On the island.

The Emperor Kaishima looked down at the tsunami that was constantly hitting the island.

His face was full of grief and indignation.

Almost all the buildings on the entire island were destroyed by this tsunami.

But the most important thing is people.

Ninety-nine percent of the people were wiped out by this tsunami.

From this moment on, he is the emperor of the island.

It is already a real existence in name only.

Everything on the land was destroyed.

Except for a few people who ran to the sky in time, few of the citizens survived.

The land was destroyed and the people lost.

This makes the emperor of the island nothing but an empty name.

"Deduction! Give me deduction!"

"The empress wants to see who is attacking my island!"

The Emperor Kaijima roared at the compass beside him.

The tsunami came really suddenly.

There was no warning, and it was directly a kilometer-high tsunami.

The Emperor Kaijima firmly believed that this was definitely not a natural disaster.

It must be a man-made disaster!

After getting the order, the compass pointer turned rapidly again.

All the mystical runes on the face of the compass lit up.

The pointer turned quickly, and only afterimages could be seen.

at the same time.

New World, inside an ancient relic cave.

"This is for Xiao Nie, this is for Xiao Qu, this is for Xiao Qu, and this is for Xiao Su.

"According to the days, Xiao Su should be at the lord level by now."

Gu Xinglan counted the gains this time.

While imagining belt.

At this moment, a light blue eye quietly appeared beside him.

The pupils are deep, as if they contain the stars of the universe, mysterious and unpredictable.

Star pupils trembled slightly to remind Gu Xinglan.

"Huh? What, someone used a deduction method to investigate Xiaosu?"

Gu Xinglan said in surprise.

In the next second, Tong Xinglan showed an angry expression on his face.

"MD, I don't know if this is my disciple, but he dares to play deduction on my head."

"Xingmu, stop his deduction and teach the other party a lesson!"

"Let's see who did it, how dare you do it.

Starlight bloomed in the star pupils who heard these words.

Dao Dao starlight escaped and began to block the opponent's deduction.

At the same time, through this deduction to trace the source, Dao's fierce attack followed.

"What?! You said Xiao Su set off a tsunami and wiped out the country?!"

Gu Xinglan was shocked for two seconds.

Then he laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, good good good, the craftsman is beautiful!"

"Worthy of being my disciple!"

"Xingmu, go all out, cover up everything about Xiao Su, don't let him be deduced by others.

After finishing speaking, Gu Xinglan lowered his head and murmured softly:

"Xiao Su's strength has grown much faster than I expected."

"It seems that I will go to bring him a gift this time, and it's time to change it."


over the island.

The Emperor Kaijima stared at the compass, eager to know who was behind the scenes.

However, in the next second, the pointer of the compass suddenly stopped rotating.

Multiple cracks began to appear on the surface.

Then, the entire compass exploded.

The emperor of the sea island was also affected by the death of the spirit beast.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the whole person's face was pale.

Instantly languished.

Seeing this, the other king-level beast stewards surrounded him one after another.

They are all waiting for the results of the deduction.

But this result was somewhat unexpected.

Not only did there not have any deduction results, but the emperor of the island also had an accident.

Even the king-level spirit beasts died.

"Emperor, what's the situation? Is it really impossible to deduce?"

"That's right, the emperor, there can't be no clues at all.

A king-level beast steward asked from the side.

Just at this time, a thick black air began to permeate around everyone.

Everyone felt a sense of fatigue.

The whole body began to be suppressed.

Immediately, everyone couldn't care about the pale-faced emperor Haidao.

They looked around vigilantly,

"Who! You pretender, get out!"

A king-level beast master roared angrily.

At the same time, black light bloomed from the body of his spirit beast, Demon Scythe Flying Beetle.

Several fierce sword lights attacked the surrounding black mist.

The light of the knife pierced through the black mist instantly.

But it didn't work.

The place pierced by the knife light instantly returned to its original state.

The knife light was submerged in the black mist.

Seeing this situation, all the island beast masters became extremely vigilant.

This black mist is undoubtedly Taotie's method.

Sovereign-level skills, demonic energy is monstrous!

Under the shroud of demonic energy, the strength of all spirit beasts was weakened to a certain extent.

At the same time, it also brought serious psychological pressure to all the island beast masters.

0 looking for flowers......

It is not terrible to deal with strong enemies.

It is scary to deal with unknown and powerful enemies.

Threats from the unknown are the most frightening.

Especially after the deduction of the emperor of the island was not successful, but it was his own problems.

All the island beast masters also increased their fear of this unknown enemy.

No one appeared, and directly killed a king-level spirit beast.

What kind of strength is this?!

Hidden in the magic energy, Su Qi chose to break them one by one.

Originally, he was still a little hesitant to make a move.

Until he saw that king-level compass shattered.

He made up his mind to do it!

Under the shroud of monstrous demonic energy.

Taotie made a move, and the realm of secret love unfolded.


Directly pull a king-level beast master into it.

Watching the sudden disappearance of a king-level beast master.

All the islanders became panicked.

too suddenly.

A king-level beast master, just gone?!

In the realm of gluttony.

The king-level beast master envoy saw this strange environment.

The whole person is in a state of extreme tension.

He could only maintain his emotions as much as possible by shouting constantly.

"Who! Get out!"

"Dare to play tricks behind your back, don't you dare play with yourself!"

In the next second, Taotie and Five Elements Sparrow appeared in front of this person together.

Then launched a fierce attack without hesitation.

Both spirit beasts are very powerful in combat.

The five-element sparrow is an existence that can fight against the king class.

Not to mention Taotie, the tenth level of Overlord.

It is within the exclusive field again, not to mention the combat effectiveness.

Compared with the Five Elements Sparrow, it will only be stronger.

Under the siege of the two beasts, the king-level beast master even summoned all his spirit beasts.

In the end, it is still the fate of defeat.

His life was harvested by the joint efforts of the Five Elements Sparrow and Taotie.

After leaving the realm of gluttony.

Taotie used his devilish energy again, Taotie consolidated the somewhat scattered view outside.

After that, he once again pulled a king-level beast-monitoring envoy into the realm of gluttony.

Just like the god of death calling names, they are constantly harvesting the lives of these people.

Anyone who is pulled into the realm of gluttony.

Without exception, they were charged with their lives!


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