Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 606 Fourth-order Golden-winged Tiger [Please subscribe]

"It's a pity that this is the Great Zhou Kingdom. It's not convenient for you, Zhengchun, to take action with all your strength. Otherwise, we would directly rob the Shenmu Sect's group and we wouldn't have to waste such a precious elixir!"

In a valley, when Zhou Mingde learned the details of his transaction with the great elder of the Shenmu Sect from Zhou Chun who had returned, he immediately sighed with regret.

Zhou Chun already knew the character of his elder, so it was difficult to comment on it.

In fact, snatching it directly seems to be the most cost-effective thing. Not only can you get the "Emperor Flow Serum", but you can also get the other party's relics.

But unless forced to do something like this, Zhou Chun would generally not do it.

He knew very well that once something like this started, it would be difficult to stop it later.

Relying on my own strength, I have tasted the benefits of buying and selling without capital. When I see something I want in the future, the first thought in my mind will not be to trade and buy it, but to grab it directly!

However, as the saying goes, if you always stand by the river, your shoes will never get wet!

Even if you are strong and lucky, you can successfully rob once, twice, or ten times.

As long as you fail once, you often pay for it with your own life!

This is just like drug gambling, even scarier than drug gambling!

Once you get hooked, it's hard to quit!

Therefore, Zhou Chun would basically not consider such a thing unless it was a last resort and the other party was not a treacherous person.

He has his own way and his own persistence!

What's more, Zhou Mingde also said that this is the Great Zhou Kingdom, a place where high-level monks are everywhere.

Zhou Chun wanted to take down the great elder of the Shenmu Sect who was in the late stage of Jindan, but he couldn't let him escape into the mountain gate not far away. It was impossible without showing his true skills.

And once the Lingbao is used, who knows whether it will cause death for himself!

Therefore, he quickly said to Zhou Mingde: "'Emperor's Liquid' is not easy to store for a long time. The sooner you take it, the better. Elder Taishang, please release the Vulcan Jackal quickly and let it take its portion first." !”

"It's easy to talk about."

Zhou Mingde responded, then patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the Vulcan Jackal.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately took out the jade bottle containing the "Emperor's Liquid" and fed about a quarter of it to the Vulcan Jackal.

It's just that the "Emperor's Liquid" is too attractive to monsters. Even though the portion given by Zhou Chun is not small, the Vulcan Jackal still looked at the jade in his hand with wide eyes after eating it. Bottle, eyes full of greed.

When Zhou Mingde saw this scene, he kicked it angrily and shouted: "You insatiable lazy guy, what are you looking at? Why don't you go back and refine the medicine!"

With that said, he forcibly took the unsatisfied Vulcan Jackal back into his spirit beast bag.

Zhou Chun could only smile and shake his head at this, took out another jade bottle, poured out the same amount of "Emperor's Liquid" as before, dropped it into it, and handed it to Zhou Mingde.

Then he said solemnly: "You should keep this 'Emperor's Liquid' and take it immediately back to Uncle Dao Yi's green dragon for consumption. With its dragon bloodline, this thing should be able to make it break through the four realms in the future." The steps are much smoother!”

"Don't worry, I will rush back all the way without stopping. I will never miss such an important event!"

Zhou Mingde nodded solemnly, immediately put away the jade bottle and set off directly to return to his family.

After Zhou Chun sent Zhou Mingde away, he immediately followed the reaction between him and his spiritual pet and followed Lin Hongyu's direction.

After flying thousands of miles like this, Zhou Chun found Lin Hongyu hiding in a small city.

By this time, the Golden-winged Tiger had already taken the portion of the "Emperor's Liquid" that Lin Hongyu had won.

But Zhou Chun was afraid that the portion was not enough, so he divided half of the remaining "Emperor Liquid" in his hand and gave it to it.

After Zhou Chun thought about the last remaining "Emperor's Liquid", he did not feed it to Bai Bai, the thunder dragon who had been following him and had made great contributions. Instead, he fed them all to the Fire Phoenix of Hell!

His choice was based on what was most beneficial to himself and his spiritual pets.

Thunder Dragon Baibai's own bloodline qualifications are already very high. As long as he reaches the level of cultivation in the future, there will be almost no problem in causing the thunder tribulation of heaven.

Therefore, if "Emperor Flow Serum" is given to it now, it cannot be said that it has no effect. It can only be said that the effect is not as great as if given to other spiritual pets.

The situation of Mu Mei Mulang and Jin Jia Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone is similar to it, and they can grow to the point of causing thunder tribulation of heaven without taking "Emperor's Liquid".

