Beast control starts from zero points

Chapter 810 Psychological Test (Two-in-One)

"Hello, Qiao Sang." Qiao Sang reached out and shook his hand.

"I know you." Mu Jing smiled and said, "The champion of the Beastmaster Star Competition."

Qiao Sang showed a shy smile and said, "Should we find a place first?"

"Go directly to my classroom. There is no one in my classroom right now," Mu Jing said.

"Okay." Qiao Sang nodded.

The two took the elevator to the ninth floor.

A lot of people turned around along the way, obviously recognizing this man who has been in the limelight recently.

After Mu Jing said hello to someone she knew from a distance, she said with a smile, "Almost all our professionals know you."

Qiao Sang asked casually: "You professionals all watch the Beastmaster Star Game?"

"No." Mu Jing's expression turned serious: "You are the first person to let Little Steel Falcon's bond evolve, and it is a continuous bond evolution, so we are very curious about how a pet with a personality like Little Steel Falcon can continuously evolve. , what kind of person is he?”

I almost forgot that this is the School of Society and Pet Behavior. No wonder I am curious about this... Qiao Sang then thought of the scene when Gang Bao evolved, and said with a smile:

"I don't know what happened in the beginning, but Steel and Little Steel Falcon evolved through bonding. In fact, I think it's not difficult to form a bond with Little Steel Falcon, as long as it agrees with you from the bottom of its heart."

Mu Jing smiled bitterly and said:

"It's the hardest thing to get a pet beast with a personality like Little Steel Falcon to identify with someone from the bottom of his heart."

With that said, she stopped and opened the door of the junior class (3): "We are here."

Qiao Sang followed him into the classroom.

Mu Jing closed the door and said bluntly: "I left a message saying that I don't want points, and I hope that I can have an interview for the task reward. Did you see it?"

Qiao Sang sat somewhere casually, nodded and said, "I saw it."

After a pause, she asked: "I wonder what you want?"

"I hope to have a communication with your Giant Steel Falcon." Mu Jing said her purpose: "Many people in our college have done corresponding research, and have also followed Blue Star's approach to contact the small Steel Falcon. But it didn't make any change in Xiaogang Falcon's mood swings."

"I was wondering if your little Steel Falcon might have a special psychological condition, so I wanted to have a conversation with it that could detect mood swings."

The Department of Pet Psychology studies the psychological phenomena of pet animals and the mental functions and behavioral activities affected by them.

When the individual's behavior and mental process are studied to a certain level, not only can psychological treatment be carried out, but the emotional fluctuations of pet animals can often be easily affected, allowing them to generate more powerful power.

Bond evolution is also one of the powerful forces.

This evolutionary path may be comparable to legend to other ordinary beast masters in Super Pleiades, but in fact, Yulianton University has been doing relevant research.

No wonder he didn’t even ask for points. It turned out that he was here for Gang Bao... Qiao Sang said while complaining: "If you just talk and detect mood swings, that's fine."

To be honest, this is much more cost-effective than giving points.

Except for the points I would earn at the beginning of school, I have been in a state of only spending but not earning...

Mu Jing looked happy and said immediately:

"Then I'll finish your task first."

After saying this, she formed a seal with her hands.

The green star array lit up, and there was a creature about 80 centimeters in size. It wore miniature shrinking bracelets on its paws. It was basically black, with a ghost-like tail but no legs. Its gray head was wrapped with several circles of white bandages. A pet beast with yellow irises and black sclera eyes appeared in the star array.

The Night Spirit is a general-level ghost pet beast. It is said that the Night Spirit likes to appear around people whose life span is approaching.

There are two extremes regarding the attitude of remembering Ye Ling.

One is extremely disgusting.

The second is not to exclude them. On the contrary, some people whose life expectancy is approaching will specially issue tasks to invite the night spirits to their side.

Because the vast majority of Eidolons can awaken the high-level skill of reading memories as they evolve.

This skill is particularly offensive to someone who has some time left to live.

And for some people who are seriously ill in bed and near the end of their life but unable to say a word, they are happy to have the fleeting moments before death resurface for their families to see.

Qiao Sang's mind came to mind with the information on Ye Ling, and he turned to look at the air beside him:

"A little treasure hunt."


Little Treasure Hunt shows up.

