Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 117 The trial begins, break through the Fire Dragon Alley [Please subscribe]

After understanding more detailed information about the "Tianling Trial", Zhou Chun became more confident about how he should participate in this trial.

He will definitely not be willing to just go through those single-player trial levels, he will definitely participate in the multi-player trial competition.

And in those multi-person trial venues, you may encounter any dangerous situation.

Although he has the help of his two spiritual pets, the Rock Turtle and the Silver Lightning Python, he is still in danger if he encounters multiple enemies joining forces.

Therefore, it is imperative to enhance one's own combat strength in battle.

Among them, Dharma Talisman is easy to say.

Zhou Daoyi, the head of the Zhou family, is very good at making talismans and can make many kinds of first-level high-quality talismans.

Zhou Chun then asked the clan leader to make a batch of first-order talismans with various uses in return for his family's good deeds.

But as for magic weapons, Zhou Chun could only continue to go to the market to buy them.

After visiting many shops selling magical artifacts in Fang City, Zhou Chun added two more first-class magical artifacts for himself.

Now that he has reached the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage, his spiritual consciousness and mana have greatly increased, and it is no problem to use four or five first-level high-quality magic weapons in a battle.

Then considering that he might encounter a consuming and protracted war, Zhou Chun bought three more [Returning Pills] as backup.

After everything was ready, Zhou Chun concentrated on practicing meditation within the family, waiting for the start of the "Tian Ling Trial".

However, before he could wait for the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" to change, Qinglian Temple over there had already begun to release news about the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The news that Zhou Daoyi received was similar. Qinglianguan had indeed spent a lot of money this time and took out as many as thirty Foundation Establishment Pills as a reward at one time.

According to the reward requirements of Qinglian Temple, as long as you kill two missionaries of the Hualong Sect, you will be rewarded with a Foundation Building Pill.

At the same time, if some important information clues are provided, allowing Qinglian Temple to gain a lot in the operation against the Hualong Cult, they will also be rewarded with Foundation Establishment Pills.

In addition to foundation-building pills, Qinglian Temple also provided many pills that can improve the cultivation of monks in the Qi-refining period, and even auxiliary foundation-building items like spiritual fruit as rewards, encouraging monks within the territory to report Kill the followers of Hualong Cult to get rewards.

As soon as this news came out, the monks in several states in the southern part of Jingguo were indeed much more attentive and energetic in dealing with the Hualong Sect than before.

On the Zhou family's side, Zhou Daoyi was also a little ready to make a move.

Rare resources like Foundation Establishment Pills are usually tightly controlled by the big forces, and they will only occasionally release some into the city to give hope to other small and medium-sized forces and casual cultivators.

Like this time Qinglian Guan took out thirty Foundation Establishment Pills, he might not get the chance in a hundred or two hundred years.

If you miss this opportunity, getting a foundation-building pill to build Zhou Chun's foundation will not be an easy task even for a monk in the Purple Mansion Stage like Zhou Mingde.

But he also agreed to escort Zhou Chun to the Tianling Gate site to participate in the "Tianling Trial". If he walked away at this time, he might not be able to receive the news in time and rush back to his family.

So I can only hold on to myself and pay attention to the situation first.

In this way, in just over two months, Hualong Sect's manpower operating in Jingguo suffered heavy losses.

Those monks who could not withstand the temptation and defected to the Hualong Cult were killed in large numbers, which severely shocked other people who were in a state of wavering.

However, Zhou Daoyi judged that after Hualong Sect suffered this loss, it would definitely not give up easily.

There should be more violent counterattacks in the future.

At this time, the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" that Zhou Chun had been carrying around him finally started to move.

I saw him holding the token in his hand. The word "Tian Ling" on the token was flickering and slightly hot.

After seeing this situation, Zhou Chun hurriedly went to the clan leader Zhou Daoyi to explain the situation.

"That's right, this should be the start of the Heavenly Spirit Trial."

After Zhou Daoyi checked the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit", he confirmed that the abnormal movement was related to the opening of the trial place.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "You wait here for now. After I explain the situation to the Supreme Elder, I will take you to the Tianling Gate ruins."

After waiting like this for half an hour, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi left the Zhou family in Jiufeng Ridge.

