Be The Main God From Naruto

Three hundred dragon breaths, black magic, Ravenclaw

The composition of a person's first impression is extremely complex, of which appearance, figure, temperament, words and deeds are only some of the influencing factors.

Professor McGonagall likes Wang Yan very much.

Not because of Wang Yan itself, but because of the quartet of Harry, Malfoy, Hermione, and Neville.

As a woman with strong insight, Professor McGonagall noticed that these four rebellious little guys seemed to follow Wang Yan obediently along the way, without showing any behavior beyond the rules.

No matter whether Wang Yan achieved this by virtue of his magic skills or personality charm, it shows that at least he is not an idiot.

Wang Yan bowed slightly, and said softly, "It is my honor to work with you."

He has always been a man who does not observe his actions.

No hypocrisy can escape Wang Yan's observation.

Minerva McGonagall is a respectable wizard.

She is a fair tutor, treating the four houses equally, and even if the Gryffindor students make mistakes, she will punish them severely-even if it means losing the house cup.

The concept of fairness and justice has penetrated into every drop of Professor McGonagall's blood.

She carried out this belief throughout her life.

Whether it is an orderly and good person or a chaotic and evil person, as long as they can achieve "unity of knowledge and action", Wang Yan will treat them with courtesy.

"The opening banquet is about to begin."

Professor McGonagall said: "Before you go to the restaurant to take a seat, you must first confirm which college you are going to enter."

"Classification is an important ceremony, and the college is like your home at Hogwarts while you are at school."

"You have to take classes with other students in the college, live in the dormitory of the college together, and spend your spare time in the common room of the college together."

"The names of the four colleges are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin..."

Professor McGonagall was a patient man, and Barabara talked a lot about student points, the Academy Cup, and school rules.

Wang Yan just listened quietly,

No interruptions.

There was a little incident on the way.

Malfoy, who was introducing the "Sorting Hat" to Harry, was startled by about twenty ghosts that suddenly rushed out of the wall behind him.

He subconsciously gave these ghosts a mouthful of Frost Dragon's Breath.

The poor souls are frozen by frost, and the nothingness is given a substantial shape, becoming a sculpture.

If only so good.


Neville, on Malfoy's left, never actively thinks about most problems.

Whoever his companions attack, he attacks.

It's that simple.

Neville, who had already developed the habit of fighting, threw a Fiercefire Curse on him.

Those pearly translucent ghosts...

The poor remnant soul thought that he was playing tricks on a harmless little wizard, but he never expected to provoke a few little monsters who were born to kill.

They become little piles of soul dregs somewhere between nothingness and substance.

"Wow... It is mentioned in "The Complete Book of Spells for Beginner Wizards" that these things are the key materials for making Horcruxes!"

With stars in her eyes, Hermione rushed over without hesitation, and packed the soul residue in the small bag she sewed.

The movement here is not small.

Many professors have noticed what's going on here.

Malfoy's dragon's breath, Neville's Fiercefire Curse, Hermione's thoughts...

"This year's freshmen are very interesting."

"My God, did that little guy use the Fierce Fire Curse just now?"

"That's advanced black witchcraft! Who taught him?"

"Damn! Every underage wizard's staff is connected to the magic network, and this black witchcraft will be recorded..."

"Everyone, prepare your response plan in advance... The Ministry of Magic will soon intervene in this matter."

The deans looked at Neville and Malfoy with complicated expressions.

They all hope that Neville, the troublemaker, will stay away from their college, and at the same time they expect Draco Malfoy to join their camp.

One side represents the problem of the Ministry of Magic, the future dark wizard; the other side represents the rising star whose blood has mutated into a legendary dragon species, the ready-made super Animagus.

This is not an easy question to grapple with.

The headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, stood up.

This old wizard with white hair and beard has absolute authority.

With just one sentence, he made the scene quiet.

"Everyone keep quiet!"

"First perform the sorting ceremony."

20 resident spirit bodies died!

A new student skillfully used the advanced black magic spell!

Faced with such a major event, Dumbledore actually chose to let it go?

No one understood the brain circuit of the old headmaster.

But he is the representative of the highest authority at Hogwarts.

No one questioned this.

The sorting hat is called out.

It started singing its own corny, long-winded song.

"You can make your bowler hats black and shiny, and your top hats smooth and crisp..."

"But the magic hat used in the Hogwarts test is naturally superior to your hats."

"Any thought hidden in your mind can't hide from the golden eyes of the devil hat..."

"You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried in the bottom of your heart, and their courage, boldness and boldness make Gryffindor outstanding; you may belong to Hufflepuff, where people are honest and loyal..."

"Enough! Shut up!"

Harry leapt onto the table.

He wiped the sweat from the side of his face, pointed at the sorting hat with his wand, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes: "If you talk nonsense again, I will burn you!"

People who are in the withdrawal reaction are easy to get angry, and their way of thinking is obviously different from ordinary people.

They will ignore some things that ordinary people worry about, and pay more attention to some "trivial" places.


The Sorting Hat coughed dryly twice, and seemed a little embarrassed: "It seems that Gryffindor has one more champion, doesn't it?"

The Sorting Hat is a magic weapon with wisdom, and it is natural to see the performance of Malfoy, Neville and Hermione before.

As the partner of the three crazy reserve dark wizards, Harry Potter's threat is still very important.

There was an uproar among the students.

The professors looked at each other.

Hearing the words of the Sorting Hat, Professor McGonagall covered his face.

She was already worrying about her academy.

Who knows how Harry Potter was cultivated by the Dursleys in such a way!

If she knew it would turn out like this, she should have persuaded Albus Dumbledore to send Harry to China for foster care.

I heard that Dumbledore has a good friendship with the elf king in northern China. The people there are simple and honest, and the wizards in the east are hospitable and polite...

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore from the corner of his eye.

From the principal's face, she saw regret.

It was indeed a failure to foster Harry with the Dursleys.

It appears that Dumbledore acknowledged this as well.

Although there were a lot of small episodes, the sorting ceremony was still going on as scheduled.

Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on a hat, sit on a stool, and wait for the sorting."

"Neville Longbottom!"

The little fat man doesn't seem to be very comfortable with his current slightly round body shape.

He stumbled to Professor McGonagall and put on the sorting hat.

The moment the Sorting Hat touched his hair, it screamed, "Ravenclaw!"

Ravenclaw is one of the four branches of Hogwarts, symbolizing the wind among the four elements.

Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw, it is born with intelligence and a strong desire for knowledge.

After getting this result, everyone fell into dead silence.

The atmosphere of the scene was a little mysterious for a while.

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