After a long silence,

Onoki slowly fell back to the ground.

His dust escape already has a solution,

And the Chakra in his body is almost exhausted,

in this case,

Even if he continues to fight,

There is no advantage anymore.

Instead of having to decide a winner in the end,

Now this kind of "draw" situation is not bad.

Otherwise, if you have to separate the results,

In the end, it can only be a loss for both sides,

Let Sarutobi Hiruzen that old fox get it - cheap.

Withdrawing his thoughts, when Onogi looked at Qian Ye again, his eyes had changed!

Fugaku, who has the pupil art that can bounce back all the art, is very powerful!


Qian Ye, who can make Fugaku protect his body at the expense of his body, is obviously not as simple as it seems on the surface!

"As expected of Evil Eye Fugaku, I have learned how powerful you are today!"

Onogi looked at Fugaku with a blank expression.

Of all the enemies he had encountered before,

Fugaku was the first Dust Dun who dared to face him,

And the last ones who survived.

Fugaku said lightly, "Third Tsuchikage's Dust Escape really deserves its reputation."


Ohnoki looked at Qian Ye again,

Shen Sheng said:

"One hundred million taels."

"I will raise the money as soon as possible."

"But before that, you have to keep my granddaughter safe!!"

Qian Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, I still understand the rules!"

Onoki didn't say anything, turned and left.

Waiting for Onogi to leave,

The next second, the people of Uchiha cheered!

Before the Third Tsuchikage came murderously,

The clansmen are extremely nervous.

after all,

Third Tsuchikage is a veteran in the ninja world,

The strength should not be underestimated!

But then who would have thought that the former patriarch Uchiha Fugaku gave all clan members a surprise!

After that, he used that extraordinary pupil technique to check and balance Ohnoki's pupil technique!

In the end, Onogi returned without success...

After what happened today,

Uchiha's name will surely resound throughout the ninja world again!

Who dares to look down on Uchiha in the future!

Dare to say that Uchiha is a declining noble family!

The villagers are also very happy.

After all, the cause of this incident was a few ninjas making trouble in the shop,

Only then did the following series of things happen.

As a foreigner, soil ninja dared to mess around in Konoha Village, the first of the five major ninja villages. This is because they didn't pay attention to Konoha at all!

This made the villagers feel uncomfortable.


If Uchiha chose to befriend someone just now,

Instead, they will look down upon it!

But fortunately,

Uchiha finally gave a very strong response!

"So what about the one from the soil ninja village? Do you really think we are afraid of him?"

"That's right! Uchiha did a great job!"

"To deal with people who don't know what to do, you should be tougher!"

"Now they should know that Konoha Village is not easy to mess with!"

“Well done Uchiha!”

When Shimura Danzō walked into Hokage's office,

Just in time to see Sarutobi Hiruzen smash the crystal ball to the ground angrily.

ask for flowers

then snapped,

The crystal ball turned into countless fragments.

Danzo said in a deep voice: "It seems that you also know that Uchiha Fugaku opened Mangekyō and awakened a very terrifying pupil technique!!"



"And through what happened today, Uchiha got the favor of the villagers by accident.

These two things are not good news for the village senior management.

And if this trend continues,


one day,

The balance will tilt between the village high-rise and Uchiha,

It will no longer be the upper echelons of the village who have the upper hand.

Until then,

Maybe it's all too late!

Even if Danzo dies,

Nor would he accept that power in the village would end up in Uchiha's hands.

Thinking of this,

Danzo said in a deep voice: "Hiruzen, the situation is getting worse and worse for us! We are running out of time! Let's do it, Hiruzen!"

this time,

Sarutobi Hiruzen was probably stimulated by Fugaku's Mangekyō,

There is no more concave character design than before,

What about the scene where Uchiha is also a member of the village,

Instead, he said with a cold expression:

"Uchiha is a threat we cannot ignore today! We really can't wait any longer!"

Hearing this, Danzo was overjoyed.

My heart said that this old guy is not pretending!

Choose to take off the mask and reveal your true colors!


He can also let go of his hands and feet in the future!.

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