Be the Golden Finger for the Actress’ Rival

Chapter 57: (Main Wei He, Deputy CP)

Wei Zhixuan is playing a game.

Although He Xilan is not yet online, Wei Zhixuan believes that under He Xilan's persistent and courageous devil training, she has at least successfully recognized all skills, and the two have a winning percentage Also hit 50%.

What does this mean?

One out of two!

Wei Zhixuan confidently recruited teammates and competed with wild players.

Her teammates were relatively happy and cheerful at first, and they greeted warmly when they came up: "Wow, Miss Sister is already 10 dan, equipped with such a big guy! I am only 9 dan, please don't dislike qwq"

Wei Zhixuan is very skilled, and her reply is short and powerful: "Don't dislike it, let's start."

The number of the teammate is a bouncing loli, the little loli said: "Okay#happy"

When the game came out, the little loli stopped jumping, and there was some hesitation in her words: "Miss, are you network delayed?"

Impossible, I just updated my computer configuration two days ago, and the network speed is stable.

"My internet is good."

"Oh... come and come again #happy"

When the second round came out, Little Loli stood in place and didn't move. As soon as she came out, she typed: "Miss, how do you break out when the opposite is invincible?"

He also added a sentence for Wei Zhixuan, "Is it slippery qwq"

Wei Zhixuan recalled and said calmly: "I wanted to open up before but couldn't find the face, so I opened it as soon as I found it."

She recalled again, that's right, He Xilan taught herself that when she finds a face and can hit someone, she can break out. Just go, don't leave regrets in life.

Little Lolita: "…"

Wei Zhixuan held the captain in his hand, and naturally ordered to line up.

Although she didn't win either of these two games, she was very open. Not everyone belonged to He Xilan, but it was a pity that Lanlan had to work.

At the end of the third round, Wei Zhixuan suspected that Xiaoluoli had already typed the words in the dialog box, and received her secret chat after finishing the picture:

"I was going to be in the first paragraph and now I'm down, you know what?"

"Did you play me on purpose? Do you know me? Did I steal your love or do a mission to steal you and blame you for playing me like this"

Wei Zhixuan frowned and typed back: "No, don't think about it."

Why can't you play well and love sports? There are some weird things going on in the minds of today's kids.

Little Lolita: "Then you fight hard, I'm very angry, you play me again *****"

The asterisks are blocked swear words. Wei Zhixuan is not happy when she sees this. Unfortunately, she hastened the next round, and when she received the news, she also jumped out of the entry interface.

Wei Zhixuan can't, so it will be the last game, and the team will be disbanded.

The countdown has just ended, and the two famous celebrities on the opposite side rushed over aggressively. Just as Wei Zhixuan was about to use her skills, she saw her phone light up.

It's Song Jianyin's phone number.

Song Jian seldom contacted herself proactively, and was cooperating, so Wei Zhixuan could not be ignored either in public or in private.

She left the keyboard ruthlessly with both hands, and answered the phone while watching the teammate on the screen being pressed by the opposite side.

"Hey, why did you think of calling me?" Wei Zhixuan's voice was low and tactful. If it weren't for the game sound effects in the background, it would be easy for people to imagine.

Song Jianyin's voice was cold, unable to hear any emotion, and said: "Give me the specific address of Wei Xiao."

Wei Zhixuan was stunned, "Why are you suddenly looking for him?"

Is this cheap brother so capable? Can you provoke Song Jianyin across thousands of mountains and rivers?

"He harassed your sister?" Wei Zhixuan's mind turned quickly and made a bold guess.

Song Jianyin didn't intend to satisfy Wei Zhixuan's curiosity, but asked, "Do you have his address?"

"Yes?" The subordinates should have sent her detailed information when arranging for Wei Xiao, but she had no sibling relationship with Wei Xiao, and closed it without looking at it. Wei Zhixuan was sensible. Asked again, only to say, "I'll wait to send you."


Wei Zhixuan looked at the phone that was decisively hung up, found out Wei Xiao's address and sent it to her, she frowned and pondered for a while.

Song Jian has a very tight schedule, so it is impossible for Wei Xiao to go to country W, unless he stops by the way, or—

Let his subordinates bring Wei Xiao back to China.

Before he lost it, Wei Zhixuan didn't care whether he lived or died, deducted his money every month, and only told his own people not to let Wei Xiao make a comeback, and nothing else.

Now Wei Xiao is about to be forced to return to China, Wei Zhixuan moved her finger and sent a message to the secretary, "Let me know about Wei Xiao's current situation."

I looked up again, only to find that the battle was over, and I was passed out of the arena map.

Wei Zhixuan paused, looked at the chat box, and sure enough:

“**********???Actors just ******* can you get away!*****”

Wei Zhixuan was curious for a while, what did this little loli say to be blocked in such a large number.

