Facing the snow monster king who had cast madness.

Xue Nu is also not to be outdone.

The silver hair floated up, and a snowflake imprint emerged between the eyebrows.

An extremely cold breath began to emanate from his whole body.

Extremely cold body.

The epic talent has a similar effect to the madness of the Snow Monster King.

The same is to strengthen one's own strength.

At this moment, the strength of the snow girl and the snow monster king were once again on the same level.

The bitter ice-attribute spiritual power gathered in the air, blasting towards the Snow Monster King crazily.

The snow monster king swung the ice hammer in his hand, and a thick layer of ice shield condensed out in front of him.

Blocked all the attacks of Snow Maiden.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same.

Under such circumstances, defense is obviously much easier than offense.

The Snow Monster King can relatively easily defend against the Snow Maiden's attack.

Snow Maiden wants to break the Snow Monster King's defense.

That is a more troublesome thing.

However, Xue Nu did not come alone on this trip.

It came together after forming an alliance with Su Qi.

Since Snow Maiden can't easily break through the defense of the Snow Monster King.

Then add Su Qi's power 06 star.

The three spirit beasts, Taotie, Reverse Soul Golden Tiger, and Five Elements Sparrow, immediately emerged.

The demonic energy was cast out to the sky, and the raging demonic energy permeated the world.

The strength of all creatures has been weakened by the erosion of demon energy.

During the period, Taotie also tried to pull the snow monster king directly into the domain of Taotie to fight.

It's a pity that it failed.

The frenzied scarlet aura of the Snow Monster King stopped Taotie's actions.

It was not allowed to be pulled into the gluttonous realm.

If successful, it is almost unnecessary to fight.

He directly grabbed the Ice Soul Snow Lotus and ran away.

Then just find a random place to release the Snow Monster King.

The most important thing in this trip is to grab the ice lotus.

It's a pity that the plan is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

The plan to draw the Yeti King into the realm of gluttony failed.

Naturally, everything that followed could not continue.

With the appearance of Taotie and other beasts, Su Qi's human identity was completely exposed at this moment.

The snow monster king's eyes were startled at first, and then returned to normal and said:

"I didn't expect the proud Xuenv to choose to join forces with a human?"

"It's still such a weak human being, it's really embarrassing for the ancestors of the Snow Maiden."

Facing the fierce method of the Snow Monster King.

Xue Nu was unmoved at all.

Waves of violent attacks were still blasting towards the Snow Monster King.

And Taotie and other spirit beasts did not fall behind.

The monstrous demonic energy soared straight into the sky and fell down.

The five-color divine light and power bloomed, constantly washing away the snow monster king's defense.

The White Tiger Divine Seal condensed and smashed down from the air.

Constantly bombarding the defense formed by the Snow Monster King.

Facing Snow Maiden's solo attack, the Snow Monster King must be able to defend perfectly.

But now the attacks that need to be faced have increased again.

This undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the Snow Monster King.

After all, there are three spirit beasts, Taotie, Reverse Soul Golden Tiger and Five Elements Sparrow.

That combined attack has the ability to fight against the half-step epic level.

This is the case even for Fat Bu Epic Rank who has the blessing of talent and whose strength has skyrocketed.

The original three flame scale dragons also had powerful skill blessings.

The strength skyrocketed.

But in the end it was killed.

And now the three spirit beasts have gone through so many battles.

The control of one's own strength is becoming more and more proficient.

Among them, Taotie's strength has also completed a breakthrough in a big realm.

This undoubtedly raised the threat of the epic level in the first half to several levels.

The strength of the Snow Monster King is half an epic level.

It has not officially broken through the epic level.

Facing the Snow Maiden now, it is also a half-step epic level.

And the gluttonous three beasts are not weaker than the half-step epic siege.

Immediately seemed a little powerless.

Started to fall into the downwind.

"Snow Girl, I didn't expect you to collude with humans!"

"It's really embarrassing for the Xuenv clan!"

"If the ancestors of the Xuenv clan know that you are colluding with humans, they will definitely humiliate you!"

The Snow Monster King angrily yelled at Xuenv.

In his words, he saw that Su Qi was a human being and launched an attack.

Keep repeating this point.

One is to put psychological pressure on Xue Nu.

The second is to tell other living beings about Su Qi's identity as a human being.

I want to let these creatures deal with Su Qi first.

It's just that the calculation of the Snow Monster King is doomed to fail.

Xuenv didn't have any fluctuations in her mentality because of the Snow Monster King's words.

The attack was still fierce, and they continued to bombard and kill the Snow Monster King one after another.

Even the attack became more ruthless, and the attack became more fierce.

And the other creatures around did not turn their backs and attack Su Qi as the Snow Monster King wished.

The reason is also very simple.

The performance of the Snow Monster King is too strong!

If it is said that the Snow Monster King is not so strong.

It was in a precarious state from the start.

Then these king-level creatures might choose to turn their backs and attack Su Qi.

The purpose is to try to balance the force zones between the two parties.

Whether it is the Snow Monster King is too strong.

Or Su Qi and Xue Nu are too strong.

That is of no benefit to these creatures.

Only when the two sides are evenly matched can they have the possibility to fish in troubled waters.

As for Su Qi's identity as a human being.

Before the war 943, it will also control the senses of these creatures.

But now that the battle has come to this point, it is no longer important.

Because in essence, all creatures are not of the same race.

It's just that there are some bigger contradictions between human beings and them.

The Snow Monster King was also a little annoyed when he saw that words were useless.

Facing the siege from both sides, he must be uncomfortable.

It is definitely life-threatening.

At this moment, the Snow Monster King's eyes fell on the Ice Soul Snow Lotus behind him.

Although the ice lotus is not yet fully mature.

The effect is definitely far worse than after maturity.

The effect of a whole immature snow lotus may not even compare to a mature snow lotus petal.

It's just that the situation is a little critical now.

Can't wait that long.

He directly swallowed the immature Ice Soul Snow Lotus and gave it a go.

Or give it a try?

Soon the Snow Monster King made a decision in his heart.

Swallow it straight away!

There is still some time before the ice lotus matures.

The Snow Monster King didn't think he could last that long.

That being the case.

Then you get the moon first if you are close to the water.

Swallow the Ice Soul Snow Lotus first!

Having made a decision, the Snow Monster King did not hesitate.

Immediately gave up the defense, turned around and stretched out his hand towards Bing Po Xue Lian.

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