After Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared,

The crowd suddenly became commotion!

After all, this is the shadow of Konoha Village,

A famous figure in the ninja world!

And for everyone's cheers, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very useful,

and deliberately slowed down his pace,

so that more people can admire his honor,

Finally, I walked slowly onto the high platform,

Facing the cheering crowd, he pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet.

The crowd immediately fell silent!

Seeing this, Onoki who came with him felt contemptuous,

I said in my heart that this old bastard can pretend better than him!

"Thank you for coming to the Chūnin exam jointly organized by Konoha Village and other ninja villages."

"Next, I will explain to you the content of the exam in detail."

"Have you seen the forest behind me? The next thing you have to do is to go through this forest.

"This forest is called the Death Forest, and there are all kinds of poisonous snakes, insects, rats and ants in it, which is very dangerous.

"And there are countless organ traps."

"These will hinder your progress!"

"In addition, before the start of the game, everyone must first receive a scroll."

"The scrolls are distributed randomly by the staff, and there are three types in total: heaven, earth, and people."

"Whoever can gather three different scrolls and reach the tower in the middle of the forest faster will win!"

Everyone immediately understood the meaning of this game rule,

That is to say,

If you want to pass this test,

Defeat at least two competitors!

"Now, everyone can line up to get their scrolls, and the competition will start in an hour.

Said Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Everyone immediately scrambled to line up to get the scroll,

Qian Ye clapped his hands and said to everyone:

"I believe everyone has understood the rules of the game.

"What I need to remind everyone is that after receiving the scroll, it's best to put it in the safest place on your body immediately, and don't lose it,"

"If you lose it, although you won't be sentenced to lose the game directly, if you want to collect three different scrolls, it will be more difficult than others! The probability of failure will also be higher high!"

"The other thing is, it's best not to tell anyone except you what scroll you received, even your friends.

"Because this is not a team competition!"

"If you and your friend receive different scrolls, then in some cases, the two of you may become rivals."

Qian Ye said seriously.

Hearing what Qian Ye said,

Everyone is aware of this,

At the moment, his expression has also become more serious!


This is not a team game,

Any two people present may become opponents!

Qian Ye said: "That's all I want to say, let's go get the scrolls next.

Everyone nodded, and then went to line up to get the scrolls.

Sasuke is at the bottom,

When it's his turn,

He went into a little house,

The staff inside grabbed a scroll from the big box in front of them and threw it to Sasuke.

Sasuke looked down,

It was found that the word "Heaven" was written on the scroll,

It means that what he got is the Scroll of Heaven,

The scroll is only the size of a palm,

Sasuke conveniently put the scroll into his clothes,

then walked out,

But as soon as he walked out of the door, he bumped into someone who was walking towards him.

"Feel sorry."

The man was thin and wore a Rain Shinobi forehead protector on his forehead.

After bumping into Sasuke, he immediately apologized.

Sasuke didn't say anything, just left with his hands in his pockets.


After receiving the scroll, Sasuke walked towards the direction of the class.

At this time, Qian Ye suddenly called out to Sasuke.

Sasuke stopped and looked towards Qian Ye.

Qian Ye asked: "Have you noticed anything?"


Hearing Qian Ye's inexplicable question, Sasuke was at a loss.

The other students also looked at Qian Ye in puzzlement.

Seeing that Sasuke didn't seem to know anything, Qian Ye sighed, and then gave Gabriel a wink.

Gabriel cleared his throat and said:

"Let me explain to you next."

"Sasuke, did someone bump into you just now when you came out?"

"Actually, that person did it on purpose, and he has already marked you!"

"I think you should have been regarded as a prey by him."

"After the game starts later, he will immediately find you according to the guidance of the mark, and then snatch the scroll in your hand, so that he can save the emperor's time to find someone

"In other words, someone has set you up!"

After listening to Gabriel's explanation, everyone was shocked!


The game hasn't even started yet?

Sasuke is already in danger?!!!!.

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