Although she hung up for a game, but her teammates were so irritable, Wei Zhixuan was no longer in the mood to apologize, the game was just a way for her to relax, there was no need to worry about anything, she simply quit the team and prepared to go offline .

Wait for Lanlan to come back online.

Wei Zhixuan was bored and was about to quit the game when she saw Little Loli sent a message: "Dare to fight the number-deletion battle!"


Wei Zhixuan now believes that this loli is really angry and wants to delete her account.

There are not many battles in this game, and there are more than ten battles in a month to be settled. is rare.

It was the first time that Wei Zhixuan was sent to the gauntlet. She was interested and typed: "Aren't you afraid that I'm really playing you? Aren't you afraid that I will win you?"

The reply was very quick: "I think you are good at cooking and acting, #vomit"


Wei Zhixuan's account is very expensive, with a bunch of fancy appearances and top-notch equipment. It is a rare seven-digit high-priced account in this game.

Of course, the price is nothing to her, and it doesn't matter if she deletes the number, but she doesn't like to lose this kind of one-on-one provocation.

Wei Zhixuan has been thinking about whether to find a cheating agent in the surrogate account deletion battle, or just go offline for beauty and skin care.

The little loli in front of her is still typing and bombarding her, provocative, aggressive and a bunch of asterisks blocked by the system.

In these words, He Xilan's greetings arrived quietly:

"Did you wait for a long time? Sorry, today's announcement has been delayed for a while."

Wei Zhixuan looked up and saw the game character controlled by He Xilan appearing in front of him.

He Xilan went online with a salad bowl in her arms. She first looked at the map where Wei Zhixuan was located, and it turned out to be the main city that could line up the arena.

She ate a few mouthfuls of shrimp, flew to the arena area skillfully, and found Mr. Wei who was bells and whistles. Only then did she have time to type and greet Wei Zhixuan.

Before Wei Zhixuan spoke, a loli in front of her was chatting and shouting:

"What? ***I'm afraid I can't beat me and ask for help?"

I also posted the IDs of the two of them on it, named them by name, small modeling, and quite impressive.

Wei Zhixuan: "How do you know we know each other?"

The Loli was righteous: "It's the same bells and whistles, what is expensive to wear, or this ID"

He Xilan poked the purple potato puree, and the groove was full for a while.

This... Although President Wei is the president, he still has the mind of a little girl.

She changed her body after getting on the account, but she didn't pay attention to the price - but the game company is not stupid, of course, the more beautiful it is, the more expensive it is.

As for love - Mr. Wei kept saying that this was his son, daughter, sister and brother, and He Xilan took the male number.

Wei Zongqi's ID is also very thoughtful. Her son is called Tianxia, ​​and her daughter is called Wushuang.

Unfortunately, the dishes are unparalleled in the world.

He Xilan didn't care about the calling passer-by in front of him, and directly chatted with Wei Zhixuan:

"A fight? Me?"

Wei Zhixuan dialed a voice directly, He Xilan paused, swallowed the contents of his mouth and connected it.

"Lan Lan—" The woman called her in a coquettishly prolonged voice, slightly hoarse, "You have to help me out."

He Xilan's ears were numb for a while, she resisted the urge to take off the earphones and said:

"Well, let's change numbers."

Wei Zhixuan whispered softly: "Okay. If I knew I wouldn't form a team with her, I still lost points."


If I hadn't bothered you, I would have pushed you to the ground—

Fortunately, she still has reason, He Xilan took a deep breath and opened Wei Zhixuan's record interface. Just to climb up a little bit.

It's okay, I'm strong.

After He Xilan relieved himself, he said softly: "Go to the score after playing, give me your account."

Wei Zhixuan hummed, the sound of typing on the keyboard came from the earphone, and it sounded like she was sending He Xilan the account password.

The little loli in front of her is still asking: "Dare to fight ***"

Wei Zhixuan sent out the secret account, and replied confidently: "Hit."

A dialog box pops up immediately:

"The player invites you to participate in the 1V1 life-and-death battle with a lemon. The peak duel, one is high and low. One sentence is life and death, and there is no retreat after one step. I hope you will consider it carefully!"

Wei Zhixuan glanced at it, took a picture as a souvenir, and confidently clicked "Agree to participate".

Because it involves the battle of deleting the account, the game side is very cautious. After this dialog box disappears, you need to repeat the confirmation again, and ask to enter a series of private information such as ID number to confirm the identity of the account owner.

After Wei Zhixuan's input, the system prompts "identity confirmation, life and death field is established".

Immediately, a high platform emerged from the ground beside her, and the game characters of Wei Zhixuan and Lemon Loli jumped up and jumped onto the ring built next to them.

