Be The Main God From Naruto

One hundred and sixty-three natural disasters in Wano country, hired by Frost Moon

When Nami was about to take the money to find the evil dragon, the thoughtful system gave a key reminder.

"Host, you don't really think that the dragon can keep its word, do you?"

The voice rang in his ears, and Nami was stunned.

Her footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, sticking to the ground, and every step was very strenuous.

After taking a few steps inertially, he stopped completely.

Her lips were as hard as a sculpture, she could feel them but couldn't control them, she could only moan meaninglessly.

How could someone as smart as Nami fail to see through such a simple deception?

Dragons have never been one to keep their word.

Even if she really collected 100 million Baileys, the other party would still say "Humans resisting mermaids is tantamount to violating the laws of nature".

Not only did she keep her promise, but she was still fat, and she was locked in a small black room to draw nautical pictures until she died.

Nami, who has seen too many dark sides of society, can penetrate people's hearts better than anyone of her age.

She used to have no choice but to deceive herself.

Now, she has other ways.

The real way to get revenge on the dragon!

Nami has not forgotten who killed her adoptive mother, Bermel.

Anyone in this world can forgive, except the evil dragon!

After a long time, Nami recovered from some kind of hysteria and demon.

"Mr. System, thank you!"

"I just don't plan to find a second host in this world, it's very troublesome."

No matter how indifferent the other party's answer is, Nami is still very grateful to the other party.

She didn't know that she was just a pastime.

Even if she knew, she wouldn't be ashamed of it.

The appearance of the other party changed his life.


While Wang Yan was teaching Nami how to become a qualified god, a tragic tragedy was unfolding in the Wano Country of the Great Airline.

In the history of Wano country, there has never been such a long-lasting and violent infectious disease.

Viscous blood will ooze from all over the body of the sick person. These blood stains clog the pores and dye their faces as blood red as the "Red Skull".

From the outside, it looks like it is wearing a bloody mask.

They don't die instantly.

From onset to death, it took half a month.

Their vitality will gradually dry up, they will lose their minds, and begin to attack normal people like crazy.

No one has been able to say exactly how the disease is transmitted.

Air, water, bodily fluids?

Or both?

People from Wano Country invited the top doctors from the Great Airline, but they were helpless against this new disease.

After three months, Wano Country's residents were less than one out of ten.

The dead even included the Wano country daimyo "Kozuki Oden".

The only survivors of the Kozuki family are the young lord Momanosuke and the loyal retainer Fox Fire Kinemon.

The natural disaster in the Wano country is called "the biggest and worst plague in history".

The country of flowers that received the news did not gloat, but expressed deep condolences.

Standing on the ice-breaking rock, Peter Parker looked down at a messy land with dark eyes.

"Damn ghost place!"

"Doesn't anyone here speak Mandarin?"

"Obviously we can communicate well, help each other and benefit each other..."

"Everything now is what you asked for."

It was Peter Parker who made the entire Wano country miserable.

It's easy to say.

He has just come to Pirate World without the temporary blessing of "proficiency in speech", and accidentally knocks down a bald kid in a pink suit and clogs on the street.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but the little boy's followers immediately had an orgasm, scolded Peter Parker bloody, and even came up to touch him.

Who is Peter Parker?

Once a hero and a villain, in the post-Marvel era, he became the king of the wasteland and ruled countless refuges.

Do you really think he has no temper?

Those paparazzi who didn't wink had their necks broken instantly by him and died on the spot.

Many times, disasters often stem from a small thing.

In Peter Parker's view, killing a few bastards is not worth mentioning at all.

But the little bald man who looked only a few years old put on a disgusting attitude of righteousness, said a lot of incomprehensible words to him, and even wanted to spit on him.

Disgusting guy.

Peter Parker is not used to each other at all.

Facing the little baldy's Xinxin barking wildly, Peter Parker kicked him without saying a word.

In the Wasteland, there are no underage slut protection laws.

Experiences can change a person.

Peter Parker is no longer in the habit of talking nonsense before doing it.

However, there is one trivial problem...

He seems to have underestimated the force value of this world.

Without the blessing of venom, he fell into the siege of those warriors playing with knives and suffered serious injuries.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

The injured Peter Parker was cruel, and found a nearby senior reincarnator to borrow a batch of reward points and biochemical reagents.


Tragedy ensues.

"It's not over yet!"

After the long-term influence of the venom, Peter Parker's temperament has undergone some subtle changes.

His eyes were slightly sullen, and his teeth were gritted.

"Momonosuke, you are dead."

After suffering the loss of the language barrier, he decisively exchanged for the Japanese language mastery skill ball.

Now, he already knew the name of that little brat back then.

Heir of Wano Daimyo.

What makes him feel a little tricky is the power called "Domineering" and "Devil Fruit".

As a reincarnation, there are always more ways than difficulties.


East China Sea, Frost Moon Village.

Yixin Gym welcomed a girl with short orange hair.

Standing beside her were two tall girls holding bows and arrows, who seemed to be security guards.

The arrival of the other party made the deserted gymnasium more popular.

"Welcome, it's an honor."

Koshiro, the head of the gymnasium, led a group of young students to welcome him.

His eyes fell on the two guard girls, and his eyes under the glasses narrowed slightly.

Armed color domineering.

The opponent should be a hunter from Nine Snake Island.

What kind of existence is the orange-haired girl who is the rightful owner?

Koshiro looked at Nami carefully, no matter how he perceived it, he felt that she was a weak ordinary person.

Zoro could easily beat her a few years ago.

Unlike the cautious Koshiro, Nami blinked playfully, and said straight to the point: "I heard that you are a great master, I would like to ask you to help me kill an enemy."

Koshiro rejected the other party's proposal without thinking: "My strength is very ordinary, and I don't plan to accept employment for the time being."

"Twenty million Baileys!"

The girl generously reported a number.

Koshiro pushed his glasses, wondering: "It's not about money, I..."

"Forty million Baileys!"

The orange-haired girl doubled the price as soon as she opened her mouth, and she was so extravagant.

"I said, it's really not a question of money, it's a matter of principle..."

"Eighty million Baileys!"

Nami raised her chin slightly, and said in a serious tone, "The guy I want you to kill is the leader of the Dragon Pirates."

"Including his own 20 million reward, the price of a devil fruit has already reached the price of a devil fruit on the black market..."

Hearing this, Koshiro fell silent.

He was moved.

Not for myself, but for my colleagues in the Revolutionary Army.

As the owner of Yixin gymnasium, he doesn't need much money, and he doesn't have any yearning for a luxurious life.

However, colleagues in the Revolutionary Army need a lot of money, whether it is buying equipment, buying food, publicity work, or dredging relationships.

He was convinced by Nami's eloquence.

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