Mu Jing glanced at Little Treasure Hunt and began to talk about the precautions before reading the memory: "My memory reading of the Night Spirit has reached the perfect level. Letting the memory emerge and watch will not cause any harm to the Ghost Ring King. "

"But one thing to note is that you have to keep the image you want to read in your mind."

"Otherwise..." Mu Jing chuckled: "We might read things that we shouldn't."

Little Xuntao lived an upright life... Qiao Sang didn't take it to heart and said with a smile: "Just read it, it knows what to do."


Before Mu Jing could say anything, Xiao Xunbao stretched out his paw to express wait.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Sang asked.

"Xunxun..." Xiao Xunbao called out, indicating that some time had passed and he had to recall it first.

When Qiao Sang heard this, he had no doubt that he was there, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Then think about it quickly."

Memory reading is generally divided into three stages.

In the first stage, directly reading the memory is likely to cause cerebral palsy and other serious brain damage symptoms.

In the second stage, it can be read based on the memory currently recalled by the target, and displayed in a picture for people to watch.

In the third stage, any image that has appeared in the mind can be read, including imagination, and presented.

The perfect level of memory reading should barely reach the third stage. Little Xunbao has always had a rich imagination. She doesn't want little Xunbao to have too many thoughts in his mind and confuse the evolutionary scene.


Xiao Xunbao closed his eyes and tried to remember.

The picture of evolution, the picture of evolution...

After about half a minute, Xiao Xunbao opened his eyes and nodded solemnly, indicating that he had remembered it.

Seeing this, Qiao Sang felt relieved and nodded to Mu Jing:

"It's time to start."

"Do you need me to go out?" Mu Jing asked considerately.

Memory reading is an extremely private matter, and most people don't like to be seen by unrelated strangers.

"No need." Qiao Sang said.

Little Treasure Hunt's next stage of evolution is nothing shameful, and if she doesn't tell him, and Little Treasure Hunt doesn't tell him, who can know what the background-like scene means.

Mu Jing said nothing more and looked at Ji Yeling: "Let's get started."


Xiao Xunbao looked at Ji Yeling with a "come on" expression.

Ji Yeling drifted into Xiao Xunbao's mind without saying a word.

Suddenly, a picture appeared out of thin air above Xiao Xunbao's head.

Marble table tops, leather sofas, metal decorations, and warm-toned lighting.

With just one glance, Qiao Sang's heart froze, and two words came to his mind:

It's over.

This is obviously in the living room of a villa!

If there is an iconic building, scenery, or landmark outside, there is still a direction to look for.

But there are thousands of villas, so she can't go into other people's villas to look for them!

But soon, Qiao Sang had a second thought:

Oh, this is where Little Treasure Hunt will evolve to the next stage, so that’ll be fine...

The evolutionary form of Little Treasure Hunt in the next stage is known. As long as the energy in the body is full and the evolution props are used, it can evolve smoothly.

Whether you know the place of evolution or not is not that important...

Qiao Sang calmed down, took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and took two pictures with two clicks at the picture that emerged.

At this moment, the picture that appeared above Little Treasure Hunter suddenly changed.

In the picture, Xiao Xunbao is in position C, surrounded by himself, Yabao, Lubao and Gangbao.


Immediately afterwards, Yabao stepped forward, patted it on the shoulder, and shouted, saying that he didn't expect you to be so powerful. It seems that you will have to take the boss position in the future.

"Bingai." Lu Bao nodded.

"Gang Zhan." Gang Bao also nodded.

He said with a look of relief: "Since Yabao said so, you will be the eldest brother from now on."

"Xunxun, Xunxun..."

Little Xunbao, who was in position C, looked up to the sky and laughed.

Qiao Sang: "???"

Ya Bao, who appeared to be quiet in the arms of his own beastmaster, but was actually controlling the training of his clone in the villa: "???"

Lu Bao silently poked his head out of his backpack and looked at the little treasure hunter with deep eyes.

Is there any need to read this memory... Mu Jing only understood what Qiao Sang said in the picture, but she didn't know why.

During the memory reading process, the person being read keeps his eyes closed throughout the process, and his attention is focused on the fragments that appear in his mind.

Although Xiao Xunbao had his eyes closed, he felt an inexplicable coldness on his back and a sense of killing intent.

At this time, it heard a voice:

"That's it."

Then it felt Eidolon float out of its head.

When Little Xunbao opened his eyes, he saw his own beastmaster, Yabao and Lubao staring directly at him.