Wei Zhixuan's voice was natural, "Yeah, didn't I tell you?"

You didn't say it, sister!

I thought it was a discussion.

He Xilan said in a difficult tone: "You just accept it?"

"Huh? Didn't I see you here?" Wei Zhixuan said with a smile, "Are you afraid you won't be able to beat her? Don't worry, you don't need to pay me. But it's better not to lose."

She even laughed, "How do I change the number now?"

Wei Zhixuan:…

"Hmm..." Wei Zhixuan was a little weak, "Actually, you don't have to laugh if you don't want to."

This is a dark smile, a little cold.

Wei Zhixuan picked up the hot tea and warmed her hands, sighed and said, "I'll make it myself."

"That's the only way." He Xilan calmed down and said, "However, I can be a foreign aid."

He Xilan looked at Lemon Lolita, who was dancing on the ring. She had played this profession, and she was very good at it and knew it well.

The announcement of the system flashed across the world channel.

"The battle to delete the account, there is a lot of fun to watch Liao!"

"The people who eat melons are in place, and the out-of-print appearance glowing weapons! Just looking at this one is a five-digit rich woman hug me"

"?? These two IDs are sold by my friend. It is said that they were sold to the ultimate sky-high price account QAQ"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Hahahaha, our group withdraw from the copy, look at the sky -high rich woman delete the battle, the rich woman and wait for me!"

After both parties confirm the status, the field of life and death officially opens.


Just as Wei Zhixuan wanted to dodge a little, she heard He Xilan's simple and short words in the earphone: "Don't hide, use your skills."

Wei Zhixuan's hand was about to move and turned to press a familiar set of outputs. She memorized this set of combos by rote, and pressed it very smoothly. Adjustment, the release of skills is very smooth.

Lemon Lolita's brilliant skill hit her, and her health bar only dropped a little bit. No wonder He Xilan didn't let her use small light skills, it was unnecessary.

"Little Qinggong, left, hide."

Wei Zhixuan pressed Xiaoqinggong, and the game character named Wushuang nimbly jumped to the left, dodging the stun skill on the opposite side, and lightly landed behind a large rock, stuck Opposite perspective.

"Adjust her face and control her."

Wei Zhixuan did her best, but the opposite was not a fool. Wei Zhixuan had not yet used her control skills, but the other party had already used her skills to chase after her, and the process was free of control.

Her control was on the free control, wasting an important skill.

He Xilan stared at the battle in front of him intently. Seeing that it was too late to say anything, he immediately said, "Reduce the damage!"

Injury reduction turned on, Lemon Loli really seized the opportunity to play a set of outbreaks, even if the injury reduction was turned on, Wushuang was also knocked out 30% of the blood, if not, I am afraid that If you are disabled, you will win or lose in one wave.

Wei Zhixuan's heart tightened, and her face became even colder.

She is really bad at the game, but she is never willing to lose.

Although this battle of number deletion is somewhat forced, she is not happy to see it, but in life, there are many cases of being forced to the battlefield.

You can't hide, you can't hang up, you can only fight back.

Listening to the simple and powerful command in the headphones, Wei Zhixuan stripped away all external influences and devoted herself to the release of skills again and again.

The mechanical keyboard made a crisp clicking sound under her slender and powerful fingers, and the mouse constantly adjusted its face with difficulty, chasing the opponent's figure.

Every sound is a tentative attack, a temporary avoidance, and a burst of damage.

Loli Lemon is a skilled player who can predict Wei Zhixuan's burst and reduce damage to avoid damage, and can also seize Wei Zhixuan's weakness in adjusting her face and deliberately attack her.

Wei Zhixuan has a commander here, plus the equipment is much better than Lemon Lolita, the health bar of both of them fluctuates around 30%.


"If I had the rich woman's glowing weapon, I would have won"

"Standing and talking without back pain, Lolita's skills are pretty good, the rich lady has made a few mistakes before."

"I haven't done any special effects yet, so my lady's face is a little dark"

The melon-eating crowd gathered in a circle to watch the play, and some people said what He Xilan wanted—

Mr. Wei's face is too dark!

As we all know, in addition to the basic attributes of this top equipment in Wushuang being higher than that of the general public, the most important thing is that it has a special effect, which has a chance to refresh the profession's signature damage/healing skills.

It means that you have one more big move than the opponent, and sometimes you can decide life and death. Coupled with a European Emperor, it is like a comparison.

But Wei Zhixuan is not good enough, how fat is it.

He Xilan quickly complained in her heart, but her eyes did not leave the screen, and she was also directing Wei Zhixuan to move and use skills.

"Go far, delay time, and wait for your important skill CD."

