Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 135 Zhou Chun Foundation Establishment Skill Selection [Please subscribe]

After the initial foundation building failed, Zhou Chun rested for almost ten days.

The main thing is to smooth out the impact of the Qihai Point, and the other is to summarize the experience and lessons.

Failure is the mother of success. Only after experiencing failure can we know better how to find success.

After Zhou Chun concluded, he found that the reason for his failure in the previous foundation building meeting was that it took too long to explore the illusion, and a lot of the power of the foundation building pill was consumed at that time.

Otherwise, the impact caused by the collapse of the cyclone may not be able to break through the protective film formed by the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill in one go.

Another part of the reason is naturally that he had a problem with the control when reversing the mana cyclone in the last step and failed to grasp the rhythm well.

Next, he attacked the foundation building again. These two points were still difficulties that he needed to overcome.

However, with this first failure experience and the fact that when he takes the Foundation Establishment Pill for the second time, no more medicinal power will be wasted on removing "impurities" from the body, Zhou Chun still has great confidence in the success of Foundation Establishment. .

So after his body returned to normal, he took the second Foundation Building Pill again and started the second Foundation Building.

Sure enough, after taking the Foundation Establishment Pill this time, almost no impurities could be seen on Zhou Chun's body surface.

And he soon hit the foundation building level again.

Different from last time, this time Zhou Chun faced another illusion. After he failed to take two foundation-building pills, he was disgusted and abandoned by the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde.

In his heart, he had always had doubts and worries about the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde not being close to him.

In this illusion, his doubts and worries were infinitely magnified.

In the illusion, he escaped from seclusion after his failure. The Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde not only ignored the pleas of the patriarch Zhou Daoyi, but also rejected the suggestion of obtaining the Foundation Establishment Pill for him to build the foundation for the third time. He also asked him to sacrifice all his wealth to compensate for the losses. Two foundation building pills.

When the other tribesmen learned that he had taken two Foundation-Building Pills and failed to establish the Foundation, they were also jealous of his treatment and strongly supported the decision of Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde.

Those tribesmen who had a good relationship with him now looked at him with very disappointed and disgusted eyes.

Compared with the previous illusion, this one is more lifelike and perfectly illustrates the evil of human nature.

However, Zhou Chun did not indulge in the illusion for long this time, and quickly broke through the illusion and regained consciousness.

He is not a supporter of "evil nature" and has always believed that sincerity can be exchanged for true love.

Zhou Chun's great contribution to the Zhou family, not to mention two Foundation Establishment Pills, even three or five Foundation Establishment Pills are completely enough.

What's more, his management ability and combat ability are among the best among the younger generation of the Zhou family.

Moreover, both the patriarch Zhou Daoyi and the third elder Zhou Daoquan were able to survive the "soul heart fruit" he offered.

So he never believed that he would be so ruthlessly abandoned just because he failed to build the foundation!

Even after Zhou Jiacheng failed to take the Foundation Building Pill to build the foundation, the patriarch Zhou Daoyi never blamed him.

How could he, Zhou Chun, be abandoned!

So with this sincerity, Zhou Chun easily broke through the illusion and regained consciousness.

When he regained consciousness this time, he found that less than 20% of the potency of the Foundation Establishment Pill had been used.

This made him feel relaxed and more confident.

Next, he condensed the mana cyclone again, and because of the previous failure experience, he succeeded after only two attempts.

When it came time to reverse the mana cyclone, Zhou Chun calmed down and tried slowly.

Although he still failed once in the middle, with the medicinal support of the Foundation Establishment Pill, the protective film easily withstood the mana impact after the failure.

When he tried again for the third time, Zhou Chun finally pushed the mana cyclone smoothly and completed the reversal.

Tick ​​tock!

Suddenly, a crisp sound of water droplets sounded from Zhou Chun's body.

Below the reversal of the cyclone, a drop of mana and essence exuding golden, yellow and green auras dripped down like the rain and dew of early spring, falling into the originally empty sea of ​​​​qi below.

Then, drop after drop of mana essence continued to drip down like water drops from a faucet, gradually accumulating a small pond in Zhou Chun's Qi sea.

After the last drop of mana and true essence dripped down, there was no longer any mist-like mana in Zhou Chunqi Sea, only a pool of mana and true essence flashing with three-color aura.


Zhou Chun looked at the mana pool that appeared in the Qi Sea, and his heart finally fell back into his stomach.

Then he started to use his skills to direct the true magic power out of the sea of ​​qi and guide the flow to other meridians and acupoints.

After this guidance, it was discovered that the "Five Qi Chaoyang Sutra" originally practiced was far less effective at guiding the true energy of mana than the previous effect on mist-like mana.

The time it takes to perform the same exercise in one circle is several times longer than before!