I don't know if it was because there were only two of them, but Zhou Daoyi did not release the Azure Cloud Python to travel on his behalf this time, but chose to fly with the imperial weapon to take Zhou Chun on the road.

In this way, the two of them headed north. In just over two days, they flew six to seven thousand miles and directly arrived at Lingzhou, the northernmost part of Jingguo.

Lingzhou, also called Nanlingzhou.

Because the territory of Chengguo to the north of Lingzhou in Jingguo is also called Lingzhou, also known as Beilingzhou.

The Tianlingmen ruins thousands of years ago are located in a deserted land at the junction of North and South Lingzhou.

It is said that thousands of years ago, the land of Lingzhou was the most prosperous place for cultivating immortals within tens of thousands of miles, and the mountain gate of Tianling Gate was located here.

Later, with the destruction of Tianlingmen, the Tianlingmen Mountain Gate, which was once rich in aura, was completely destroyed in that war and became a land of ruins.

After Zhou Daoyi escorted Zhou Chun into Lingzhou, he first looked for someone to find out the specific direction, and then took Zhou Chun straight to the Tianlingmen ruins.

Not long after this, a large gravel wasteland covered with gravel and weeds appeared in Zhou Chun's sight.

According to the guide, when you see this gravel wasteland, you have arrived at the Tianlingmen ruins.

Because the gravel on this gravel wasteland was formed by the weathering of the years after the Tianlingmen gate was destroyed.

After walking for more than three hundred miles along this gravel wasteland, Zhou Chun and the others arrived at the real site of Tianling Gate.

It was an even more desolate and dilapidated place, so desolate that even after so many years, only some weeds grew here, and there were not even a few trees in sight.

When Zhou Chun and others arrived here, hundreds of monks from three countries, including Jingguo, Chengguo, and Shenguo, had gathered here.

Most of them are similar to Zhou Chun and his group. They are led by one or more elders in the foundation-building stage, escorting one or more Qi-refining stage monks who are participating in the "Tianling Trial".

The Qi Refining Stage monks here are all at the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage.

But compared to young faces like Zhou Chun, there are quite a few gray-haired monks in the Qi Refining Stage.

Obviously, these old monks came to participate in this trial to verify whether their own cultivation strength is fake, and to gain the benefits from it is real.

According to the information Zhou Chun learned from Liu Shiyun, there are many rare elixirs growing in some places in the trial area that are difficult to find in the outside world. Some elixirs are even guarded by second-level monsters. This is not the Qi refining period at all. Something that a monk can easily obtain.

Such forces who know this kind of information, with the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" in their hands, will definitely select some powerful monks in the Qi Refining Stage to participate in the trial and try to pick those rare elixirs.

After Zhou Daoyi brought Zhou Chun over, the monks who arrived first just looked at the two of them and then looked away.

After the Tianling Sect was destroyed, the "Tianling Trial" became a trial that everyone had the opportunity to participate in, and no one could ever think of turning it into a private place.

Unless you directly find and break the formation restrictions in the trial area.

Therefore, before the trial begins, no one will conflict with others outside.

After waiting at the Tianlingmen ruins for nearly four days, the number of Qi Refining Stage monks gathered at the ruins has reached hundreds.

At this time, the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit", which had never received a strong response, finally behaved strangely again.

Pieces of "Heavenly Spirit's Orders" suddenly broke away from their master's hands and flew into the air.

Then a bright silvery white light bloomed.

When some monks in the Qi Refining Stage saw this scene, they immediately rushed into the silver-white light with their royal weapons, and reached out to hold the token.

"Masachun, you go too."

Zhou Daoyi narrowed his eyes and immediately told Zhou Chun to do it.

And none of the monks who can be here are fools.

Soon those monks who didn't understand the meaning of doing this also jumped into the air and held their own "Order of the Heavenly Spirit".

After a while, a silver-white vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then Zhou Chun felt the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" in his hand suddenly fly upwards, dragging himself towards the silver-white vortex.

He looked at the people who first came up to hold the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" and found that none of them resisted the pull.

So he could only bite the bullet and use the token in his hand to drag himself towards the silver-white vortex in the sky.

When his body entered the silver-white vortex, Zhou Chun's vision suddenly went dark and he lost consciousness instantly.