He Xilan reminded Wei Zhixuan that at this moment, the lingering charm in her voice seemed to be washed away, showing her original indifference.

He Xilan shook her head slightly.

But the lemon loli on the screen drew her back.

The displacement skill of this class is also his control release skill. It has two charges and can be used twice. It is also the only release control skill of this class.

He Xilan reflexively forgets the skill CD of Lemon Loli—

"Control him!"

The Wushuang in the wide-sleeved robe on the screen turned around and released her skills at Lemon Lolita. Little Lolita covered her head and stood there, unable to move.

No need for He Xiland to say the rest, Wei Zhixuan beat him with a set of skills, and Loli in the unlock skill CD was unable to resist, and was continuously controlled to death.

Finally, Mr. Wei took a swipe at the end, the special effects flashed by, and the little loli screamed and lay on the ground.

The word "Victory" with a gold border jumped onto Wei Zhixuan's screen.

Wei Zhixuan let out a sigh of relief, resting her left hand on the dimly lit keyboard.

She didn't seem to get out of this intense and fast-paced competition, and neither of them spoke for a while.

He Xilan said first: "Congratulations to President Wei, you won."

Wei Zhixuan stroked her chest, lowered her eyes for a moment, and smiled.

This is a silent laugh, He Xilan is doomed to not know.

"Thank you too."

"It should be." He Xilan's soft voice came over, and she seemed to speak like this when she was not in a hurry.

Wei Zhixuan said lazily: "Lanlan is very gentle."

The other side paused and said, "Do you mean my voice? Many friends have said that."


When it is inevitable, Wei Zhixuan can go offline or fight, this number is really not a big problem for them.

Although the possibility of Wei Zhixuan winning is slim, He Xilan never mentioned letting Wei Zhixuan go offline, and seems to have never considered this option.

This woman sees the character of a person clearly, and embraces each other with her unique tenderness.

Wei Zhixuan took a sip of tea and did not answer.

On the screen, the arena has disappeared, and the result of the deletion battle is released by the system to the world:

"In the field of life and death, the player Wushuang defeats the player's lemon, and the character's lemon will enter the freeze period from now on and will be deleted after seven days. If you have any questions, please contact the official customer service."

Loli Lemon stood there for a while without speaking or moving. Wei Zhixuan suspected that the person behind her was writing a small composition and scolding herself.

"The rich lady and the little sister are criticized! The last wave was so crisp!"

"Sure enough, the high-priced account dares to agree to delete the account is confident, I am actually looking forward to a heart-wrenching account deletion"

"If you continue, the rich lady will let you experience a heart-wrenching chase"

"I'm different, I just want to know if Tianxia and Wushuang are in love"

I got enlightened, the dishes were like ** before.”

He Xilan raised her eyebrows and typed: "It's me, you can't live for two minutes."

"The Show"

"Too...too domineering qwq"

“[A bunch of nonsense words that dare not speak in front of Miss Wushuang]”

He Xilan turned her wrist and directly ordered a lemon loli to learn from.

I wanted to hit him for a long time.

Two seconds later, the discussion was accepted, and He Xilan smiled.

"Slowly pull out the phone timer"

"On Time +1"

Wei Zhixuan turned to this side, his focus fell on the world, and said with a smile, "Come on Lanlan."


The voice fell and the discussion began.

He Xilan's movements were fast, and the dense keyboard sound was like a flock of birds flying by, clattering. Even though she has the skills of a male CD, her offensive is so cold that it makes you breathless.

Lemon Lori was beaten very hard by her.

Either charged with being beaten on the spot, or being pushed and pulled by the skill and unable to move. Thinking about it for a while, I found that I would be banned from Qinggong in the next second.

Even the high displacement he was good at was restricted. As soon as he ran out and wanted to slow down, he was caught by He Xilan and beaten.

As for this kind of trick, it’s even more limited.

He Xilan counted herself and the CD on the other side, and easily beat Lemon Loli to the point where she couldn't take care of herself, and the health bar was empty.

"1 minute 32 seconds, 66666"

"A lemon: Master, please let me go, my data will be cleared, and you will let me beat QAQ again"

"Can you win two out of three and five out of three? It's too fast, I just cut the melon"

The melon eaters were happy, the lemon loli stood empty, and he said something, but unfortunately most of them were completely blocked by the system, I don’t know if it was so angry that he kicked the power supply The line is still what, it can be regarded as offline.

The account of Lemon Loli will be frozen, and the character data will be completely deleted soon.

They took care of them, and they both took Wei Zhixuan up and flew away.

This game's two-person light work is beautifully done. Surrounded by splendid and magnificent light effects, Tianxia and Wushuang are like beautiful people.

Wei Zhixuan said to herself, "Do you not have to walk by yourself in the future?"

He Xilan:…

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