Upper capital.

Military Aircraft Stronghold.

Defense Minister Wei Bojie, Director of the Strategy Bureau Yang Jian'an, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Minister of Science and Technology Liu Xiaoou and others gathered together.

The concept of micro-warfare was put forward by the Great Eagle Country.

Can the dragon kingdom not ponder it well?


The nanobot dragon country has the advantage.

Why was he led by the nose by the Great Eagle Country.

Diplomatic aspects.

The dragon country can say to the outside world: the nanorobots of the dragon country will only be used in the civilian field, and will definitely not be used to design weapons.


When I got home, I couldn't say anything about the scene.

"Old Wei, how is the progress of the research and development of nanorobot weapons of the Ministry of Defense?" Yang Jian'an asked.

Weber Festival distributed some paper materials to them.

That's the progress of research on the weaponization of nanobots.

Wei Bojie was overjoyed, "The application prospects mentioned in the Great Eagle Country report can basically be done now—however, our scientists are now also verifying a possibility whether the Great Eagle Country's report will be a hole dug for us." "

"More arguments are needed for the weaponized use of nanobots. "

Civil sector.

The report of the Great Eagle Country's "Micro War" is indeed of great reference significance.

But in the military sphere.

You need to be cautious: is it possible that the Great Eagle Kingdom actually has a deep study of nanorobots, and the Great Eagle Country has countermeasures in the directions they mentioned in the report, so release it and induce the Dragon Kingdom to study in those directions?

Isn't this just digging a hole?

Wei Bojie paused and continued, "However, the research and development progress of the sixth-generation aircraft is very amazing, and the prototype is already undergoing wind tunnel testing, and I believe that in the near future, the first flight of the actual aircraft will be verified." "

Sixth-generation aircraft.

Once the test flight is successful.

will help the Dragon Kingdom, in terms of air supremacy, to achieve a huge advantage.

Everyone nodded their heads in anticipation.

Yang Jian'an mentioned another thing, "Minister Wang, let the Limin Group release more life-prolonging drugs through the international black market, will this have a negative impact?"

Not so long ago.

Long Guo made up a story: a researcher from the core team of life prolonging medicine defected and went to the black market [Kunlun Organization], so [Kunlun Organization] obtained the formula of life prolonging medicine.

Wang Yi's face was heavy, "There are three 12 points that need to be paid attention to, first, more wealth, flowing to the Dragon Kingdom through life prolonging pills, will definitely cause questions." "

"Second, the [Kunlun Organization] continues to expand, and in the end, the fact that the Limin Group is the one behind it is in danger of being exposed. "

"Third, Wang Xuan's kid has too much wealth, will it deteriorate, will it change from a dragon slayer to an evil dragon?"

The dragon slayer turns into a dragon.

This kind of thing.

The Dragon Kingdom has happened before.

Just a few years ago.


Shangjing will never allow this to happen again.

Wang Xuan is the main body, reselling life-prolonging drugs on the black market.

How big is the market today?

In the capital, everyone is looking at it.

The world's top circle of richest people.

Almost all of them have bought life-prolonging medicine from Wang Xuan.

That's $5 billion a bottle.

10 bottles is $50 billion!

The money printing machine can't keep up with the speed of selling life extension pills to make money!

Once people have money.

There will be more.

For example, reaching out to areas that you shouldn't touch.

Wang Yi is worried about this problem.

Liu Xiaoou of the Ministry of Science and Technology opened his mouth and asked, "What did the Great Elder say?"

Yang Jian'an, "The meaning of the great elder, once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of the well rope, this is not the way to govern the country, since we want to do something unusual, then, we must rush to delegate power, let that kid do it first, and see if he can take on this responsibility." "

The meaning of these words is very clear: life extension drugs are sold on the black market, let the Limin Group do it first, if there is a real problem, the state must have a way to deal with the reserve back.

It is imperative to sell life extension drugs externally.

Although during this time, through the influence of Warren Buffett, the Rosenschild family, etc., public opinion basically believes that life prolonging pills are "scams".


When people see Warren Buffett, who is in his 90s, still singing with models night and night, will people's faith not waver?

The pressure naturally came to the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom's strategy of sticking to the longevity medicine will put great pressure on the Dragon Kingdom's diplomacy.

Release some life protenders.

in order to block the world's mouths.

Wei Bojie looked at the time, "I still have to catch a plane to the northwest, so let's stop here today." "

Wang Yi, "Do you have to go to the bidding for that new concept weapon?"

