Be The Patriarch At The Beginning: Build The Strongest Uchiha

Chapter 93: Collective Eye Opening, Everyone Shocked

outside world

Parents of students are waiting anxiously.

Qian Ye said before that whoever can walk out of the forest before the sun goes down wins.

But who knows,

The sun is about to set,

Still no one came out of it,

It can be seen how difficult this test is.

Gabriel couldn't wait any longer, walked over to Qian Ye and said, "It's getting dark, why don't you cancel the test. After all, the Chunnin exam is only a few days away, and you don't think it's time to let a bunch of sick people Going to take the Chūnin exam on behalf of Uchiha?"

Qian Ye glanced back at Gabriel and said, "What? Don't you have confidence in the children you teach?"

About the Illusion Assisted Eye Opening Project,

Because it is related to the future development of Uchiha, it is very important,


In order to prevent some people from messing up,

Currently only a few people, including Qian Ye and Fugaku, know about it.

Not even the teachers know.


Gabriel didn't know what to say for a moment.

at this time,

Suddenly someone pointed to the front and exclaimed: "Look, someone came out of it!!"

Everyone looked in the direction the man pointed,

Sure enough, I saw someone coming out of the forest,

and not one,

but a bunch!!

Everyone is stupid!

Good guy!

Before, none of them would come out,

It's a group of people when they come out now, right?

But after seeing that their children are still safe, a big stone in the parents' hearts finally fell to the ground.

"Mom, look, I'm driving Sharingan!!"

After a kid came out, he immediately showed off to his mother!

"What? Open Sharingan`々?"

"real or fake?"

"Why did it open all of a sudden?"

Hearing this, a group of parents all came together curiously!

To know,

It is definitely a big deal for someone in the clan to open their eyes!

Especially when you open your eyes at such a young age!

This is an explosive event!!

After seeing that his child did open Sharingan, the parent immediately became elated,

The other parents were all envious.

But at this moment,

When a child saw that his mother didn't care about him anymore, but was rushing to see other children's Sharingan, he got angry and said, "Mom! Why are you rushing to see other people's Sharingan?" Ah? I opened it too, look at mine.

After speaking, eyes closed and opened,

Eyes instantly become One Tomoe Sharingan.

Parents: "!!!"

what's the situation?!!!

Two kids started Sharingan at the same time during this test?!!

This is too coincidental!!

But before the parents could recover, voices sounded one after another.

"Mom, I'm driving too."

"And I!"

"Me too!!"

In this way, one pair after another of Sharingan was displayed in front of the parents.

The expressions of the parents were shocked at first,

fear again,

followed by numbness,

Finally, there is no expression on the face anymore!



To hell with it!!!

after a long time,

The parents slowly came to their senses,

Then there was a sound of gasping for air!!

"Really? I'm not blind!!"

"All the kids are on Sharingan?!!"

"What the hell did they go through in this test?!!"

"How can this be......"

In the past, someone in the clan occasionally opened Sharingan,

The clansmen can discuss it for days.

Now so many people open Sharingan all of a sudden,

On the contrary, the people of the tribe are lacking in language.

perhaps because,

Simple words can no longer describe the shock and excitement in their hearts!


The clansmen collectively looked at Qian Ye in admiration!

Let the students collectively open their eyes,

This is simply a miracle!

At the same time they know,

Why did such an incredible thing happen!

It must be all the credit of the little patriarch in front of them.

Qian Ye just smiled and said, "It's getting late, everyone, go back and rest early, and the children are also tired."

This test consumes a lot of physical and mental energy for each child.

They can still persist until now, which is already quite good.

that's all,

After Qian Ye finished speaking,

The clansmen left one after another.

"What the hell did you do?"

After all the clansmen had left, Kakashi looked at Qian Ye with Xiarou's eyes.

He found that he really couldn't understand Qian Ye more and more.

For example, let the children collectively open their eyes,

He never thought about it before!

But Qian Ye actually did it!

Although it is only a single hook jade,

But the problem now is that Qian Ye has already mastered the method to open the eyes of the Uchiha people in batches!

Maybe now we can only ask the clansmen to order Gouyu,

But what about later?

Will it evolve to open double hook jade in batches?

Three hook jade?

Kakashi feels scalp numb just thinking about it!!

Facing Kakashi's inquiry at this moment, Qian Ye smiled and said: "You will know soon."

Uchiha's collective eye-opening is so shocking, it is impossible to hide it!

And the method of illusion assisting eye opening will also be exposed soon.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Qian Ye only needs to know that this method is indeed practical and feasible.


This method is only valid for clansmen with Uchiha blood,

Even if other people know, they can only be envious. .

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