
"Me too!"

"Rounding is the confession scene"

"What kind of kitten food is this?"

Ming Xu was a little surprised, she saw Song Jianzhi's exceptionally delicate lower jaw held up, with an air that she had never had before, like a cat with a chest and a head raised, finally showing a bit of the same The ferocity of the big cats comes.

The mother's face was blue and white, and it was as lively as a palette. The child looked back with the parents in a daze, there was not a single tear on his face, and his feelings were always howling.

Song Jianzhi said rudely, "You are not welcome here."

The woman's eyes dodged, not daring to look directly at this radiant woman, and subconsciously turned sideways to avoid the camera.

She kept her mouth shut:

"If you don't let me sit, I won't sit, we're all leaving, and you dare to find fault."

The more she talked, the more she felt that she was quite reasonable. She raised her voice a lot, and took out the momentum of shouting in the street:

"I'm not welcome? Your shop opened the mall? You're not just a little star who came to shoot things, everyone is the customer of the mall—"


A short and urgent call interrupted the woman's words, she frowned and looked, wondering which one was unqualified. At this time, I found that it was a middle-aged man in a suit with a serious expression, followed by seven or eight security guards.

The man walked in a hurry, lined up the crowd and walked in, he quickly swept the scene, and the woman was stung by a bee.

The person who seemed to be in charge ignored her, just bowed her head respectfully to the little star who said she was not welcome, and bowed slightly:

"Miss, it was my poor management that disrupted the recording of the show."

The person in charge of the mall broke out with cold sweat on his forehead. This situation can be called a disaster. He was entertaining the show team there, but when he heard that something happened here, he immediately brought people over.

Although my young lady seems to have a good temper, this kind of work negligence is basically equivalent to the boss of the immediate boss's boss going to the world on a whim. made a mistake.

Looking back, if Miss Fan showed a little bit of unhappiness, it must be her direct contact person who suffered.

The mall is open for business, and whoever comes in can't be controlled by the person in charge. Song Jianzhi didn't mean to take anger, and the person in charge came just right.

"Invite these two customers out." She instructed the woman in disbelief, without giving the woman another look,

"Yes, miss." The person in charge was relieved to hear the lady's tone. He stood up straight and turned to look at the culprit. feelings:

"Ma'am, we welcome customers in our mall, but we don't welcome those who disrupt the order. You have already affected the shopping experience of other customers." He tilted his head back slightly, "Xiao Miao, send this Lady out."

"Okay." A security guard behind him responded, "Ma'am, come with me, this way."

The woman clenched her hands tightly, her face flushed red, and her teeth were shaking with anger: "Are you chasing a guest?"

"Isn't it just to lick a star, the last show - it's unreasonable to take us for a knife, ah?"

The person in charge showed an embarrassed expression. This person has to stand on this theory, and he is not easy to do.

There is a live camera next to him, his attitude can't be too tough, let alone a woman with a child on the opposite side.

Song Jianzhi looked on with cold eyes, seeing that this man did not know what to do, and his anger grew even stronger.

Song Jianzhi opened her mouth and was about to speak again. Unexpectedly, Mingxu flexed his arms and patted the hand that he placed on her shoulder, as if to comfort her.

Song Jianzhi's words reached his lips, he paused, and looked at Mingxu.

Ming Xu's eyes were calm, joyful, and without any haze, Song Jianzhi met Mingxu like this, and her impetuous heart instantly seemed to be soaked in soft water, calming down a lot.

After a little effort, a childish voice sounded in front of them.

"Dad, are this aunt and little brother going to be kicked out by these uncles for cutting the line?"

Everyone saw that it was a little girl waiting in front of the small train, with an innocent face, like a little angel.

Her father wears glasses and has a gentle face. He was a little embarrassed at this time, but he said something and said to his daughter gently:

"Auntie and brother did something wrong and said something wrong, these uncles just asked them out, don't affect others."

"Oh." The girl nodded her head earnestly, "Because they cut the line and quarreled with the sisters, we haven't been able to get on the train yet, right?"

Her father touched the top of her hair and smiled in agreement.

When the first person spoke, the other onlookers also pointed and pointed:

"If I left early, wouldn't I be ashamed enough, I was filmed jumping in line and scolding people"

"The bear children are used by the bear parents, see what the children teach"

"Hurry up, big girl, what are you doing?"

"What did you just say? This mall is not owned by others? Hey, this mall is still owned by this big girl"

Her complexion changed, sometimes embarrassed, sometimes a little scared.

In the end, her face was pale, her head was lowered, and she refused to show her face in the camera. She quickly walked away with the security guard with her child, and this episode was over.

