After contracting Taotie.

Su Qi immediately took out a king-level resource with a dark attribute and gave it to Taotie.

Ready to try Taotie's refining speed.


A king-level resource was swallowed into the mouth, and it was completely refined in just over five hours.

This is an incredible speed.

Especially for a spirit beast of the first rank of the lord.

Jinyuan Tianhu and Bilangjiao are the sixth-level spirit beasts of the lord.

It would take a month or two to refine king-level resources.

After all, there is a king level and a lord level.

The gap between them is too great.

Refining such a powerful resource is naturally not an easy task.

But now, Taotie, whose state is even weaker, was refined in just over five hours.

This refining speed can be called terrifying.

After refining this king-level resource, the realm of Taotie has also been improved.

He jumped from the first level of the lord to the ninth level of the lord.

Close to the peak of the lord level.

King-level resources, it is only natural to have such power.

After more than five and thirty hours.

Taotie's body size has also grown a lot.

From the original palm size, it directly grew to the size of a normal adult man.

And this is not the limit.

As time goes by, Taotie will continue to grow in size.

When it was born, it had the strength of a lord.

But Taotie's body is only the size of a palm.

In the next period of time, Taotie's body will enter a period of rapid growth.

Growing at an extremely fast speed.

Until you have a body shape that exactly matches the lord level.

In terms of the speed at which Taotie's strength increases, there is absolutely no need for Su Qi to worry.

As long as the resources are sufficient, Taotie's strength will increase rapidly like a rocket.

Even if there are no resources, you can enter a certain secret realm.

Improve strength through continuous devouring.

Hmm... Maybe this is the correct way to open Taotie?

While devouring the dark attribute resources in his hands for Taotie.

Su Qi began to think about whether to wait until the dark attribute resources in his hand were exhausted.

Put the Taotie in a certain secret territory for a while to see.

If it is feasible, maybe he will no longer need to prepare related resources for cultivating Luoluo.

It directly saves the cultivation resources of a spirit beast.

That's a big expense savings.

After feeding Taotie some resources.

Before Su Qi got up, he was going to take a special look at the situation of Jinyuan Tianhu and Bilangjiao.

Both Jinyuan Tianhu and Bilangjiao were placed in the special area by Su Qi to practice and improve their strength.

The water of life is enough, and the credits in exchange are naturally enough to support the continuous cultivation of the two spirit beasts in the special area.

After two months, the strength of the two has also improved.

They have all reached the first level of the lord.

It is in the stage of accumulating strength to break through the overlord level.

The speed of breaking through this realm cannot be compared with that of Taotie.

But compared with other spirit beasts of the same lord level.

Then the speed of this strength improvement is undoubtedly very fast.

It mainly depends on who you compare yourself with.

It is definitely not comparable to a perverted one like Taotie.

With other ordinary spirit beasts, it is completely crushed.

When going downstairs, Su Qi ran into Chen who was picking up the courier.

Two months have passed, and Ying's appearance has also changed drastically.

Became an internet addict girl.

After contacting the Internet, I was addicted to it and couldn't extricate myself.



On the way to the special area, Su Qi heard successive bells ringing in the Kunxu Lingyuan.

The ringing of the bell spread throughout every corner of the Kunxu Lingyuan.

After a little recollection, Su Qi found that the bell sound was not simple.

It is the convening order of the Kunxu Lingyuan.

The appearance of this summoning order basically means that the Kunxu Spiritual Academy is about to do something important.

All members of the Spiritual Academy, whether students or mentors.

As long as they are in the spirit courtyard and have not gone out to perform tasks, they must gather.

Obey the deployment of the Spiritual Academy.

Of course, if the spirit beast is at the critical moment of breakthrough or evolution.

It is possible to apply for an extension of time.

The Spiritual Academy is still very humane in this respect.

After hearing the calling bell.

Su Qi also stopped to go to the special area.

Let the Holy Light Pegasus rush towards the square of the Kunxu Lingyuan.

Not only him, but many instructors and students in the Kunxu Spiritual Academy are like this.

They all put down what they were doing and rushed towards the central square of the Lingyuan.

Come to the central square of the Spiritual Academy.

Su Qi saw that many students and instructors had arrived early.

related matters are being discussed.

It's been quite some time since Su Qi made a big splash at the entrance ceremony.

During this period of time, he was not cultivating spirit beasts and living in seclusion.

That is to mix in the secret ground.

It has been more than five months.

In addition, when he came, he was riding the popular Holy Light Pegasus.

Therefore, in addition to causing some female students to pay attention to his appearance.

It didn't attract any special attention.

It blended smoothly into the crowd.

"What's the situation with the summoning order issued by the Spiritual Institute this time? Why is there no sign at all?"

"That's right. In the past, there were some signs of summoning orders. Everyone probably knew what it was. This time, there were no signs."

"I heard that this summoning order has something to do with terrorist organizations."

"Terrorist organization? Has Kunxu Island been attacked by a terrorist organization?"

"Impossible 710, there is no movement at all."

"Yes, and which terrorist organization is so brave to come to Kuntai District to do things?"

"No, the news I got is that the Kunxu domain is going to attack terrorist organizations.

"Strange, why do you suddenly want to attack a terrorist organization?"

"I don't know, that's the information I got."

Listening to the conversations of the people around, Su Qi also had a certain guess and understanding of the summoning order.

Many people were talking about it along the way.

The core is four words, terrorist organization.

Speaking of reasons, they are more or less living with terrorist organizations.

Su Qi doesn't know much about terrorist organizations.

Basically only heard of.

Perhaps the only time I have dealt with each other was when I first arrived at Kunxu Island.

Received an investigation mission from Kunxu Lingyuan.

In that fishing village, I met two lord-level beast masters.

Since the matter was not followed up, Su Qi was not sure about the true identities of the two.

Is it a terrorist organization or an enemy spy?

Not long after, Sheng Aoxue Jiao appeared above the central square.

It was Chu Xiaxuan, the senior sister, who was in charge of this matter.

After looking at the people present.

Chu Xiaxuan didn't procrastinate.

Immediately began to explain the reasons for the convening order.

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