Because the security staff did not let him go, Song Jianzhi personally came out of the apartment to pick up Li Man into the community.

Li Man dragged a suitcase and a three-piece set of duck tongue sunglasses and a mask. If she hadn't taken the initiative to greet Song Jianzhi, Song Jianzhi would not have recognized Li Man even if she looked at it with a magnifying glass.

It's no wonder that the security guards are worried and glance at her like a scanner.

Li Man said: "Miss Song going to buy something? Should I help you buy it?"

Song Jianzhi smiled and said, "No, I'm going home, you go up quickly."

Li Man was surprised: "What? Does Miss Song live here?"

"Of course not." Song Jianzhi felt strange, living together became something, wouldn't that mean living together.

Li Man ooh, it seems that Sister Mingxu really came to take refuge.

She also muttered that such a big thing happened, the career line was about to collapse, and Sister Mingxu was still in the mood to run the love line.

When Li Man saw Mingxu, she first closed the door, closed it tightly, checked the doors and windows, made sure they were safe and the curtains were tightly closed, she comforted Mingxu road:

"Although the matter is bigger this time, don't worry too much, Sister Mingxu. Sister Pei is trying to help you find a way. She said that the most important thing for you now is to prepare for the audition."

In fact, the biggest problem of this turmoil is not how negative the news is, but it is Xiwang who is attacking Mingxu this time. The company's public relations team will not only not help Mingxu suppress public opinion, but this The second step on the main force of Mingxu.

Mingxu made it clear that she would pay for her termination.

As Mingxu's agent, Pei Zishu is essentially employed by the company. After he can't mobilize the company's departments, he can now run for Mingxu and contact his friends to speak for Mingxu. It's the limit of what can be done.

Mingxu's heart is clear, she is browsing the comments on the Internet.

Previously, she opened the hot search on Weibo, but it was not for herself.

Ming Xu first carefully looked at Xiwangfa's statement, the statement was not long, so "after winning the award, the artist Mingxu refused to appear in the company's blockbuster TV series "Big Han Girl", and proposed to cooperate with our company Terminate the contract.” The sentence is particularly conspicuous.

Several Xiwangyang marketing accounts are much more straightforward, further forwarding and interpretation of Xiwang's "implicit" statement:

"The "Big Han Girl" is quite popular recently in the drama circle, and many people are watching it. I didn't expect Mingxu to cancel the contract and not act, tsk tsk"

"Cancel the contract because you don't like the good resources given by the company? You have enough confidence after seeing it."

"I feel sorry for the west, but I can't help but give resources away"

The water army in the comment area is much more welcome:

"Who does she think she is? After getting a vision, her eyes are higher than the top"

"How much money Xiwang spent on her, made her popular, she ate it clean and left, # Mingxu ungrateful#"

# Mingxu ungrateful# This topic has been brushed to the hot search list, and it is rising step by step.

The cotton wools are working hard to control the comments, but they are still a little powerless in the face of the navy, mainly because Mingxu has not responded, and the fans are also panicked and have no confidence, Mingxu opened his own Weibo, The comment below the latest street shot has broken 3w.

"Mingxu Qiuqiu, you talk, give me some confidence, as long as you say it, I will believe you"

"It turns out that you are this kind of person, and you have an affair with Wei Xiao's sharing cucumbers. Fans turn around"

Mingxu's originally calm expression moved when she saw this sentence, she frowned and said, "Me and Wei Xiao?"

Li Man has been watching her nervously all the time. Hearing this, he said, "Someone fell into the trap and broke the news about you, Miss Song, and Wei Xiao."

Lee Man's expression is a bit difficult to describe.

Netizens are still imaginative enough! She thought bitterly.

This feeling of being drunk and awake alone is so **** good!

Ming Xu turned to the hot search with the words Shura Field, and sure enough, it was full of speculations about this peach news, and there were a few passers-by in the blue angry speech. different perspectives.

"Fortunately, there are bloggers, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to carry this black pot of Xilan#anger"

"Wei Xiao: I'm an adult, I want all red and white roses #dogtou"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu: Why did the two fairy sisters want to see this dung beetle? Isn't it good to be a girl!"

Ming Xu moved his hands and liked the fourth article.

Lee Man: ? !

"Sister Mingxu, what are you doing!"

Ming Xu said lightly: "My trumpet."

Li Man's heart fell back when he mentioned his throat.

"That's good then..."

Ming Xu refreshed it at will, and saw that the blogger who first broke the news broke out a new news:

! Fascinated by the president's dizzy turn to spend a lot of money #thumbs"

Li Man jumped up from the sofa: "What is the origin of this blogger, it's okay to know about the previous Shura field, how can he even know about Wei Xiao's investment!"

Ming Xu looked at the skyrocketing remarks below, her light brown pupils were calm and steady, she smiled lightly, pointed to the screen, and said, "Can't you understand? Whoever benefits is who."

Li Man patted his head and said suddenly:

"He Xilan!"

Wei Xiao also called out the name, he looked at the woman in front of him with a gloomy face, "Say, why do you do things that are not good for Mingxu!"

He Xilan kept muttering in his heart, why Wei Xiao is like a fool in other respects, and checking the conspiracy about Mingxu is a matter of fact.