When he regained consciousness, he was already in a sealed stone room.

"This feeling of being out of control is really unpleasant!"

In the stone room, after waking up, Zhou Chun raised his hand slightly and rubbed his eyebrows, and complained a little unhappily.

Then he began to look at the stone chamber.

Just like inside the intelligence, there is nothing noteworthy about this stone room.

It serves only as the initial shelter for those who participate in the trial.

Every monk who participates in the trial will appear in a separate stone room like this at the beginning.

Then there was waiting, waiting for the monks in front of him to pass through the single-player trial levels first.

The wait won't be too long, because there are five single-player trial levels that can be played at the same time.

Zhou Chun only waited for almost two hours when the sealed stone door in front of him suddenly opened automatically.

What I saw outside the stone door was not a passage, but a white light curtain.

Zhou Chun just looked at the light screen out of curiosity and then ran into it.

Then there was a sudden spin, and he appeared in a sealed stone alley.

At the end of the hundred-foot-long alley ahead, there was a red dragon-headed statue, and behind the statue was a white light curtain.

Next to him, there is a stone tablet that introduces the rules for entering this level.

It says that this level is called "Fire Dragon Alley". The test is very simple. You just need to be able to rush into the light curtain at the back during the attack of the red dragon head statue.

During this period, you can use any spells and magic weapons to resist, but you are not allowed to use second-level magic symbols or magic weapons.

Once the second-level spell energy fluctuation is detected, the attack of the red dragon head statue will be strengthened to the second level!

Seeing this, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, and did not release the rock turtle that was good at defense. Instead, he planned to rely on his own strength to break through.

He first made a secret and cast a spell, blessing himself with the "Five Elements Spirit Armor" which would not hinder his movements.

Then he activated the [Mingxia Pendant] worn close to his body, releasing clouds of yellow clouds to protect himself, and then raised his hand and used the [Golden Scale Shield] to protect himself.

After taking good protection in this way, with the blessing of "Wind Control", he quickly rushed to the end of the alley with the [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel] in hand.

Almost as soon as Zhou Chung crossed the starting line, the red dragon head at the end of the alley automatically activated and unleashed an attack.

There was a flash of fire in the dragon's open mouth, and it spit out seven red fireballs in succession towards Zhou Chun.

After Zhou Chun relied on layers of protection to withstand the explosion bombardment of these seven fireballs, he rushed out of the flames.

A pillar of crimson fire spurted out from the dragon's mouth again, hitting him with a bang.


The sound of a powerful explosion was raging in Zhou Chun's ears. He finally advanced more than ten feet, but was directly blown back nearly ten feet. He almost exited the starting line on the spot and failed to break through!

"This is too perverted!"

He gritted his teeth and cursed the pervert.

The attack power of the crimson pillar of fire just now was almost stuck at the critical point between a second-level spell and a first-level spell. It would definitely be wrong to say that it was a second-level spell.

But its power is definitely stronger than any first-level high-grade spell.

And this is the first level!

But even so, Zhou Chun still didn't release the rock turtle.

He came to participate in the trial with the intention of verifying his own strength.

If he couldn't help but release the Rock Turtle when faced with such a dead level, how could he verify his own strength?

So he quickly activated the magic weapon to protect himself and continued to pass the level.

This time, when the crimson pillar of fire struck again, Zhou Chun directly used the [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel] to hit it, and then turned sideways to avoid it.

Although doing so caused the magical weapon [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel] to be blown away directly outside the alley, it successfully prevented Zhou Chun from being blown away.

He rushed forward against the aftermath of the explosion of the fire pillar, and quickly crossed half the distance.

At this time, the red dragon head's mouth was filled with fire again, and it suddenly spit out a long stream of red flames and burned towards Zhou Chun.

The red flames filled the entire alley, leaving no room to escape.

Zhou Chun had to endure the burning flames and run the remaining dozens of feet.


In the fierce flames, Zhou Chun's face was burned red.

He gritted his teeth and poured all his mana into [Mingxia Pendant], then took out a "Water Spirit Amulet" to bless his body, and charged forward against the flames.

This journey, which lasted only a few breaths, was the most difficult journey he had ever taken in his life.

When he finally touched the white light curtain, his whole body was drenched in sweat.

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