"Papa papa..."

With a burst of applause,

A figure stepped out of the shadows.

"As expected of a kid from the Uchiha clan,

"The perception is really sharp."

;It was the Rain Shinobi who 'accidentally bumped into Sasuke' before.

"You seem to know I'm here?"

"Did you mark something on me?"

Sasuke asked pretending to be puzzled.

Although he already knew that the other party had marked him,

but he was curious,

What the hell did this guy mark him for.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will answer you. Anyway, I have a lot of time."

This Rain Shinobi has a strange smile,

Then he took out a small jar from his arms.

The small jar is transparent,

A small black bug can be seen inside.

"This is a little bug I bred with a special method,"

"Its characteristic is that it likes a certain taste very much, and it will pursue that taste."

"And now, you have the smell it likes very much."

Wen Yan,

Sasuke said in a deep voice, "So, this bug brought you to find me, right?"

"That's right."

This Rain Shinobi carefully put away the jar,

Immediately looked at Sasuke,

The voice was hoarse and said:

"So, did you choose to hand over the scroll to me yourself?"

"Or should I kill you first and then take your scroll?"


Facing the threat of this Rain Shinobi,

Sasuke stretched out a middle finger, and said disdainfully: "I'm sorry, the end result will only be that I snatch your scroll!!"


The face of that Rain Shinobi immediately turned gloomy!!

"Since you refuse to take the initiative to hand over the scroll,"

"Then don't blame me for being ruthless!!"

After all,

He pulled out an umbrella from his back and threw it into the sky!

"Ninja Law: Thousands of Books Like Rain and Dew!!"

The umbrella props up the umbrella surface and spins at high speed!

And with the high-speed rotation, countless thousands of vellus hairs shot towards Sasuke like a drizzle!


Sasuke did not rush, gathered Chakra in the throat, and then spit it out in one gulp!

"Fire Style Great Fireball!!"

Thousands of copies fell from the sky with raging flames!

Under the blazing high temperature, those thousands of books were burned one after another,

In the end, even the umbrella in the sky was burned because the flame was too big!

Seeing this, the Rain Shinobi screamed strangely, quickly took the umbrella back, and hurriedly slapped the flames on it.

You know this is no ordinary umbrella,

It is a very precious knife!!

After he managed to extinguish the flame above, he suddenly found that Sasuke was gone!

While he was looking around nervously,

Suddenly a voice sounded: "Here!!"

Rain Shinobi was taken aback,

This voice...is coming from below?!!

he looked down,

Shrink your eyes now!

Seeing Sasuke propping up the ground with one hand at this moment, leaning down directly under this Rain Shinobi,

When those behind (bbba) look down,

Sasuke immediately raised his leg - a high kick, which hit the opponent's jaw!


The strength of this foot is not small,

With a muffled sound,

That Rain Shinobi flew straight into the sky,

Sasuke immediately jumped up,

Appeared behind the latter in mid-air,

clasping the latter's body with both hands,

Then, driven by Sasuke's body,

The two of them are like a tornado, spinning at a high speed and falling at an extreme speed!

at last,

Just a second before falling to the ground,

Sasuke immediately let go of his hands and jumped aside,

And that Rain Shinobi was not so lucky,

Under the huge inertia, it hit the ground like a meteorite!


Finally with a loud bang,

The entire upper body was buried in the ground.

Table Lotus!!

This is what Sasuke learned from his gym teacher, Might Guy.

But because he didn't have a supporting study of Eight Inner Gates,

So being able to use Biaolianhua is already the limit of his body!

And after using it once,

cannot be used again for a short time,

but luckily

The effect is not bad.

Sasuke walked over, pulled the man out of the ground like pulling an onion, and then dug out the other's scroll from his clothes.


Not the same sky scroll as him,

It's a human scroll!

"As I said, the final result is that I will take your scroll!"

Sasuke glanced at Rain Shinobi who had passed out, and said coldly.

After getting the scroll,

Sasuke didn't leave immediately,

Instead, he continued to rummage through the latter.

At last he was found,

The glass jar with the black worm in it.

"In order to collect three different scrolls as soon as possible, this guy definitely didn't just mark me."

"And I only found one scroll on him, which means that I should be his first target."

"Since that's the case, let me harvest the remaining targets for you!"

After all,

Sasuke took the jar and left. .

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