Be The Patriarch At The Beginning: Build The Strongest Uchiha

Chapter 41: War Is The Main Color Of This World

"You must be Senior Kakashi, right?"

"Are you also here to visit Brother Obito?"

After Qian Ye finished visiting the grave, he came to Kakashi.

Due to Anbu's status, Kakashi shouldn't have too much conversation with Qian Ye,

But thinking about his relationship with Obito, Kakashi finally responded, "Yes."

Qian Ye gazed into the distance, and said chattingly: "Actually, I have almost forgotten what Obito looks like, but the elders told me that Obito loved me very much when I was young, and would often give me the saved snacks."

"In addition, he often tells me that he has a girl named Lin whom he likes very much. There is also an existence who is both an enemy and a friend, and who always wants to surpass..."

"Even though I didn't understand anything at all at that time, Brother Obito would still take the trouble to tell me over and over again."

Kakashi felt a little ashamed.

He knew Obito far less than Obito knew him.


It's not like he didn't know that Obito also has a very loving little brother.

"That eye is Obito-san's..."

Qian Ye suddenly looked up at Kakashi's covered eye.

Kakashi reached for that eye and nodded.

"Brother Obito will give you this eye before he dies, which means that the relationship between the two of you must be very good!"

Qian Ye said with a smile.

Kakashi's eyes darkened.

Feelings... very good?

He only remembered that shortly before Obito's death, the two of them were still arguing over the issue of "should the priority be to perform the mission or save the teammate first"!

Thinking of this,

Kakashi felt even more guilty.

Qian Ye had been secretly watching Kakashi's expression all this time, seeing that the fire was almost ready, he suddenly said: "By the way, Senior Kakashi, can you do me a favor?"

Before that, Kakashi would have rejected it without even thinking about it.

After all, he is Anbu who belongs to the Hokage line, even if he gets too close to Uchiha's people, let alone agreeing to Uchiha's request.

but at the moment,

Perhaps because of the relationship between Qian Ye and Obito,

Or maybe out of guilt for Obito,

or both,

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Tell me."

Qian Ye: "Senior Kakashi, you must also know that I have built a new school in the clan area. I would like to invite you to be a teacher in the new school and teach children Lightning Style ninjutsu."

Kakashi's face changed, obviously he didn't expect Qian Ye to ask him for help for such a thing!

Even though his first impression of Qian Ye was not bad, he still said in a deep voice at this moment: "You should know my identity, even if I agree, Lord Third Generation will not agree!"

Qian Ye smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. I think the probability that Third Generation will agree is quite high."

Kakashi frowned,

I don't understand why Qian Ye has such confidence.

He continued: "Okay! Even Lord Third Generation agreed, but I still have one question."

Qian Ye: "You say."

Kakashi: "You have also attended ninja school, so you must be very clear that what children learn in ninja school is very basic. However, advanced ninjutsu like Lightning Style, which already involves Nature Transformation, is not suitable for children. Is it too early for that?"

You know, if children can refine Chakra proficiently before graduation, they are already quite good.

And Qian Ye actually wanted them to start learning escapism involving Nature Transformation during school! ?

Is this a little too anxious?

Or... Are you preparing for a future war?

Qian Ye asked back: "Early? Then when is it not early? Isn't it not early to start learning before being killed by the enemy?"

"In just over fifty years since Konoha Village was established, there have been three ninja wars, which shows how chaotic this world is!!"

"If you want to survive in this chaotic world, strong strength is indispensable!"

"I don't care what others think of me. The purpose of my new school is to teach the children in my clan how to live longer in this dangerous world..."

"Senior Kakashi, you have to know that the current peace is only temporary, and war is the main color of this world!!"

"I don't know when the next war will come, maybe it will be tomorrow..."

"And what I'm doing now is to make those children strong enough before the next crisis comes!"

Kakashi is moved! !

There is a stormy sea in my heart! !

Since the end of the Third Ninja War,

He seems to have become slack and numb...

so that I forgot,

Peace is only temporary.

And war is the main color of this world! !

When Kakashi looked at Qian Ye again, his eyes had changed.

This guy is obviously just a brat, and he has never even experienced war, but he sees this point more thoroughly than himself! ?

It is really not to be underestimated!

After a moment of silence, Kakashi said: "I will report this matter to Hokage-sama, and if he agrees, I will become a teacher in the school of your tribe."

Finally, I added a sentence in my heart: Even if it is a kind of repayment to Obito...

Qian Ye was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Senior Kakashi."


Not long after the two left, the space suddenly twisted, and a man in a black robe with a tiger skin mask descended here.

He looked at Kakashi's back in the distance, snorted, and said: "The former genius, now his brain has become dull? He was actually deceived by that kid with such a trick!!"

Then he looked at Qian Ye again, his eyes gradually turned cold: "I didn't expect that I, who had been 'dead' for many years, would be used by a kid today. From a certain point of view, it is quite interesting... "

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