When Ming Xu said this, everyone remembered that Song San is not only a star, she is also the boss of Xinghan!

But even if Song San is the boss, Mingxu's excuse is quite inconsiderate.

Because it was Mingxu who was talking now, the camera gave Mingxu a close-up view. I don’t know which little clever ghost noticed something wrong:

"Hey, is Mingxu's mouth a little redder than when he just woke up?"

One stone creates a thousand waves.

"It's more than red, why do I feel swollen...Isn't my Mingxu thin lips, is it my psychological effect? ​​Cover your face"

"I have a bold idea..."

"Me too"

"Me too"

The TV is right in front of you, and it is impossible for everyone to turn a blind eye, especially the guests must ensure the interactivity of the program and not let the audience be left out in the cold.

Mingxu did not ignore the audience, she raised her eyebrows, curled her index finger, wiped it from under her lips, one eyelash, and the beautiful color suddenly added a bit of red.

She said leisurely, "Is it your lips, with lipstick."

"Women! I'm not even showing off my hues... well, a little bit of qwq"


"Mingxu must have a problem with such a cough today, my friends! The tonic has hit the enemy's sugar-coated cannonball!"

The barrage became even more powerful. Song Jianzhi had never seen such a battle before, and he never thought that traces of what he had done could be found in this way. Immediately, the heat rushed up, and his face It's hot on the top.

Song Jianzhi did not dare to face the camera again, pretended to pour water and slipped out of the camera.

She heard Ming Xu calmly say to the audience, "Isn't it lipstick?"

"Could it be that you thought it was a mosquito bite?"

Song Jianzhi: ...Humph!

"No no no, we think it was a (quick whisper) bite"

"I'll tell you the truth, I think Song San is biting-hey, what about Song San?"

"Song San poured the water [with a meaningful smile]"

"How could it be s3, how could there be such a big mosquito#doghead"

"The program team is coming out to testify, did you prepare electric mosquito coils for the guests? #dogtou"

The little girl from the show crew huddled in the corner and didn't dare to make a sound: The crew is generous, and the guest room has everything for you to choose, but she can't say.

Mingxu's attitude was ambiguous. In the end, he neither admitted nor denied, and instead talked to the guests about other topics.

The danmaku has changed from the initial "reason me" to "this is the default?" to attracting attention by new topics. It seems calm on the surface, but the cp fans on Weibo have already started ah ah ah ah, the guests are not fools, they have their own ideas.

In the afternoon, there was also a task to mobilize the guests to perform. In the interval between tasks, Shengge asked Song Jianzhi quietly: "It's said that the two of you are good friends..."

Song Jianzhi had a hard time explaining this relationship, and finally he could only vaguely say: "We have not established a relationship."

Shengge understands: "So, come on."

Before Song Jianzhi could speak, the camera caught up again, and the two of them started the reality show as if nothing had happened.

Song saw Zhizhi doing the task at hand to understand. It seems that Shengge misunderstood that he was chasing Mingxu. After all, the last time he saw him feed Mingxu yogurt.

Well...it's not really a misunderstanding, after all, Sister Mingxu was just coaxed.

In the evening, the tasks assigned by the program team were very warm, and dinner was prepared as usual, but this time, everyone was required to perform, and Mingxu could not be tired alone.

In the atmosphere of unity, friendship and mutual help, the camera and He Meimei showed everyone's true cooking skills.

When eating, against the backdrop of several bleak dishes led by Le Yi and Chen Yuanning, other people's works were enthusiastically sought after, which can be said to sacrifice these two and make others happy .

Song saw the words of Zhizhi, You Mingxu quietly made up the class, took her to make a simple and quick dish, fried a plate of potato ham pie, and fried a plate of simple tomatoes and eggs, the results are not bad, everyone eats be happy too.

At seven or eight o'clock when eating, everyone in the barrage said that they were having dinner with them. This feeling of doing one thing with the guests at the same time was not only loved by the audience, but also by Song Jianzhi. very happy.

small signal.

Really good.

It was only half past 8:30 to clean up the dishes. Through the secret instigation of the program team, the guests "decided" to watch the works of the guests present.

Peng Zhou shrugged and said to the audience as he prepared to play the first clip:

"Although we really want to play it out of our own whim, but in fact—well, you can see that our material is so well prepared."

He put his index finger in front of his lips and made a move that everyone kept secret and kept quiet, and the audience laughed hahaha.

The selected clips must have a story, so that the guests can say something, whether it is the difficulty of the filming at the beginning, or the fun behind it, and the reason why this is particularly unforgettable for them, It's all about the show.

"I know it's the show team that is doing the trouble, but I still cry, we're in a boat."

"Lanlan is so beautiful, her face was super tender when she first debuted."

"Chen Yuanning is so handsome, how cool is college!"

