Uchiha Ninja School.

This section is a throwing lesson.

Uchiha Izumi called all the students to the playground.

Then give each student three kunai.

After the division, Uchiha Izumi said.

"In order for me to understand the level of each student, I will conduct a small test!"

"Everyone lined up, and then threw one by one at a target 100 meters away."

"Miyue, as the class monitor, you are responsible for scoring each student first."

Uchiha Mizuki: "Good teacher!"

The students lined up obediently, and then threw them one by one.

Although only a hundred meters away,

But after all, they are just a bunch of kids with little experience.

So the scores are not very high.

Soon it was Uchiha Sasuke's turn.

Sasuke is still very confident in himself.

Because he had learned how to throw from his brother before,

If it's 100 meters...it's not a problem to get full marks!

Sasuke picked up Kunai and was about to throw it out when Uchiha Izumi spoke suddenly.

"Sasuke, and Shiro. At the level of both of you, it doesn't make sense to throw another 100-meter target, so I specially prepared a special test for you two."

Sasuke was happy at first,

Because I am the one who is treated special.

This shows that he is different from others.


When he learned that he was not the only one who was treated specially,

The heart of victory and defeat was suddenly aroused!

He turned his head and gave a white look full of fighting spirit.

Bai didn't feel anything special.

He even smiled kindly when he sensed that Sasuke was looking at him.


Sasuke turned his head arrogantly.

Soon, all the students except Sasuke and Bai finished the test.

Uchiha Izumi looked at the list of grades in his hand, and said seriously: "Your grades are too bad, it seems that I will teach you well in the future!"

The students all bowed their heads in shame.

Then, Uchiha Izumi looked at Sasuke and Shiro, and said, "The next is the two of you."

After speaking, under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Uchiha Izumi took off the target and hung it on his chest! !

"The enemy is not a fool, they will not stand still in one place."

"Therefore, only those who can hit the moving target 100% can be regarded as having truly mastered the throwing technique!"

"Next, I will dodge in this playground, and what you two have to do is who can hit the target on my chest first!"

Everyone was shocked! ! !


This is different from a moving target in the usual sense! !

This is too big to play! ! !

It'd be nice if it hit the target,

But if it shoots somewhere else,

That would be dangerous!

After putting it on, Uchiha Izumi looked at Sasuke and Bai, and said, "We can start when you two are ready!"

Sasuke was a little nervous, and his hands were shaking constantly.

He has also shot wild boars, rabbits and other living things before.

But it's the first time to shoot people! !

If this is an accident,

It will kill people! !

In contrast, Bai stood up with a calm face.

After all, he escaped with Zai Buzhan all the way, so his mind is much stronger than Sasuke's.

"Mr. Quan, I'm ready!"

Bai said.

He weighed the kunai in his hand.

He used to use the smaller and more exquisite Senbon, and this is the first time he has used Kunai.

In terms of weight...it is much heavier than Qianben.

But still adaptable.

Seeing Bai Nai's calm and calm expression, Sasuke gritted his teeth, suppressed the anxiety and nervousness in his heart, and said, "I'm ready too!"


"Then we can start!"

Uchiha Izumi said.

Almost as soon as she finished speaking,

call out!

call out!

call out!

Bai shook his hand and threw out a few kunai!

Uchiha Izumi smiled slightly, and immediately moved around, his body was as light as a swallow, and he easily avoided these few kunai.

Seeing this, Bai immediately made up a few more rounds, but without exception, they all failed!


"Ordinary throwing methods are simply not effective for Mr. Quan who has opened the Sharingan!"

Bai frowned.

"Hmph...then it's up to me."

"In terms of throwing skills, I will not lose to you!"

Sasuke smiled arrogantly, and threw out two kunai in a row!


Looking at the travel routes of these two Kunai, it seems that they are not aimed at the target on Uchiha Izumi's chest!

"What kind of bad technology is this?"

"Two shots actually missed!"

Uchiha Mizuki rolled her eyes and said.

But the next second,

Something weird happened!

The two kunai collided in mid-air and forced one of them to change direction, right towards the target on Uchiha Izumi's chest!

A kunai that can change directions? ! ! !

The onlookers all opened their mouths wide in shock! !

Seeing that the people around were all shocked.

Sasuke was very upset!

This trick was taught to him by his brother,

Targets hiding behind cover can be shot this way.

Uchiha Izumi was also caught off guard,

She actually knows this kind of throwing technique,

But what she didn't expect was that,

Sasuke a child actually mastered it! !

Seeing that the kunai was about to hit the target on Uchiha Izumi's chest,

clang! ! !

All of a sudden, another burst of misery strikes,

He directly sent the Kunai who was about to hit the target with one shot and flew out!

"Hey!! What do you mean?"

Sasuke looked angrily at Shiro who just shot.

Bai's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and a smile appeared on his gender-indistinguishable face, "I'm sorry, because that person is watching from the side, so I can't let him down by losing the game. Moreover, this game According to the rules, whoever hits the target first wins, which shows that the two of us are actually opponents."

"That is to say, in this game, besides stabbing the target first, what you have to do is to prevent the opponent from winning the game first."

"This is the essence of this game."

Uchiha Izumi smiled and said, "Bai is right."


Sasuke clenched his fists angrily.

You know, his kunai that can change direction is all about surprise!

If you don't succeed the first time,

Then it will be very difficult to succeed!

Especially when the other party is Uchiha Izumi who has already opened the three-god jade!


not far away,

There are two people watching the fun.

It was Qian Ye who followed.

"It seems that I am not the only lunatic in this school."

After seeing Uchiha Izumi's teaching method, Zabu Zhanguai smiled.

Hang the target on yourself and let the students shoot,

Is this something normal people can think of?


"I think she should have known the conditions put forward by that old fellow Sarutobi, and she worked so hard to prevent my efforts from being in vain."

"Even at the expense of using this teaching method that may harm your body."

"Working hard, like a madman..."

Qian Ye sighed.

Suddenly I feel a little emotional,

It would be great if his Kirigakure could be so united,

But unfortunately,

Fourth Mizukage did not know what happened suddenly, and suddenly began to implement tyranny, causing the people in Kirigakure to live in poverty...

"Hey, who do you think will win in the end among those two brats?"

Qian Ye asked suddenly.

Zai Buzhan gave Qian Ye a weird look,

Xin said that you have the nerve to call them two little devils?

You're just a kid who's a little older than them!

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