All in all, only Yanjinghuofeng may be stuck at this level in the future because his bloodline and quality are not high enough.

So now that we can improve its bloodline quality, we still have to try our best to help it.

As for the Golden-winged Tiger, it hasn't even broken through to the fourth level yet. It's too early to talk about the fifth level!

And based on the speed it is lagging behind now, it is estimated that by the time it reaches the fourth level of cultivation, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Shitou, and even the Mu Mei Mu Sang will be able to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven.

At that time, every spiritual pet that has passed through the tribulation first needs to give it evenly from the "Emperor Ooze" obtained by itself, and its bloodline quality can be improved by one liter, and even the thunder dragon can benefit from this!

After feeding the spiritual pets in this way, Zhou Chun separated from Lin Hongyu, who planned to hide in Tianyuan Fairy City for a while.

With this risky move, Lin Hongyu was able to return the favor of Zhou Chun's gift of treasure.

Afterwards, Zhou Chun returned to the family with two spiritual pets who had benefited from Po Tian.

Interestingly, although it took some time for Zhou Chun to find Lin Hongyu, because of his high level of cultivation and faster speed, he actually returned to Zhou's house one day earlier than Zhou Mingde.

This also made him a little bit dumbfounded.

Fortunately, with Zhou Mingde's safe return, Zhou Daoyi's green dragon also successfully drank the "Emperor's Liquid".

But Zhou Daoyi did not dare to stay in the family longer. After Zhou Mingde came back, he returned to Tianyuan Immortal City.

Zhou Chun, on the other hand, went to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold in the wilderness for retreat and replaced Lin Hongyu there.

Besides, several spiritual pets behaved differently after taking "Emperor's Liquid Serum".

Because the Fire Phoenix's cultivation level was high enough, soon after taking the "Emperor's Liquid", it was completely refined, and as Zhou Chun expected, it successfully condensed the sixth Fire Phoenix True Feather.

However, the usefulness of "Emperor's Liquid" seemed to be limited to this, and it did not show any more magical effects.

It may be that the amount of it taken is not enough.

As for the Golden-winged Tiger and the Vulcan Jackal, because their respective cultivation levels had already reached the third level of high-level perfection, after taking the "Emperor's Liquid", they both fell into a deep sleep and seemed to be preparing to attack the fourth level.

As their owners, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were naturally surprised and filled with expectations.

If they all succeed in breaking through the realm in one fell swoop, then the Zhou family will have two more fourth-level monsters.

By then, Zhou Jiaguang will be a golden elixir stage monk and the number of fourth-level monsters will total more than a dozen. This is a solid foundation for a powerful force!

Time passed slowly, and soon three years passed.

In the past three years, Zhou Chun has only focused on cultivating in the cave, waiting for his spiritual pet to break through.

Although some big and small things happened in the Zhou family during this period, it was generally stable.

After three years of slumber, Golden Winged Tiger was the first to take that step.

On this day, Zhou Chun was practicing in the cave as usual, and suddenly he sensed a strange movement in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave, and a large amount of it rushed towards a certain spirit beast room, which was where the golden-winged tiger was.

The appearance of this kind of movement made his face suddenly filled with joy, and then he immediately stopped practicing, got up and left the cave, so as not to disturb the Golden Winged Tiger's breakthrough.

But the strange phenomenon of the monster breaking through the fourth level soon appeared.

I saw a green evil wind suddenly coming out near the mountain peak where Zhouchun Cave Mansion was located, blowing down many trees on the mountain.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and immediately took action to protect several medicine gardens on the mountain and save the precious elixirs inside.

This kind of movement quickly alerted the monks in the entire stronghold, and they all ran out of their residences to watch the excitement.

"Master Patriarch, do you want your subordinates to restrain those people?"

Xu Fu, who always knew how to wink, hurriedly asked Zhou Chun for instructions.

"Well, then I'll leave you with this matter. Let me tell you that it's just my spiritual pet that is breaking through to a great realm, so there is no need to panic."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and explained the situation calmly.

After hearing what he said, Xu Fu was shocked at first, then quickly saluted and congratulated him, and then restrained his men sensibly.

About half a month later, a majestic and domineering tiger roar suddenly erupted, resounding throughout the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic and majestic giant winged tiger soared into the sky from Zhouchun Cave Mansion and appeared in mid-air.

I saw that this giant tiger was more than ten feet long, with a wingspan of more than ten feet. The hair on its body was green and gold, and it looked majestic.

However, Zhou Chun noticed that the "king" mark on the golden-winged tiger's forehead turned into light silver at this moment, and there were also some faint silver rune marks on the wings.

