The requirement for this task is that at least an extraordinary level beast master is required to accept it.

Su Qi just reached the threshold of accepting the task.

The mission rewards are also very generous.

The exact cause will be reported once the investigation is complete.

Then you can get a reward of 300 credits.

Three hundred points, converted according to the ratio of one credit to one hundred thousand.

That's an income of 30 million for one mission.

Su Qi chose this task.

A large part of the reason is because of the high credit income.

This is among the tasks he can accept.

The mission with the most generous credit rewards.

The credit rewards for other tasks are either a few points, a dozen points, or a few tens of points.

A few can be hundreds.

Otherwise, the time period will be longer.

This task of rewarding 300 credits belongs to the unique existence.

Credit rewards are high.

The task cycle also depends on the specific work efficiency of the task recipient.

The content of the mission is to go to a fishing village at the end of Kunxu Island.

Investigate the situation that singing is often heard in the village in the middle of the night recently.

If only there was singing in the middle of the night.

That's not enough to give a reward of 300 credits.

The main reason is that.

After each night, some fishermen go missing.

There is a high probability that he will not survive.

It is for this reason that the Kunxu Spiritual Academy gave the task.

Just look into the results.

As for processing, no need.

The Kunxu Spiritual Academy will release relevant processing tasks in the future.

Of course, if it can be dealt with directly.

That couldn't be better.

Kunxu Academy will evaluate the mission level based on the cause of this incident.

Issue the same credits as rewards.

Before the task is released, it has been evaluated, and it is an extraordinary beast master.

Even if it can't solve the problem, it can escape a life.

There is not much need to worry about whether there will be too much danger.

Moreover, although Su Qi's spirit beast advanced is at the extraordinary level.

But the real combat power is definitely not extraordinary.

It's not that the lord level can't fight.

Without hesitation, Su Qi immediately accepted the task and set off for the end of Kunxu Island.

For this trip, he still set off on the Holy Light Pegasus in the Spiritual Academy.

Con Xu Island is huge.

If you let him take him with his own spirit beast.

It will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

These Holy Light Pegasus are not unable to leave the Spiritual Academy.

It's just that you need to pay a daily fee of 100,000 to take you away from the Lingyuan.

Of course credits can also be deducted.

There are many discounts, and a credit can be rented for two days.

But even so, all students will still choose to pay instead of credits.

Compared with money, credits are much more difficult to get.

Riding the Holy Light Pegasus, Su Qi travels through the sky above Kun Xu Island.

It took about half a day or so before he arrived at his destination.

This is a fishing village.

People who live here basically go out to sea to fish.

Then sell the fish to Kunxu City to make a living.

At this moment, the fishing village no longer has the excitement of the past.

There was a dead silence.

Occasionally, the villagers who could be seen were in a hurry.

Obviously it was caused by the singing that appeared in the middle of the night.

Riding the Holy Light Pegasus, Su Qi came to the village chief's residence.

Ask him to find out.

It was the head of the fishing village who asked Kunxu City for help.

Then Kunxu City sent the news to Kunxu Lingyuan.

Arriving at the residence of the village chief, Su Qi saw an old man holding an old-fashioned pipe, pacing back and forth in the house.

"Excuse me, is the head of the fishing village here?"

Su Qi asked.

The old man smoking the gun stopped and looked at Su Qi.

"I am, who are you?"

"I'm Su Qi, a student of the Kunxu Spirit Academy, and I'm here on a mission."

Su Qi introduced himself.

"Are you from the Kunxu Spiritual Academy? Great, I'm finally waiting for you."

The village chief's face immediately showed joy.

"Hurry up, come with me, something happened just now."

"What happened again?"

Su Qi frowned slightly, and looked at the sky outside with some doubts.

It was still daytime.

Didn't it mean that the singing came out at night?

Changed again?

Thinking of this, Su Qi followed the village chief who was trotting ahead.

Following the village chief came to the edge of the fishing village.

This is a dock for fishing boats.

There are many fishing villages docked here.

At the same time, many villagers gathered here.

"Let's all go, let's all go, the big shots from the Kunxu Spiritual Academy are here."

The village head shouted.

Hearing this, all the villagers immediately gave way.

In Su Qi's vision, a dry corpse emerged.

The corpse was completely dry, with no blood visible at all.

The skin is close to the bones, and a human bone can be clearly seen.

"What's the situation?" Su Qi asked.

"It was fine before I went fishing today, but then somehow it became like this."

"It was discovered and brought back by a companion who went to sea together in the village."

Some villagers opened their mouths to explain to Su Qi.

Su Qi nodded and began to think about the specific situation in his heart.

By the looks of it, his whole body was sucked dry.

A spirit beast that sucks blood?

No, it seems that no blood-sucking spirit beast lives in the sea.

There may be deep seas, but they are tens of thousands of meters deep.

Will these fishermen go down to 10,000 meters deep in the sea?

"Who found this body, and have you found anything else?"

Su Qi asked a group of villagers.

"I found it. On his fishing boat, I also found some fish scales."

As he spoke, the man took out a few deep blue fish scales from his body and handed them to Su Qi.

The fish scales are not too small, about half the size of his palm.

[Scales of the giant fish: the scales of the alien beast, the scales of the giant fish, with an evil aura on them]


This is a fish with wings.

According to ancient books, when this kind of fish appears, it is often accompanied by floods.

But I haven't heard of any examples of this kind of spirit beast squeezing people dry.

"Where does the singing you hear every night come from?" Su Qi asked again.

"It's probably here, and it spreads from here to the village every night."

A villager answered.

Su Qi nodded, "Well, let's go, take this corpse back for a good burial."

"I will stay here tonight, none of you should come near here."

Hearing this, all the villagers smiled.

They all thanked Su Qi.

Been tormented by this for days.

At this moment, the villagers finally saw a glimmer of light.


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