This means that if he practices this method again, his speed will be several times slower than before!

With such a huge difference, it's no wonder that after a monk establishes the foundation, the first thing he does is to quickly switch to cultivation techniques.

As the mana and essence circulated in the meridians and acupoints, nourishing the nearby flesh and bones, Zhou Chun soon discovered that his body was gradually changing.

He knew in his heart that this was the beginning of the real mana refining and nourishing the body, making the body gradually transcend the world.

This step is slow and long-term, and it usually takes more than half a year to complete the tempering.

Only then can you truly become a foundation-building monk from the inside out.

This is not only true for the physical body, but also for spiritual consciousness.

Zhou Chun now feels that although his spiritual consciousness has increased a lot, it is still not to the level where a monk in the foundation building stage can easily reach hundreds of feet.

However, every time the magic energy circulates through acupuncture points such as Yintang and Shenting, it will nourish the soul and strengthen the consciousness.

If this continues, sooner or later his spiritual consciousness will grow to a point that is much stronger than that of ordinary monks in the early stages of foundation building.

So for the next time, Zhou Chun meditated peacefully in the secret room, carrying mana and essence to nourish his body.

Although the "Five Qi Chaoyang Sutra" is no longer suitable for use, compared with the time it takes to re-learn the technique, it is obviously more cost-effective to continue to use this technique to transport the magic power and temper the body now.

Moreover, Zhou Chun's body that has not yet completed its transformation may not be able to adapt to the practice of new techniques.

After almost three months of Zhou Chun's retreat and foundation building, he finally came out first.

At this time, Zhou Chun's body had not yet completed transformation, and his consciousness had not yet reached its growth limit.

But he has already mastered all the abilities such as air control and flying that a monk in the foundation-building stage can master.

After coming out of seclusion, he was just like the Zhou Jiarui he had seen before, he couldn't wait to fly into the air and experience the pleasure of flying with air.

I saw him raising his hands slightly, and as his mind moved, his body floated back and forth in the sky as light as the wind, rising and falling at will.

As long as the mana is still there, he can maintain this state.

This feeling of free flying is far beyond what the Royal Flying Magic Artifact can match.

Zhou Chun's movements naturally quickly attracted the attention of the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

Soon his laughter full of joy rang out on Pagoda Peak.

"Hahahaha, Masazumi, you finally got out of seclusion!"

I saw a flash of cyan light, and Zhou Daoyi's figure soon appeared in mid-air.

His face was full of joyful smile, and he looked much happier than Zhou Chun who had just left isolation.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was very moved. He hurriedly lowered his height, saluted him and said, "The clan leader is on top. Fortunately, this junior has lived up to his command."

After finishing speaking, he said with a hint of regret: "It's a pity that this junior is not very capable and couldn't save a Foundation Establishment Pill for the family!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi waved his hands with a smile and said: "As long as you can successfully build the foundation, those foreign objects will be gone if they are gone. We will find a way to get them later."

As he spoke, he moved and fell towards the ground. At the same time, he said: "Come, follow me into the hall and explain slowly."

After entering the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Daoyi just casually asked Zhou Chun a few questions about his feelings after establishing the foundation, and then quickly got to the point.

"Now that you have successfully established the foundation, it is time to complete some of the promises I made to you on behalf of my family."

"Let's do this. Three months later, the family will hold a foundation-building celebration for you. At that time, I will invite some monks from other families to attend, and then ask the Supreme Elder to announce in public that you have been appointed deputy clan leader!"

"As for the original promise of the Supreme Elder to personally give you the magic weapon, whether it still counts now, I will have to ask for instructions again to find out. You don't have to worry."

It was originally said that Zhou Chun succeeded in building the foundation by taking only one foundation-building pill. Not only could he immediately become the deputy clan leader, he would also receive many superhuman benefits.

But now Zhou Chun had to take two foundation-building pills to successfully build the foundation.

Taking one more Foundation Building Pill will certainly consume a lot more of the contribution he made to his family.

So Zhou Daoyi was not sure what the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde was thinking.

Although Zhou Chun also wanted to get what Zhou Daoyi said, he didn't have to.

After all, he now has two second-level magic weapons in his hands!

So Dang Ji responded: "Junior understands, patriarch, don't worry, no matter what the family decides, junior will never have any complaints!"

"Well, it's good if you have this mentality."

Zhou Daoyi nodded slightly and was very satisfied with Zhou Chun's answer.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and asked again: "Have you thought about the choice of exercises?"

Hearing his question, Zhou Chun immediately replied without hesitation: "Junior has already thought about it, and he must practice the kind of technique that can not only obtain powerful supernatural powers and spells, but also quickly improve his magical power!"

