Be The Patriarch At The Beginning: Build The Strongest Uchiha

Chapter 34: The Rogue Qian Ye, Sarutobi's Conditions

"Master Danzo, I really don't agree with what you just said!"

"Don't we Uchiha have the consciousness of fire?"

Qian Ye stared into Danzo's eyes and asked back.

For something that cannot be seen or touched, such as the consciousness of fire,

How can you prove that you have?

How can I prove that I didn't?

"Stop blocking me with such words!"

"What are you thinking in your heart, you know it in your heart!!"

"In short, you want to build a new ninja school in the Uchiha clan land, which is simply impossible!"

"All children in the village, including Uchiha's children, must, and only, attend the ninja school!"

Danzo snorted coldly!

"Those children with Uchiha's blood flowing in their bodies, we should have the final say on what to do with them!"

"To put it bluntly, if you don't agree with my plan, then at worst, I'll play harder and let the children in the clan stop going to the ninja school in the future, and all drop out!"

"Then, I put them in a 'big house that's not a school' and teach them the same stuff as a ninja school."

"That way, I'm not starting a new school."

"Children can learn as usual again."

"And you have nothing to do with me."

"Are you angry?"

"Just ask if you are angry?"

Qian Ye stepped in front of Danzo, staring into Danzo's eyes and asking continuously!


Danzo is really getting mad! ! !

A big house that isn't a school? ? ?

You put the kids in there to study,

This is not a school? ? ?

You have to hang a sign with the word "school" to be a school, right?

This kid is really a chicken thief! !

How dare you play tricks with yourself! !

But even more depressing,

But there is nothing I can do! !

It is important to know that

Not all children need to go to Jōnin's school.

Because even for a big ninja village like Konoha Village, most of the population is just ordinary villagers.

If a child does not want to be a ninja, but just wants to be an ordinary person, then there is no need to go to Jōnin school.


If Qian Ye really decided to let the children no longer go to the ninja school,

That is also reasonable, and no one can control it.

What's more, Danzo is an outsider.

After all, this kind of thing is not mandatory in the first place.


If Qian Ye really did this,

That can completely achieve your purpose,

It also made the village high-level officials unable to grasp it at all!

In "a big house that is not a school", I personally taught the children of my tribe,

Is this wrong?

That's right!

Danzo's lungs are about to explode!

But still can't think of any countermeasures.

So I had to look to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also numb at the moment!

Because he didn't know what to do with Qian Ye's routine!

"What I'm after is just to be able to open a school in the clan area in a legitimate way, so I hope Master Hokage can accommodate me."

Qian Ye gave a proper step at this time.

After a long silence, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a final deep breath and said, "I can satisfy your request."


Danzo suddenly became anxious!

If Uchiha is really allowed to open a second school,

What will the villagers think then?

How should we look at the village high-level?

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, signaling Danzo to stop talking,

He continued: "But relatively, you have to promise me two conditions!"

"First: The new school can only recruit students from your own clan, you cannot recruit students from outside the clan!"

Qian Ye nodded, expressing his agreement.

He can understand the condition proposed by Third Generation,

It's just that they are afraid that Uchiha will lead people astray when the time comes,

Perhaps it is to learn the routines of the Third Generation and instill them with the consciousness of fire to brainwash them...

Seeing that Qian Ye agreed, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued:

"Second, this year's Chūnin exam is almost two months away."

"I ask all the students in the new school to gather and sign up for the Chūnin exam in two months!"

"If the final pass rate is less than 80%, it means that the teaching level of the new school is mediocre. Then, naturally, there is no need to continue!"

"At the same time, the Uchiha family will also lose the preferential policy of 'Uchiha does not need to pay taxes'!"

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