Bidding for new concept weapons, there is a high probability that you will see a lot of PPT.

Maybe there are companies that will bring the real machine over.

Probably all of them are model machines and verification machines.

You may see a brain-opening design.

However, for the next ten years, the construction of national military equipment will not have much impact.

Wang Yi was stunned for a moment and said again, "You even named the commander of the Southern Military Region and the commander of the Western Theater to come over?"

Wei Bojie's expression was very serious, "Originally, it would have been enough to let Jiang Zhenfang and Luo Yuanliang go, but the new military attache of Mao Xiong Guo has arrived, so I will go over and have an in-depth chat with them by the way." "

The new military attache of the Mao Bear Country.

Shouldering a very important communication mission: he came to teach the battlefield experience to the Dragon Kingdom.

That's what the commanders and fighters of the Dragon Kingdom lack the most now: actual combat experience!



Originally, this area was an abandoned oil town.

After being assigned to the Limin Group for use.

The area is gradually becoming lively.

After months of hard work.

Now the photovoltaic station in this area can not only supply power to the base, but also export to the surrounding villages.

The town now has 3,100 skilled human workers.

The number of robot dogs operating autonomously has reached 39,000.

The dense and ubiquitous super wireless charging device allows all robot dogs to operate autonomously.

Inside the deep pit factory.

The Destroyer Marine Combat Carrier Super Robot has put the finishing touches on it.

The shelter overhead has also begun to be removed.

The address of the new concept weapon bidding conference has also been sent to Wang Xuan.

"It's just over two hundred kilometres, which is very good. "

"When the time comes, just walk over there. "

Wang Xuan passed by the corridor of the construction frame, looking at the deep pit, a bit like a super robot with a bacteriophage.


Another image flashed through his mind: "The Wool War".

This thing looks.

It's also a bit similar to the burrowing robot in "Wool War".

"Mr. Wang, have you thought about it? Have you designed it? You gave it to me! I have released this news, if I release people and pigeons at this juncture, how will I do business in the future?"

Wang Xuan was thinking.

was targeted by Feng Nan again.

It has been several days since Feng Nan came to the Western Center.

She came over.

There is only one purpose: to get a condensed version of the "life extension medicine formula" from Wang Xuan.

It has been determined above that [Kunlun Organization] can expand the sales scope of life-prolonging drugs.


In addition to the 30-year life extension of the drug.

She also needs to make more low-end versions of life protenders.

For foreigners.

Three years or five years of life extension would be very good.


Feng Nan found Wang Xuan and needed to get the formula.

"Ouch, my aunt. "

Wang Xuan was already speechless, "I won't say it all, this matter will be arranged for you when I go back when the bidding conference for the new concept weapon is over, why do you come to urge your life every day!"

Feng Nan was also speechless, "Mr. Wang, if you say that, I will be sad, you must know, I will give you my life again, you, you ......"

"Hey, don't cry!" Wang Xuan was embarrassed, "Okay, you come with me." "

That's right, too.

It's all for me.

Money earned on the black market. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, it all flowed into Wang Xuan's pocket in various ways.

A few months down.

The world's top richest people have already bought life-prolonging drugs - the kind with a unit price of 5 billion US dollars.

Wang Xuan's personal wealth has reached a terrifying $250 billion early!

If it is listed on the Forbes list of the world. []

No. 1 in the world!

Because longevity is priceless.

Those top rich people never hesitate to spend money to buy life.

Now [life prolonging medicine] is expanding sales.

There will only be more wealth flowing into Wang Xuan's pocket.

The most critical thing is that Wang Xuan summoned [Wandu Search] in his mind.

Check-in point: 127.

These months in the Northwest Center.

Wang Xuan has never used the system.

The check-in point was also saved.

On the way to the office.

Wang Xuan conducted a second search for "Hemoflik Limit Breakthrough Elixir": how to get a lifespan + 3 lifespan + 5 life extension medicine.

Compared to the original recipe.

The recipe just tweaks some of the DNA molecular structure, and some of the key proteases used in the ratio.

Wang Xuan opened the detailed recipe list.

Modify the annotations for the parts that need to be modified one by one.

Finally got the recipe.

"Mr. Wang!"

Feng Nan was speechless again, "It's just something that can be done in two hours, you have to drag me for a few days, and I'm really convinced!"

Wang Xuan, "......"

Is it a stripped-down version of the life protender formula.

Feng Nan left satisfied.

A day later.

On the dark web, [Kunlun Organization] released a message: After detailed research, we have now obtained an ordinary version of the life extension drug.

