
inside the tavern,

Because Asuma was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he found a few good friends and prepared to have a drink to relieve his worries!

during dinner,

Asuma got a little drunk, and stood up as soon as she slapped the table, yelling~:

"That brat Uchiha Qian Ye, the reason why he became the patriarch in the first place was all because of some despicable tricks!"

"Actually, he himself is a piece of trash!"

"Besides, he is lucky enough to dare to grab a woman from Laozi!"

"If Laozi doesn't kill that brat in the future, Laozi won't be named Sarutobi!!"

Hearing these harsh words from Asuma,

The few cronies and friends just smiled and didn't mean to argue.

This is what Asuma dares to say,

But they dare not say.

Because they don't have a father who is Hokage,

They don't know whether Uchiha Qian Ye is trash,

But it's the patriarch of Uchiha who is serious!

It's not that they dare to criticize casually!

Otherwise, if that brat finds out,

Then they will be miserable!

And just after Asuma finished speaking,

Suddenly someone kicked my butt from behind,

Asuma suddenly lost her center of gravity and fell forward.

One last clatter,

table turned sideways,

Drinks were spilled all over the floor!

The sound here immediately attracted the attention of everyone else in the tavern!

After all, who is so bold?

How dare you kick Hokage's son?!

the other side,

With the help of others, Asuma stood up staggeringly, and was about to yell, but when she saw the person clearly, she froze for a moment, and then said angrily: "What do you guys Uchiha mean? Could it be that you want to use the security department?" Do you want to use your identity, bend the law for personal gain, and avenge your own private revenge!!!”

Uchiha Tiehuo stretched out his hand and flicked his shoe, as if he disliked that his shoe was dirty just now,

He was too lazy to answer Asuma's question,

He directly said to his subordinates: "Arrest!"


Several team members took out their handcuffs and went up to arrest people!

Asuma immediately protested: "Why do you arrest me?"

His cronies and friends immediately followed suit.

"Is the police department not allowing us to drink outside now?"

"You are simply taking advantage of your position to avenge your personal revenge!"

"Everyone, hurry up and judge! The people in the police department are simply a bunch of unreasonable robbers!"

With the yelling of these people, more and more people were attracted.

Uchiha walked up to Asuma in a few steps, and said coldly: "You ask me why I arrested you? Okay, then I will tell you, because you have criminal tendencies!! As a member of the police department, It is our responsibility to prevent cases from happening!!”

Asuma: "Criminal tendencies?"

Others are also at a loss.


It's the first time they've all heard the word!

"What did you say just now, repeat it aloud if you have the ability!!"

Uchiha Iron Fire yelled at Asuma!


Asuma immediately misfired!

He was purely drunk just now, that's why he said those words.

Now let him repeat what he said just now, he dare not!

"Since you've stopped talking, I'll take it as your confession!"

"Come on, take him away!"

Uchiha shouted iron fire!

Several of Asuma's friends wanted to stop him, but they were scared off by Uchiha's stare!

Asuma originally wanted to fight directly with force.

But after thinking about it,

If it does come to blows,

He must be the one who suffers at that time.

So just be patient!


I just said hello, that's right,

But nothing really happened!

Even if this group of Uchiha can find an excuse to arrest themselves now,

At that time, he will definitely release himself.

Thinking of this,

Asuma is not worried anymore,

He even stretched out his hands with a coquettish look on his face, saying: "You can grab it if you want! But let me remind you, it's easier to ask God than to send God away!!!"

Uchiha Tiehuo was not intimidated, went up and handcuffed Asuma.

Then he was taken away.

But not long after leaving, Asuma noticed something was wrong, and said vigilantly: "This is not the way to the police department! Where are you taking me?"

"Stop talking nonsense!!"

Uchiha Tiehuo directly pulled up with a big force, making Asuma dare not BB again.

It's not like he's taking Asuma somewhere else.

…ask for flowers………

Instead, deliberately took a long way,

Take Asuma all over the streets of the village!

When the villagers heard that Asuma had been captured by the security department, they were all amazed and ran out to watch the fun!

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't know either, I just came out to watch the fun."

"But these guys are really brave! How dare they even catch Hokage's son!"

"I'm afraid this is the person with the highest status that has been arrested since the establishment of the police department!"

"If you say this police department is powerful enough, from the son of Hokage to the rascal, they dare to arrest them all!"

"It seems that Asuma must have committed something, otherwise the people from the police department would not be able to catch him!"

"Master Hokage has no way to teach his son."

Asuma just feels like a monkey being watched at the moment,

I can't wait to dig a seam in the ground and get in!

When passing by Yuhi's family along the way,

Yuhiyang crossed his hands into his wide sleeves, glanced at Yuhihong beside him, and joked: "I didn't expect that boyfriend of yours to be quite narrow-minded.

Xi Hihong blushed, and hummed like a mosquito: "Brother, don't talk nonsense~"


three hours later,

Asuma was finally escorted around for a complete circle, and was finally imprisoned in the security department!

"You guessed it right!"

"After the guy was scared away by our people in the clan area, he ran to the tavern to drink, and after drinking too much, he started talking nonsense, talking about something and nothing.

"Afterwards, I followed the method you told me, went straight up and arrested him!"

In the Office of the Minister of Police,

Because there are only two people in the office, Uchiha Tiehuo and Qian Ye,

So Uchiha Tiehuo didn't hold back, and said carelessly.

Qian Ye laughed: "That guy is simple-minded, it's not complicated to guess his next move!"

"He would drink when he was upset."

"After drinking too much, I can't help but say things that shouldn't be said publicly."

"Then, we can take the opportunity to make things happen."

Thinking of what happened during the day, Qian Ye's eyes turned cold.

Dare to steal a woman from him?

Do you really think he is such a good talker?

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