This made his mind stir, and he immediately had some speculations.

In order to verify his guess, Zhou Chun immediately flew on the back of the golden-winged tiger, and then stepped on the flying tiger to leave the stronghold and fly into the wilderness.

Not long after, in a rocky mountain range in the wilderness, the fourth-order monster Golden Winged Tiger, which had just successfully broken through, began to display its newly awakened magical power at Zhou Chun's signal.

But seeing the golden aura shining on its wings, he suddenly flapped his wings, and a golden gust of wind swept towards the forest of stone pillars in front of him.

The stone pillars in the Stone Pillar Peak Forest are all solid stones that have endured thousands of years of wind and rain erosion.

However, under the strong golden wind, these stone pillars instantly seemed to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. A large amount of stone powder rose into the sky, covering the sky and the earth.

When the dust settled, an empty and flat land appeared directly inside the rugged Stone Pillar Peak Forest.

The stone pillars and stones that were originally located there were all turned into dust and flew to unknown directions!

This is the powerful magical power that Golden Winged Tiger awakened after breaking through the fourth level. It is called [Bone Transforming Golden Wind]. Strictly speaking, it is a metallic magical power.

This kind of magical power is designed to destroy those monsters with strong physical defenses. Once the wind touches the physical body, even if your physical defenses are strong, the all-pervasive golden wind will consume and erode the blood of your physical body.

Even if it is difficult to break your defense for a while, after a few blows of wind, your physical health will be greatly reduced, thus weakening the defense.

For those targets whose bodies are not strong enough, this wind can turn them into powder silently!

Then I saw the golden-winged tiger open its mouth wide, a green light emerged from the mouth, and suddenly spit out a spherical blue light group that seemed to be composed of countless rotating wind blades.

This spherical cyan light group as big as a water tank had just come out of the tiger's mouth, and it quickly broke through the air and bombarded a huge rock thousands of feet away at a speed comparable to lightning.


Along with a roar, countless tiny wind blades were seen scattering from where the light ball landed, tearing the boulder dozens of feet in diameter into countless pieces in the blink of an eye!

This is another powerful magical power that Golden Winged Tiger awakened after breaking through the fourth level. It is called [Sky Wind Splitting Cloud Bullet]. It is a wind attribute magical power with very powerful single target attack power.

As for the Golden Winged Tiger, which has three attributes, after breaking through the fourth level, it is naturally impossible to awaken and master only these two magical powers.

In fact, these two magical powers are just advanced magical powers that it originally possessed!

However, it suddenly roared, and as its wings flapped, two cyan whirlwinds emerged, spinning around it.

This is the wind attribute defensive magical power [Wall of Whirlwind]. Two cyclones can automatically protect and intercept all incoming attacks.

Immediately afterwards, golden light emerged from the Golden Winged Tiger's body again, condensing into a golden aura armor to protect itself.

This is another metallic defensive magical power [Black Tiger Golden Armor], and its defensive power is not inferior to those low-grade defensive magic weapons.

Zhou Chun took action personally, condensing a [God-killing Golden Ge] to attack the Golden Winged Tiger.

As a result, although the golden Chang Ge penetrated and defeated a cyan whirlwind and tore a gap in the golden spiritual light armor, it could no longer cause damage to the powerful body of the fourth-level monster.

This shows how powerful the two defensive magical powers of the Golden Winged Tiger are!

But the power of the Golden Winged Tiger naturally goes far beyond that, because in addition to its metallic and wind attributes, it also possesses mysterious and powerful spatial attributes!

After breaking through the fourth level this time, the power of the two spatial magical powers it originally mastered has been greatly strengthened, and it has also awakened another spatial magical power.

But with a flash of silver light on his body, his figure instantly appeared somewhere a hundred feet away, and the flashing distance of the "Flash in the Sky" increased several times!

Then the word "王" on its forehead suddenly glowed with silver light, and a pale silver light blade suddenly shot out.

This light blade was only about a foot long, but when it appeared, Zhou Chun felt alarm signs in his heart and felt a great threat.

And on a mountain peak that was hit by the pale silver light blade, a hole of unknown length appeared directly on the mountain!

After this move was performed, the word "王" on the forehead of the golden-winged tiger was obviously much darker, and the aura on its body suddenly seemed a little sluggish, obviously due to a lot of consumption.

Then he saw him opening his mouth towards Zhou Chun and saying: "Master, I can only use this [Space Blade] magical power once in a short period of time. It will consume a lot of mana and energy!"

He actually spoke human words and said human words!

My friends are coming over to play. I may only be able to write 4,000 words in these two days.

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