Be The Main God From Naruto

One hundred and fifty-three Hawkeye's first day

The god of justice, who was scornfully called "artificial mental retardation" by the residents of the new world, disappeared.

Just as it came to this world quietly back then, it also left quietly.

Over the years, it has silently maintained the order, peace and stability of the New World.

It is reviled, blamed, vilified.

It has no emotion and doesn't feel bad about it.

In fact, it is just an artificial intelligence program created according to Wang Yan's three views.

Although the God of Justice has the ability to learn, he has no real emotional fluctuations.

It was like this, on the day it left, few people kept it, it was sad.

Most people are cheering.

People's joy begets sorrow.

The bright light of freedom, followed by the boundless darkness.

When Wang Yan built the new world back then, many of the black technology products he brought with him also disappeared without a trace.

The most important thing is that the grains, fruits and vegetables that people are accustomed to have also mutated.

They seem to have lost their "high-yielding" qualities overnight and returned to their original true appearance.

The amount that can be saved, planted, and harvested is only a tenth of what it used to be.

Scientists were the first to go mad.

The new world has been able to maintain until now, relying on abundant resources.

Now, all food crops have returned to their original appearance...

It was as if God had withdrawn His gift.

Chaos has emerged.

"Reputation points", which have always been regarded as the currency of social circulation, are now completely abandoned.

After all, it was recognized by people in the past because it relied on the social system maintained by the artificial intelligence program of the God of Justice.

"Damn it! How did it become like this!"

A serious-looking middle-aged man looked out the window,

His forehead swelled.

His name was Clinton Francis Patton, and he was an orphan who grew up in a circus.

Because of his outstanding shooting talent, he won the title of "Hawkeye" when he was a teenager.

As an adult, he worked as a coach in a certain shooting club in the New World, and lived a very comfortable life every day.

He even thought about marrying a wife and having children after accumulating tens of thousands more credit points.

But all of this happened yesterday...

All ruined!

The hundreds of thousands of credit points saved by Hawkeye have become useless numbers, and those credit tickets have also become useless paper that is too hard to wipe your ass!

"What's wrong with this world?"


"Are they all crazy?"

Hawkeye opened the curtain a gap and looked outside.

The able-bodied people burned, killed and looted everywhere.

They laughed wildly and smashed the heads of innocent people, committing unforgivable crimes, as if they were evil spirits.

Hawkeye knew these perpetrators.

Uncle Sam, the man with a smile on his face every day, now his face is twisted and his eyes are bloodshot. Holding a steel pipe, he desperately smashed the head of the poor boy below him.

One time, two times, three times...

Hawkeye also knew that unlucky boy.

It was a lucky man named Atari. His father worked hard and knew how to make money. Over the years, he accumulated a lot of reputation points.

As the rich second generation, Atari is just a bit arrogant and indulgent, and used to be habitually poisonous, but he hasn't done anything bad.

But now, his head has been smashed by Uncle Sam.

The cause of this killing was just the jealousy of humble people in the market for the lucky one who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

"Isn't he afraid of being captured by the security forces and deported to the surface world?"

The words blurted out, but a look of astonishment appeared on Hawkeye's face.

The God of Justice is gone, and the reputation points are gone.

The Security Corps naturally ceased to exist.

Everyone now lives only for themselves.

Everyone can do whatever they want.

There is no law against them.

In Hawkeye's original optimistic estimate, even if this happens, it will be months or even years later.

He never thought that people's hearts would collapse so quickly!

Now it's just that they have lost the constraints of laws and managers, and everyone has not really realized their survival pressure.

What happens when there is a shortage of food in the future?

Hawkeye sighed.

He who lives in District B19 can be regarded as an upper-middle-class figure in the New World.

But now, go back to the beginning overnight.

Everyone's assets are cleared.

"Wait! This is... Big Brother Lotor?"

"What is he going to do?"

Hawkeye looked through the window and saw Locktor, an older bachelor, knocking on the room of a little girl living alone next door.

He was flushed and salivating like a male dog in heat.

Hawkeye didn't need the other party to do any real crimes to guess the person's intentions.

Totally incomprehensible.

Locktor is usually kind to others, optimistic and positive, never speaks loudly, and always looks soft-spoken.

Can a person pretend to be another one for one year or two years, can he pretend to be another for twenty years in a row?

The disappearance of restraint has released the demons in people's hearts.

The girls' screams echoed in the opposite building.

A look of anger appeared on Hawkeye's face.

He subconsciously grasped his beloved bow and arrow and aimed at the opposite window.

Although it was covered by curtains, he was confident that he could kill Lotto with one arrow.

At this moment, Hawkeye hesitated.

His fingers trembled slightly.

Since childhood, he has never killed anyone.

It is not easy to pass this hurdle.

At this time, a slender weirdo wearing a red and blue spider body suit appeared!

He shot out spider silk from his hand and stuck to the wall, using it to move quickly between buildings.

In the blink of an eye, the spider-monster smashed through the glass and broke into the opposite building.

"He looked very thin, probably a minor."

Hawkeye was a little worried: "I don't know if he is the opponent of that bastard Loktor..."

Soon, he realized that he was worrying too much.

Slender geeks in red and blue spider costumes jumped out of windows and stuck to the walls.

The curtains moved with the wind, and the eagle's powerful dynamic vision captured the fleeting scene in the room.

Locktor was bound by the sticky white spider silk into the posture of a caterpillar, unable to move.

And beside him, the little girl who was almost raped had a distorted expression like a little demon.

With a complex expression of fear and bloodlust, she was holding a crowbar in her hand, and she was walking slowly towards Loktor...

"Hey! Survivors, protect yourself and don't look around!"

"If you need help with anything, just yell 'Help, Spider-Man' and I'll come if I hear you!"

The teenager who called himself Spider-Man interrupted Hawkeye's observation.

He gestured his thumb to Hawkeye, his body flashed, and within a few breaths, he disappeared without a trace.


While chanting the other party's title, an inexplicable emotion surged in Hawkeye's body.

He also wants to be the hero of the other party.

Although the other party is still a little immature, but the heart of doing what is right has deeply inspired him.

The first day when order disappeared...

Hawkeye decided to be a hero like Spider-Man.

( = )

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