She tilted her head, her eyes were covered with a shallow layer of water, and she choked: "I can't watch you silently sacrifice for her, but be misunderstood by others to take care of you! You! Obviously the most dedicated, never, never let me into your heart."

Wei Xiao looked at the woman in front of him who loved him miserably, and was greatly satisfied in Song Jianzhi's frustrated male self-esteem. He pinched He Xilan's chin and said solemnly:

He Xilan couldn't help but think of Qiao Xin, a colleague who always targeted Mingxu in the past, as if Qiao Xin had been forgiven seven or eight times.

A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost.

He Xilan bit her lip and nodded.

Wei Xiao didn't pay attention to her, only said: "Oh, but you also paved the way for me - I must make Song Jianzhi pay for her behavior."

He Xilan tentatively asked: "What did Miss Song do?"

"She was smart, she first acted like she was disdainful of me and played hard-to-find, but she was jealous of Mingxu and couldn't help digging Mingxu out of Xinghan." Wei Xiao said confidently, "She Do you think it's useful to make a mystery, I guessed it at a glance, she doesn't want Mingxu to star in my investment drama!"

He Xilan choked and chose not to think about it: "It seems that Miss Song is sincere to you, Young Master Wei."

"In the past, she attacked Mingxu with my disgust, but now she's learned a little bit smarter and knows that she can get along well with Mingxu by pretending, Mingxu is so simple, and will be deceived by Song Jianzhi's poor acting skills It's here." At the end, Wei Xiao still felt a little distressed for Ming Xu.

He Xilan's heart throbbed, I think you are the purest, like a paramecia that only lives in human society.

She couldn't help but stab the lively idiot with her words: "Then what will Young Master Wei do? It's hot, will the Song family go bankrupt?"

How can Wei Xiao have this ability, he has several companies in his hands, but fighting with the behemoth Song is like hitting a stone with an egg. Even the entire Wei family under his sister's control was a whole circle smaller than the Song family.

Wei Xiao's face froze for a long time before he recovered, and said with a sneer: "Oh, I want to make her bear the infamy, I can't let Mingxu suffer grievances."

The next morning, Song Jianzhi took the corn rib soup stewed by the nanny to Ganlin Garden to send warmth. When passing a park, there was a faint sweet fragrance floating.

She looked carefully, and it turned out that the gardenia tree planted in the park had a milky white bud, which looked a little green among the dark green branches and leaves.

The flower buds in the well-lit place are half open, and the petals are hung with the clear and round dew from last night, and the sweet fragrance is overflowing.

The blooming of a single flower is enough to make an ordinary morning beautiful.

The arrival of one person is enough to make another person happy.

Ming Xu took the heat preservation bucket and put it in the kitchen, Song Jianzhi followed behind and instructed: "You remember to drink it at noon, specially let the nanny cook it for you."

Mingxu took out a suitable soup bowl and poured out the soup. She was very familiar with her movements, like the real owner of this apartment.

"I will also stew corn rib soup." Mingxu said as he started.

"I won't." Song Jianzhi said casually, wrinkling his nose.

She turned around twice and saw that there were washed peaches in the fruit bowl, she reached out and touched the reddest one, and squeezed it lightly, it was a soft peach.

Song Jianzhi peeled off the skin with a smile and took a bite. The soft peach meat tasted sweet and juicy, full of fruity aroma, super delicious.

She kept bragging: "Where did Li Man buy the soft peaches, it's very sweet, I'll buy some to take home too."

Ming Xu washed his hands and looked back at her: "Is it sweet?"

Song Jianzhi nodded, chewed the pulp and said, "Try it." Then, he picked a peach and handed it to Mingxu, "This must be sweet."

Ming Xu took it and slowly peeled off the thin peach skin.

When she was doing this series of actions, she kept looking at Song Jianzhi, her light brown pupils reflected the light, revealing her unique magic power, the cleanest but the most psychedelic, seductive.

Song Jianzhi was unconscious at first, but with Mingxu's slow movements, the air in the whole kitchen seemed to change.

It's heating up.

Song Jianzhi's eating peaches slowed down, and involuntarily looked at Mingxu.

She brought the peach to her lips, first sniffing lightly.

"Smells sweet."

Song Jianzhi was inexplicably alert.

If she had a pair of cat ears, she would probably be posing with plane ears by now.

Song Jianzhi didn't speak, and Mingxu didn't care, she lowered her eyes and stopped looking at Song Jianzhi, Song Jianzhi let out a sigh of relief.

Mingxu's lips without lipstick were a healthy and natural light pink, and when they approached the pale yellow peach flesh, the two colors were equally lovely.

She opened her lips and bit the peach flesh.

When doing this, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Song Jianzhi again.

The eyes are sparkling, the sound of water splashing in the ears, and the juice in the lips is sweet.

Song Jianzhi was stunned and suddenly understood something.


The gorgeous fireworks rose from her body, her body temperature rose, the heat wave scorched her eyes and cheeks, and her throat was slightly dry.

"Sweet and cute." Mingxu said, "It's delicious."

The author has something to say:The author hereby solemnly declares that Song San’s true identity is a glorious soft peach party

Is the sugar content a little too high recently? Is sister Mingxu too lustful?

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