The children continued to line up for the bus, and the scene returned to harmony and childishness. The barrage has been talked about since it appeared.

"Passers-by: This mall belongs to your family! Song San: Excuse me, it's mine."

"You can really do whatever you want with money"

"Song Sanwei, who was in the early Mingxu era, is really sassy"

"You are all hahahahaha, only cp fans are real happiness"

Xu Bei and Le Yi chose to wear doll clothes to send balloons. They are a pair of dolls with a sense of CP, and they began to create pink bubbles between the eyes.

The interaction between the famous seniors and the newcomers in the entertainment industry is still very delicious, and many audiences love it.

The hourly worker is the last task. After the task is over, there is still one hour before the end of this reality show. The guest performance voting for this issue will officially begin, and the voting channel will be opened for one hour.

The final champion is Mingxu, which is basically within everyone's expectations. On the first day, Mingxu was crazy about the gourmet attributes. On the second day, the little train also hit many people's cute points. In addition, she has her own fan traffic, so she can't be the first.

Song Jianzhi does not have a fan base, and it is all because of her performance in this issue and her interaction with Mingxu that she has attracted many viewers to vote for her, ranking fourth.

After the voting, the first reality show finally ended successfully, everyone stood in a row and said goodbye to the audience.

The end of the live broadcast is just the beginning of the reality show. On the program team's side, in addition to the live video saved on the website, the production started in the later stage, and the clips were uploaded.

As a high-profile reality show variety show, this show has its own popularity. Part of it is the promotion made by the show team, and on the other hand, all kinds of bloggers who take advantage of the show's popularity have begun to tap water.

Watch the live video carefully.

From "summarize what dishes Mingxu made", to "place pesticides, who do you pick from He Xilan and Song Jianzhi", "Le Yi has another scandal?" , "Shengge Reality Show Broadcasting News", "Chen Yuanning's Good Brother Playing Games", "Peng Zhou Selling Cute Collection", etc., are dizzying.

The most part is Ming Xu and Song Jianzhi. There are no 9 pictures of various GIF animations. The video has been cut into 20 or 30 versions for CP fans to faint.

Among them, the scissor hand blogger with the most video views said it well: It’s not that I’m good at technology, it’s that the material is too rich #dogtou

Song Jianzhi returned to Xinghan after the reality show ended. Zhao Xiduo has already joined her crew, and Mingxu has his own schedule, and he has to leave S City to catch the announcement.

Song Jianzhi didn't have anyone to play with for a while, so she could only go to the company to see her sister, and when Mingxu was free, she would return to her daily life like online dating, and the WeChat videos were sticky.

Three days before the second reality show, the edited version was finally launched. The program team prepared an easter egg for the content preview of the next episode at the end of the edited version, and released a notice on Weibo:

Place Star V: Next Issue Theme Exposure: Place Dating. Now the gentlemen of the audience can vote for the partner you want, although the program team may not listen to your (crossed out) reference, they will refer to it! Do you want your favorite CP to have a sweet relationship? Have a date? Come in and vote! Deadline for voting: 24:00 on August 29.

At the same time, the guests received a notice that they were going to prepare for the next issue. To Song Jianzhi's surprise, the recording was set in this city, or even in Relatively prosperous road range.

During the video with Mingxu, Song Jianzhi asked her, "Have you seen the notice? The next reality show."

"Yeah." Mingxu responded, "I'll go back to City S on the afternoon of the 30th."

The recording of the second reality show on the 31st began. Mingxu had a tight schedule and could only come back one day earlier.

Song Jianzhi mumbled, resting her chin on the big whale, and adjusted her phone to make herself look more beautiful in the camera.

She happily waited for a compliment online, and saw Sister Mingxu pick up the ipad beside and looked at other things.

Song Jianzhi: ?

"What are you looking at?" She was very dissatisfied.

"Huh?" Mingxu didn't answer, but she pointed, and the BGM reached Song Jianzhi's ears.

"Don't you know what it is?" Mingxu glanced at her with a smile.

Song Jianzhi's ears turned red.

Now I know.

She has listened to this BGM many times in the past few days, and with her eyes closed, she knows what the next shot will be, whether it is Sister Mingxu delivering salad to herself, or is she reaching out to close the camera ,still-

Ming Xu, who already knew the answer, did not force the answer, she instead said lightly:

"This song is very nice, do you want to listen to it?"

Song Jianzhi said sweetly, "Yes."

"Meet and sing for you."

See you again...

That is the second reality show.

Will we be a team?

Song Jianzhi thought of this question, but it seemed unnecessary to ask.

They will definitely have a second reality show together.

Together—a date.

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