and defend the Dao, otherwise learn the Dao to do something. "

"It's these big truths again." The two apprentices said with some dissatisfaction.

"Looking for a fight, isn't it."

"Master, we were wrong."

"Okay, come with me to see, I have to completely solve the banana essence tonight, otherwise, there will be more people who will lose their lives by her absorbing the yang qi."

"Well, I want to see how the young man is?"

The Daoist looked at his apprentice and immediately said, "Which young man?" What happened? "

"Oh, yes, today I encountered a strange thing, that is, when we rushed to kill the banana essence, a young man of about twenty was entangled by the banana essence, and then entered the house, the door and window were closed, and we couldn't go in to rescue."

"And then sucked dry?" Ichigoku frowned.

"Master, you definitely can't guess what happened in the end."

"Say it quickly."

"When the banana essence entangled the young man, after the two of them were chattering inside, it was strange that the banana essence was actually prostrated."

"Yes, Master!"

Yi Brow Dao Chang frowned, "Impossible, goblins are goblins, mortals are mortals." "

"It's true, master, not only that, after doing it, the banana essence really collapsed, and after coming out, he trembled when he walked."

"Yes, master, I wonder, it is simply appalling that a mortal should make a demon so prostrate."

The two eyebrows that are long in one eyebrow are directly practiced into a straight shape, "Go, let's go and see, if what you said is true, then this matter is indeed very strange." "

Soon, Yimei Daoist took his two apprentices and the three little zombies to quietly come to the village, and as soon as he entered the village, he saw the flames bursting into the sky, and the banana forest was actually burned.

"What a big fire, the plantain forest was actually burned."

A long eyebrow inhaled fiercely, and all the air flow around it was inhaled into his nose.

"Maoshan into the nose method, pardon!"

Soon, Yimei Daoist opened his eyes, looked at his two apprentices, and said, "Without the breath of a fairy, it seems that the young man you met today is not small." "

"Huh? Not small? Are they also fellow travelers. "

"No, this person is definitely not a major in Dao, and I don't feel the breath of Dao."

"Master, is this person also a demon, or a zombie ghost? But we didn't feel that he had a yin qi. "

Yimei Daolong shook his head and said, "I don't know, I can't feel the demon qi, nor can I feel the breath of the fight here before, I can't tell the difference, this person doesn't seem to be an ordinary person, I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, we all have to pay attention to some." "


"You guys go first, I'll check and check." A long eyebrow said.

"Okay, Master, then we'll go first."

The two apprentices smiled and retreated, and then lowered their voices, "Junior brother, let's go, let's go drink." "

"Huh? Drinking flower wine? "

"Yes, I haven't been drinking for a long time, let's go and have fun."

"If you are caught by the master, you will be punished."

"What are you afraid of, let's just keep the last rules."

......... After the two apprentices left, the Daoist Elder lowered his head again, carefully absorbed the breath, and his face was shocked.

The little zombie looked at the long eyebrows, pouted, and looked confused.

"Definitely not an ordinary person! Not even people! A long eyebrow said in shock.

PS (Ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for evaluation votes, five more a day!) )

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