Lifespan +3 Elixir: $50,000,000!

Lifespan +5 Elixir: $150 million!

The news is public.

Because the rich in the middle class can also afford it.

The most important thing is that after taking this important level, it has the ability to slightly improve the quality of the human body.

So much so that NBA stars and giants of major European football leagues are vying to order.

This is bound to become a trend.


April day.

For the desert, the climate is much better.

But extreme weather is still emerging.

Last night.

The yellow sand is all over the sky, like the end of the world.

This morning.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sky is clear.

The military training ground is located on the outskirts of a city in the west.

Today, the Ministry of National Defense's bidding conference for a new concept weapon will be held here.


The town has strengthened its security.

On the streets, you can see patrol policemen everywhere, as well as police robot dogs.

Military vehicles drove in the direction of the training ground.


The town is not managed in silence.

Journalists can even stop patrolling police officers for interviews.

Internet celebrities who are hot can even chase armored vehicles to shoot.

With the arrival of military attaches from various countries, the heat of the whole network was instantly stretched.

"That's the military attache of the country of Batan!"

"That's Ah San's military attaché!"

"Hey, that's not the Crown Prince of Camel, it's Waleed, is he a military attaché abroad?"

"That's the military attache of the Great Eagle Country, the Cherry Blossom Country, the Kimchi Country, the Sun Never Sets, and so on!"

"The face of the Ministry of Defense of the Dragon Kingdom still has to be given! Look, Marshal Wei Bojie, the Minister of National Defense, has arrived!"

The military training ground, like an exhibition, will be open to the public today.

Tourists, bloggers, and journalists can come to the scene at any time to watch.

With the arrival of the military attaché, the Minister of Defense of the Dragon Kingdom, and other personnel. 953

Various companies participating in the conference also came.

It's all about the Dragon Country.


At this time, the products of each company are covered with a shielding cloth, and it is not yet time to display, so it must maintain a certain degree of mystery.

"Huh? Didn't I see it on the news before, saying that the Limin Group would also come to this conference? Why didn't you see it?"

"The finale?"

"Hahaha, what's the point of this escort, maybe it's a little far away, so it's delayed on the road!"

in the audience.

This is the place where various military attachés gather.

Ordinary journalists, tourists, and bloggers will definitely not be able to get in.

"Hello, hello!"

"Mr. Wei, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Luo, thank you for the invitation!"

"I hope that this time, we will be able to see the prototype of the development of weapons in the future. "

"Hello Mr. Wei, I'm Andre, the new military attache of Mao Xiong Country, I'm sorry that I didn't go directly to Shangjing to perform my duties, so I came here directly. "

Weber warmly shook hands with everyone.

Arrived at Andrei, the military attache of the Hairy Bear Country.

Wei Bojie paused for a few more seconds, "Welcome to the Dragon Kingdom, Mr. Andre, when this conference is over, I hope to have a good chat with you." "

Andre nodded repeatedly, "This is my duty, and it is also a great honor to communicate with my peers in the Dragon Kingdom." "

Among all the military attachés, Pete, the military attache of the Great Eagle Country, is another center.

The military attachés of Western countries, after greeting Wei Bojie, approached Pete, hoping to pull a relationship.


Out of the corner of his eye, Pete kept staring at Weber and Andre.

The two men approached.

He felt very uncomfortable: it seems that the reason why the new military attache of Mao Xiong Country in Longguo chose Andre was the result of their discussion, probably to exchange war experience.

Pete looks at the time, 8:13 a.m.

On the other hand, the "Traveler Squad" hired by the Great Eagle Nation should have approached the western industrial center of the Limin Group.

I hope you can get some useful information.

"Dear Highness the Prince. "

Wei Bojie warmly hugged Waleed, "Welcome, welcome, I didn't expect that your country would send you over in person, thank you!"

After Waleed's greetings, he looked left and again, and asked, "Mr. Wei, my friend, Wang Xuan and President Wang of Limin Group, were not invited to this conference?"

It happened that Jiang Zhenfang finished calling.

asked about Wang Xuan's situation.

Jiang Zhenfang said, "The Shacheng explosion last night had a very big impact on the Limin Group, and they may have to delay a little time, and they will come over soon." "

Waleed, "Oh, that's great, I'm looking forward to catching up with him!!"

Things have changed.


Waleed also wanted to get a bottle of life-prolonging medicine through Wang Xuan's hands.


The position of his crown prince will be in jeopardy!

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