Especially Brother Yabao and Lubao, their eyes seemed to be filled with murderous intent.


Little Xunbao blinked, wondering why everyone was looking at it like that.

When Mu Jing next to her saw the scene in front of her, she suddenly figured out something and asked:

"Is the scene that just appeared the scene you want to read? Do you need to read it again? My Night Spirit memory reading has reached perfection, and I may inadvertently read what the Ghost Ring King has been thinking about recently. The screen is read."


An image that often comes to mind?

Xiao Xunbao was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and his body stiffened instantly, as if he was petrified on the spot.


Yabao slowly bared his teeth.

Before Yabao could finish his words, Xiao Xunbao quickly disappeared and pretended that he was not here.

"Bing Ai."

Lu Bao snorted coldly, burst the blisters that had just appeared in her nostrils, and got back into her backpack.

It seems that during this period of time, Little Xunbao has practiced pressure and developed a lot of courage. He actually often thinks about this in his mind... Qiao Sang felt the heat in his arms and the coolness on his back, and silently felt for Little Xunbao in his heart. He sweated and said with a smile:

"No need, I've already seen the picture I want to read."

The layout of the villa in the picture is not the one I currently live in, nor is it the one I have lived in before.

The architectural layout imagined by Little Treasure Hunt cannot be so rigorous. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be the location of the next stage of evolution.

No wonder you don't mind me watching... Mu Jingxin said.

She picked up her phone and looked at the time and said, "There is still some time now. I only need half an hour to talk. What do you think about it now?"

"Okay." Qiao Sang finished speaking and formed a seal with his hands.

Soon, Gang Bao was summoned.

Mu Jing's eyes lit up when she saw the first Steel Slash Falcon to continuously evolve on the Super Star.

"She wants to ask you a few questions to see what the difference is between you and other small Steel Slash Falcons that have not evolved." Qiao Sang said concisely.

"Steel Slash."

Steel Slash nodded to show that he understood, and then looked at the human being that his beastmaster was talking about.

Mu Jing is a psychology major, and can guess what their pets mean through their micro-expressions.

When she saw the expression of the Steel Slash Falcon, she immediately understood that it was ready.

Mu Jing did not waste time, and immediately went to her usual seat, took out the specially brought testing equipment from the drawer and put it on the table.

Steel Bao flapped his wings and flew away, and came to the table next to him and stood still.

Mu Jing put the instrument test head of the equipment on Steel Bao's head and said:

"I'm going to start asking questions."

"Steel Slash." Steel Bao nodded.

Qiao Sang came to the side and sat down, looking at the scene in front of him with interest.

It was the first time she saw a pet psychology student asking questions about pets in person.

"What do you think of humans?"

"Steel Slash."


"Do you have no opinion now or in the past?"

"Steel Slash."

No opinion now, no opinion in the past, there are too many humans, and it doesn't know many of them.

"Why did you make a contract with your beastmaster?"

"Steel Slash."

She is a good person.

"Do you like good people?"

"Steel Slash."

There are many kinds of good people, such as stupid ones and not stupid ones, it likes good people who are not stupid.

"So in your eyes, your beastmaster is a good person who is not stupid?"

Gang Bao hesitated:

"Steel Slash."

In fact, she is still a little stupid sometimes.

Qiao Sang: "???"

Hey, hey, hey, did you forget that I am right next to you?

Ji Ye Ling acted as a translator throughout the whole process, and the one person and the beast asked and answered very smoothly.

Mu Jing looked at the detection equipment next to her after asking each question.

She found that the Steel Slash Giant Falcon did not fluctuate in almost all of the questions she asked, just like those little Steel Falcons, calm and terrifying.

How could such a Steel Slash Giant Falcon have a bond with humans, Mu Jing couldn't figure it out.

The questioning lasted for half an hour.

"The last question, you are in a brand new form now, have you ever thought that you might not evolve again in the future?"

"Steel Slash."

I haven't thought about it.

Mu Jing glanced at the device next to him and found that the fluctuation was still stable, and was slightly disappointed.

"Is it over?" Qiao Sang asked.

Mu Jing replied: "It's over."

Qiao Sang looked at Gang Bao: "Since it's over, let's go home."

"Steel Slash." Gang Bao called out calmly.

Mu Jing looked at the device screen, which suddenly turned orange and stretched upwards imperceptibly, and was stunned.

The fluctuation changed for the first time.

This is a signal of joy.

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