"Mingxu is actually a part of the story. I have also watched this thunder drama. At that time, I was still thinking about how such a beautiful girl can't think of this kind of drama QAQ"

Ming Xu saw this barrage, she smiled and said, "I didn't have a company and no money at the time. I was fortunate enough to play a role, and I would like to thank the crew for giving me the opportunity."

Mingxu did not hide what she called a dark history of the past, she brought it down in a few words, but Song Jianzhi could imagine that with Mingxu's original economic situation and love for acting, Said, one by one, a little bit of hope, how rare.

Several people were holding pillows in their arms, Song Jianzhi's cat paws quietly touched from behind the pillows, and held Sister Mingxu's hand.

I'm here now.

The situation of Song Jianzhi and Sheng Ge is special. Song Jianzhi didn't have any outstanding works, so he handed over a piece of tidbits on the crew of "No Belief in No Destiny", which served as his precious experience of participating in a movie for the first time, and also meant to promote "No Belief in No Destiny".

Sheng Ge is a host and a news host. He often shows his face in Guo Jiatai. His work...is a record of a news program.

The barrage is full of puzzled faces of "I'm watching the news in a reality show".

It was 22:00 soon, the live broadcast ended, everyone said goodbye to the audience and ended the first day of shooting.

After the camera was turned off, the other staff began to pack up their equipment and left the villa to get off work first. Several PDs stayed to summarize today's performance with the guests.

Windsor, as the leader of the entire team, presided over the small meeting. After the advantages were finished, and after a few simple compliments, Windsor began to talk about the problem. She talked one by one, focusing on Mingxu turning off the camera by himself.

"The problem with this camera can be done once or twice, but not too many times."

Song saw Zhizhi's earlobes dripping with blood, and thought that Windsor was euphemistically criticizing the two of them. Unexpectedly, she heard Windsor say:

"After all, the explosion point is used too many times, and the audience will not feel fresh."

Song Jianzhi: ?

“Breaking point?”

"Weibo is a hot search." Windsor said naturally, and then remembered, "Oh, you just finished the show and haven't watched Weibo yet."

"Now take out your phone and take a look."

Mingxu opened Weibo and saw the name of the program group on the hot search: put a star

The next place is: Mingxu turned off the camera

Official V has long led to the creation of the topic #placestar#, and the audience is chatting hotly in the topic, especially now that the first day of live broadcast has just ended, which is the time of hot discussion.


Ming Xu's pertinent comment: "The analysis is quite reasonable."


Ming Xu did not continue, but Song Jianzhi's expression was obviously a little different, and everyone basically understood.

After the small meeting was over, Chen Yuanning, who had stopped talking for a long time, was finally free, and secretly pulled the little cousin aside to whisper.

Song Jianzhi euphemistically stated that she did not have a relationship with Mingxu like she did to Shengge, so she whispered, "Sister, don't play with Mingxu's feelings, right? "

Song Jianzhi: ?

"This rounding is an unspoken rule."

Chen Yuanning did not expect that one day her cousin, who became the director of an entertainment company, would actually perform the plot of an idol drama in real life. The more he thinks about it, the more he looks like, otherwise he will kiss him, and it doesn't matter what he said, how can it be?

He became more and more certain, and deplored: "This is an unspoken rule, I didn't expect, cousin, you actually—"

"What are you thinking about?" Song Jianzhi jumped up mercilessly and gave his cousin a shock.

"Don't worry, it's really not." Song Jianzhi said concisely, "Your eldest cousin knows about our affairs."

The first sentence was not convincing, but when the second sentence came out, Chen Yuanning immediately believed a lot. The character of the eldest cousin is not to watch the family mess up.

Chen Yuanning sighed in relief, suddenly excited: "According to this, Sister Mingxu may be my brother-in-law in the future?"

Song Jianzhi blushed, but then realized that something was wrong: "Why not sister-in-law?"

Chen Yuanning:…

His eyes circled around Song Jianzhi, and he recalled the temperament of Sister Mingxu, um...

He said, "In fact, it's good to call sister, um, very good."

Song Jianzhi looked at her little cousin suspiciously, and was about to ask him again, when someone over there called him:

"Song Xiaozhi, go to bed."

She looked back and saw that it was Mingxu, holding two glasses with milky white liquid in her hands.

Song Jianzhi immediately threw her cousin aside, she walked over in a clear voice, and Mingxu handed a cup to her hand:

"Bedtime milk."

The glass was just right, but Song Jianzhi was so hot that she could roast marshmallows, and roasted the marshmallows into a sticky, soft ball of candy.

When the eyes meet, there is a constant pull of soft and fluffy candy.

Chen Yuanning hugged herself and shivered, feeling that not only did she not have bedtime milk, but she also ate a full mouthful of bedtime dog food.

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