"Oh, are you really sure? This is a major event that will affect your future life. You must be cautious!"

Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun seriously, seeming a little surprised by his answer.

Zhou Chunze said with a firm face: "Junior is determined and is willing to bear all the consequences!"

Seeing how firmly he answered, Zhou Daoyi also knew that he had really made up his mind.

So he didn't give any more advice, just nodded and said: "Okay, now that you have decided, after you have completely stabilized your cultivation, come to me, and I will take you to choose the right person." The technique you requested!"

"Yes, this junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded and went back to his residence to continue stabilizing his cultivation.

Soon, the news of Zhou Chun's successful foundation building spread throughout the Zhou family like a gust of wind.

After Zhou Jiarui and Zhou Jiahe, two monks of the "family" generation, succeeded in building foundations one after another, the first monk of the "zheng" generation of the Zhou family was finally born!

When the news spread, many Zhou family monks were happy and complicated in their hearts.

Of course, I am happy because the family has one more foundation-building monk, and its strength has been enhanced.

However, Zhou Chun, the thirteenth "righteous" member of the clan, succeeded in building a foundation, which made some elders and fellow monks feel quite uncomfortable.

Some of them are more than twice as old as Zhou Chun, and some were once at the same level of cultivation as Zhou Chun.

But now Zhou Chun has succeeded in building the foundation, and they will probably never have the chance to build the foundation in this life!

This huge gap certainly makes people feel uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect him to reach this point so quickly!"

On Baozhi Peak, Fifth Elder Zhou Jiahe was surprised and happy after hearing the news. He was also amazed that Zhou Chun had successfully built the foundation so quickly.

"I originally thought that I would build the foundation first, so that it would be much easier to return his favor, but I didn't expect that he would be ahead of me now!"

When Zhou Jiapeng learned the news about Zhou Chun's successful foundation building, he was filled with emotion and was filled with wonder in his heart.

"Sure enough, I knew that this thirteenth brother must have a bright future. He is a thirty-six-year-old foundation-building monk. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Clan brother Zhou Zhengyu, who once went to Yunzhou with Zhou Chun to investigate the dragon intelligence, could only marvel after hearing the news.

As for Zhou Zhengtao, the clan brother who had said harsh words to Zhou Chun during the previous operation to capture the Octagonal Water Deer, when he heard the news, everyone was dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a long time, he sighed quietly: "It's really annoying to compare people to each other!"

Not to mention how other Zhou family monks reacted when they heard the news that Zhou Chun had successfully built the foundation.

After Zhou Chun returned to his residence, he couldn't help but think of the previous question and answer with the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

It turns out that after a monk establishes a foundation, the techniques he transfers to practice are generally divided into three categories.

One type is a technique that allows the cultivator to obtain powerful magical powers to defeat enemies after being practiced. If these techniques are successfully practiced, they will be equipped with relatively powerful magical powers and certain characteristics, which will greatly enhance the cultivator's fighting ability and even It is to fight beyond the level!

However, the shortcomings of this type of practice are also obvious. Usually, after practice, the speed of mana improvement is very slow. It may take fifty or sixty years to break through a small realm.

A monk who has practiced this kind of technique will basically not be able to open up the Purple Mansion!

The second type of exercises is just the opposite. After practicing, not only the magic power is improved at an alarming rate, and it is easier to practice successfully, but the chance of encountering the bottleneck level of practice in the future is also much lower than that of the first type of exercises.

However, the shortcomings of this technique are also obvious, that is, it has almost no ability to protect oneself, and the magical powers attached to it are pitifully small, and the monks cannot obtain any increase in combat power from the technique.

If they have the same level of cultivation, it is almost impossible for a monk who practices the second type of technique to compete with a monk who practices the first type of technique, and may even be defeated by the opponent!

But even so, many monks will still choose to practice the second type of skills in order to break through the realm and gain a longer life.

After all, seeking immortality is the original intention of many people to embark on the path of cultivating immortality.

In addition to the first two types of exercises, there is another type of exercises, and that is the type of exercises chosen by Zhou Chun.

This third type of exercise can be said to have the advantages of the previous two types of exercises. It can not only greatly improve the monk's fighting ability, obtain powerful magical powers to defeat enemies, but also improve the magic power very quickly.

But this type of exercise also has its shortcomings.

That is, this type of exercise not only has many restrictions during practice, but the practice process is also very dangerous. Life may be in danger at every turn, and you may die during practice if you are not careful!

Generally, monks who are not gifted and have abilities beyond the reach of ordinary people will not choose to practice this third type of technique.

In addition, compared to the first two types of skills, the third type of skills is also very small in number, very precious, and difficult to obtain easily.

Currently, there is not a single monk in the Zhou family who dares to practice the third type of exercises!

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